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Created October 29, 2018 22:38
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kit.vim - Vim syntax file for Kit programming language
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Kit
" Maintainer: MIURA Masahiro <>
" Last Change: 2018-10-30
" License: GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let b:current_syntax = "kit"
syn region kitCommentOneLine start="//" end="$"
syn region kitCommentMultiLine start="/\*" end="\*/"
syn keyword kitConstant null empty this Self
syn region kitStringOneLine start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/ oneline
syn region kitStringMultiLine start=/"""/ end=/"""/
syn match kitCharacter /c'.'/
" syn match kitNumber ...
syn keyword kitBoolean true false
" syn match kitFloat ...
" syn match kitIdentifier ...
" syn match kitFunction ...
syn keyword kitStatement function trait implement return as
syn keyword kitConditional if else match
syn keyword kitRepeat for do while
syn keyword kitLabel default
syn keyword kitOperator sizeof
syn keyword kitException throw
" syn keyword kitPreProc ...
syn keyword kitInclude include import
" syn keyword kitDefine ...
syn keyword kitMacro rules using rule
" syn keyword kitPreCondit ...
syn keyword kitType Int8 Int16 Short Int32 Int64 Long
syn keyword kitType Uint8 Byte Uint16 Unt32 Uint64
syn keyword kitType Float32 Float Float64 Double
syn keyword kitType Bool Char Int Size Ptr
syn keyword kitType List CArray CString
syn keyword kitStorageClass static
syn keyword kitStorageClass var const
" syn keyword kitStorageClass register volatile
syn keyword kitStructure struct union enum
syn keyword kitTypedef typedef
" syn keyword kitSpecial
" syn keyword kitSpecialChar
" syn keyword kitTag
" syn keyword kitSpecialComment
" syn keyword kitDebug
" syn keyword kitUnderlined
" syn keyword kitIgnore
" syn keyword kitError
" syn keyword kitTodo
hi def link kitCommentOneLine Comment
hi def link kitCommentMultiLine Comment
hi def link kitConstant Constant
hi def link kitStringOneLine String
hi def link kitStringMultiLine String
hi def link kitCharacter Character
" hi def link kitNumber Number
hi def link kitBoolean Boolean
" hi def link kitFloat Float
" hi def link kitIdentifier Identifier
" hi def link kitFunction Function
hi def link kitStatement Statement
hi def link kitConditional Conditional
hi def link kitRepeat Repeat
hi def link kitLabel Label
hi def link kitOperator Operator
hi def link kitException Exception
" hi def link kitPreProc Preproc
hi def link kitInclude Include
" hi def link kitDefine Define
hi def link kitMacro Macro
" hi def link kitPreCondit PreCondit
hi def link kitType Type
hi def link kitStorageClass StorageClass
hi def link kitStructure Structure
hi def link kitTypedef Typedef
" hi def link kitSpecial Special
" hi def link kitSpecialComment SpecialChar
" hi def link kitTag Tag
" hi def link kitSpecialComment SpecialComment
" hi def link kitDebug Debug
" hi def link kitUnderlined Underlined
" hi def link kitIgnore Ignore
" hi def link kitError Error
" hi def link kitTodo Todo
" end of file
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