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Created December 29, 2020 13:36
Quick sort blog - For
function quickSort(nums) {
function recursiveQuickSort(nums, leftIndex, rightIndex) {
// Run until we have less than 2 elements to sort
if (leftIndex >= rightIndex) {
// Correctly place a number within the current range
const partitionIndex = partititon(nums, leftIndex, rightIndex);
// Call the function again on either side of the correctly sorted number
recursiveQuickSort(nums, leftIndex, partitionIndex - 1);
recursiveQuickSort(nums, partitionIndex + 1, rightIndex);
function partititon(nums, leftIndex, rightIndex) {
// Choose a pivot point (right-most value)
const pivotIndex = rightIndex;
// Create a marker to show where the first greater-than-pivot number is stored
let firstGreaterThanPivotIndex = leftIndex;
for (let i = leftIndex; i < rightIndex; i++) {
// If the current number is less than the pivot
if (nums[i] <= nums[pivotIndex]) {
// Swap the current number with the first greater than pivot number
[nums[i], nums[firstGreaterThanPivotIndex]] = [
// Increment the first greater than pivot counter, as the number in that position is now lower than the pivot
// Place the pivot in the middle of the sorted values, swapping it for the first higher-than-pivot value
[nums[firstGreaterThanPivotIndex], nums[pivotIndex]] = [
return firstGreaterThanPivotIndex;
recursiveQuickSort(nums, 0, nums.length - 1);
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