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Created September 23, 2017 16:40
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A basic Redux store for Python in 50 lines of code (including comments)
def createStore(reducer, state, enhancer):
Store instance constructor
.. code-block: python
from store import createStore
initialState = {
data: 1
def myReducer(state, action):
# Access properies with dot notation!
if action.type == 'INCREMENT':
return +
# Same interface as Redux
store = createStore(myReducer, initalState)
print(str(store.getState())) # { 'data': 1 }
store.dispatch({'type': 'INCREMENT', 'data': 1})
print(str(store.getState())) # { 'data': 2 }
return Store(reducer, state, enhancer)
class Store:
def __init__(self, reducer, preLoadedState, enhancer):
self._reducer = reducer
self._state = preLoadedState
self._enhancer = enhancer # TODO
def getState(self):
return self._state
def dispatch(self, action):
self._state = self._reducer(*_wrapAction(self._state, action))
def _wrapAction(state, action):
class objectView:
def __init__(self, inner):
self.__dict__ = inner
actionView = objectView(action)
stateView = objectView(state) if isinstance(state, dict) else state
return stateView, actionView
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