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Last active April 24, 2024 00:24
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// This code is public domain
// Created by DuncanRuns
#include "cubiomes/finders.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
typedef struct {
uint64_t rand;
uint8_t canSpawn;
int xGuess, zGuess;
int upperY, lowerY;
float yaw, pitch;
int ravineLength;
double verticalRadiusAtCenter;
double x, y, z;
} RavineGenerator;
void initCarverSeed(uint64_t *rand, uint64_t worldSeed, int chunkX, int chunkZ) {
setSeed(rand, worldSeed);
setSeed(rand, ((uint64_t) chunkX) * nextLong(rand) ^ ((uint64_t) chunkZ) * nextLong(rand) ^ worldSeed);
* Initializes a ravine generator.
* <br>
* This will create a RavineGenerator with starting parameters and some approximations. To get accurate values, use simulateRavineToMiddle afterwards.
* <br>
* The returned struct has the following characteristics:
* <li> canSpawn == 1 if the ravine can spawn; any of the following values are invalid if canSpawn == 0 </li>
* <li> yaw, pitch, x, y, and z are initialized to the start of the ravine (these changes over iteration of ravine drawing) </li>
* <li> ravineLength and verticalRadiusAtCenter are calculated and are accurate</li>
* <li> xGuess, zGuess, upperY, and lowerY are approximate guesses of the middle of the ravine based on other starting parameters </li>
RavineGenerator initRavine(uint64_t worldSeed, int chunkX, int chunkZ) {
RavineGenerator gen;
uint64_t *rand = &gen.rand;
initCarverSeed(rand, worldSeed, chunkX, chunkZ);
if (nextFloat(rand) > 0.02) {
gen.canSpawn = 0;
return gen;
gen.canSpawn = 1;
gen.x = (double) chunkX * 16 + nextInt(rand, 16);
gen.y = (double) (nextInt(rand, nextInt(rand, 40) + 8) + 20);
gen.z = (double) (chunkZ * 16 + nextInt(rand, 16));
gen.yaw = nextFloat(rand) * (float) (PI * 2);
gen.pitch = (nextFloat(rand) - 0.5F) / 4.0F;
gen.verticalRadiusAtCenter = (1.5 + (double) ((nextFloat(rand) * 2.0F + nextFloat(rand)) * 2.0F)) * 3.0;
gen.ravineLength = 112 - nextInt(rand, 28);
// Approximations
int middleMiddleY = gen.y + (int) (sin(gen.pitch) * gen.ravineLength / 2);
gen.lowerY = (int) (middleMiddleY - gen.verticalRadiusAtCenter);
gen.upperY = (int) (middleMiddleY + gen.verticalRadiusAtCenter + 1);
float deltaHorizontal = cos(gen.pitch);
gen.xGuess = (int) (gen.ravineLength / 2 * cos(gen.yaw) * deltaHorizontal);
gen.zGuess = (int) (gen.ravineLength / 2 * sin(gen.yaw) * deltaHorizontal);
return gen;
* Simulates half of a ravine using a RavineGenerator made from initRavine.
* <br>
* The returned struct has the following characteristics:
* <li> canSpawn is unchanged and should have been checked before </li>
* <li> xGuess, zGuess, ravineLength and verticalRadiusAtCenter are also unchanged </li>
* <li> yaw, pitch, x, y, and z represent coordinates (and direction of the ravine) at the center of the ravine </li>
* <li> upperY and lowerY are set to the y level bounds of the center of the ravine (full bounds may not be reached, allow a few extra blocks if lava is required) </li>
void simulateRavineToMiddle(RavineGenerator *gen) {
uint64_t *rand = &gen->rand;
uint64_t canyonSeed = nextLong(rand);
setSeed(rand, canyonSeed);
// Let's roll some rng for fun!!! (It makes some sort of block mask or something)
for (int fun = 0; fun < 256; ++fun) {
if (fun == 0 || nextInt(rand, 3) == 0) {
float ravineShifterA = 0.0F;
float ravineShifterB = 0.0F;
for (int u = 0; u < (gen->ravineLength / 2); ++u) {
// printf("%d:%lld - %.5f\n",u,*rand,gen->x);
float deltaHorizontal = cos(gen->pitch);
float deltaY = sin(gen->pitch);
gen->x += (double) (cos(gen->yaw) * deltaHorizontal);
gen->y += (double) deltaY;
gen->z += (double) (sin(gen->yaw) * deltaHorizontal);
gen->pitch *= 0.7F;
gen->pitch += ravineShifterB * 0.05F;
gen->yaw += ravineShifterA * 0.05F;
ravineShifterB *= 0.8F;
ravineShifterA *= 0.5F;
ravineShifterB += (nextFloat(rand) - nextFloat(rand)) * nextFloat(rand) * 2.0F;
ravineShifterA += (nextFloat(rand) - nextFloat(rand)) * nextFloat(rand) * 4.0F;
nextInt(rand, 4);
gen->upperY = (int) (gen->y + gen->verticalRadiusAtCenter + 1);
// MC code suggests additional -1, but it seems to usually not reach it
gen->lowerY = (int) (gen->y - gen->verticalRadiusAtCenter);
if (gen->lowerY < 1) {
gen->lowerY = 1;
if (gen->upperY > 248) {
gen->upperY = 248;
// Test functions below, do not include in project
void generateSomeRavines() {
int totalFound = 0;
for (uint64_t worldSeed = 0; worldSeed < (1 << 16); worldSeed++) {
RavineGenerator r = initRavine(worldSeed, 0, 0);
if (r.canSpawn) {
int startX = (int) r.x;
int startY = (int) r.y;
int startZ = (int) r.z;
int gx = r.xGuess, gz = r.zGuess;
int lowerGuess = r.lowerY;
int upperGuess = r.upperY;
if (r.lowerY < 8 && r.upperY >= 41) {
printf("%lld: start=(%d %d %d), guess=(%d %d->%d %d), middle=(%d %d %d), middleRange=(%d,%d)\n",
startX, startY, startZ,
gx, lowerGuess, upperGuess, gz,
(int) r.x, (int) r.y, (int) r.z,
r.lowerY, r.upperY);
if (++totalFound == 10) {
void findSeedsWithMagmaRavines() {
Generator g;
setupGenerator(&g, MC_1_16_1, 0);
int totalFound = 0;
for (uint64_t lower48 = 0; lower48 < (1 << 16); lower48++) {
RavineGenerator r = initRavine(lower48, 0, 0);
if (r.canSpawn) {
if (r.lowerY > 7 || r.upperY < 42) continue;
for (uint64_t upper16 = 0; upper16 < 300; upper16++) {
uint64_t worldSeed = (upper16 << 48) | lower48;
applySeed(&g, DIM_OVERWORLD, worldSeed);
int i = getBiomeAt(&g, 4, r.x / 4, r.y / 4, r.z / 4);
if (isDeepOcean(i)) {
printf("%lld: %d %d %d\n", worldSeed, (int) r.x, (int) r.y, (int) r.z);
if (++totalFound == 100) {
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