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Last active January 3, 2020 10:29
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Override migrate_spreadsheet to have basic XLSX formatting support
# migrations/migrate_accessories.yml
id: migrate_accessories
label: 'Migrate accessories from the xlsx file'
migration_group: migration_accessories
plugin: spreadsheet_with_formatting
file: assets/accessories.xlsx
worksheet: 'en'
header_row: 1
origin: A2
'Short name':
type: text
text_format: 'basic_html'
title: 'Short name'
body/value: 'Description'
body/format: constants/text_format
plugin: 'entity:node'
default_bundle: accessory
required: { }
optional: { }
// src/Plugin/migrate/source/Spreadsheet.php
namespace Drupal\my_project\Plugin\migrate\source;
use Drupal\my_project\SpreadsheetIterator;
use Drupal\migrate\MigrateException;
use Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrationInterface;
use Drupal\migrate_spreadsheet\Plugin\migrate\source\Spreadsheet as SpreadsheetContrib;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
* Extends migrate_spreadsheet source to allow to retrieve formatting.
* @MigrateSource(
* id = "spreadsheet_with_formatting"
* )
class Spreadsheet extends SpreadsheetContrib {
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, MigrationInterface $migration = NULL) {
return new static(
// Custom SpreadsheetIterator to handle RichText cells.
new SpreadsheetIterator()
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function loadWorksheet() {
$config = $this->getConfiguration();
// Check that the file exists.
if (!file_exists($config['file'])) {
throw new MigrateException("File with path '{$config['file']}' doesn't exist.");
// Check that a non-empty worksheet has been passed.
if (empty($config['worksheet'])) {
throw new MigrateException('No worksheet was passed.');
// Load the workbook.
try {
$file_path = $this->fileSystem->realpath($config['file']);
// Identify the type of the input file.
$type = IOFactory::identify($file_path);
// Create a new Reader of the file type.
/** @var \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\BaseReader $reader */
$reader = IOFactory::createReader($type);
// Note: this commented line is the only change of the overridden code.
// Advise the Reader that we only want to load cell data.
// $reader->setReadDataOnly(TRUE);
// Advise the Reader of which worksheet we want to load.
/** @var \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet $workbook */
$workbook = $reader->load($file_path);
return $workbook->getSheet(0);
catch (\Exception $e) {
$class = get_class($e);
throw new MigrateException("Got '$class', message '{$e->getMessage()}'.");
// src/SpreadsheetIterator.php
namespace Drupal\my_project;
use Drupal\migrate_spreadsheet\SpreadsheetIterator as SpreadsheetIteratorContrib;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\RichText\RichText;
* Provides a spreadsheet iterator.
class SpreadsheetIterator extends SpreadsheetIteratorContrib {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function current() {
$keys = $this->getKeys();
$all_columns = $keys + $this->getColumns();
if ($row_index_column = $this->getRowIndexColumn()) {
// We set '@' here so that when it will be sorted, later, it will be the
// first in the list. Ascii of '@' is lower than ascii of 'A'.
$all_columns[$row_index_column] = '@';
elseif (empty($keys)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Row index should act as key but no name has been provided. Pass a string in \$config['row_index_column'] key when setting the configuration in SpreadsheetIterator::setConfiguration(\$config), to provide a name for this column.");
// Arrange columns in their spreadsheet native order.
return array_map(
function ($col_letter) {
if ($col_letter === '@') {
return $this->getAbsoluteRowIndex();
elseif ($cell = $this->getWorksheet()->getCell("$col_letter{$this->getAbsoluteRowIndex()}", FALSE)) {
// Note: code added to handle the RichText to HTML conversion.
$value = $cell->getValue();
if ($value instanceof RichText) {
return $this->richTextToHTML($value);
return $cell->getCalculatedValue();
// Fall back to NULL.
return NULL;
* Converts RichText element to an HTML string.
* @param \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\RichText\RichText $value
* The RichText element.
* @return string
* The HTML string.
protected function richTextToHTML(RichText $value) {
$result = '';
foreach ($value->getRichTextElements() as $element) {
$font = $element->getFont();
$prefix = '';
$suffix = '';
if ($font->getBold()) {
$prefix .= '<strong>';
$suffix = '</strong>' . $suffix;
if ($font->getItalic()) {
$prefix .= '<em>';
$suffix = '</em>' . $suffix;
$result .= $prefix . $element->getText() . $suffix;
return _filter_autop($result);
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