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Last active November 4, 2016 22:35
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  • Save DustinAlandzes/68255fe352f1e310f232259e06a4c0da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DustinAlandzes/68255fe352f1e310f232259e06a4c0da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# download with this command:
# curl -O
# once you have it downloaded
# usage: ./ folderYouAreChecking fileYouWantTokeep
# be careful, make sure you specify the right folder and file
# you could potentially rm -rf * somewhere important
# may need to give this file execution permissions, you can do this with chmod:
# chmod +x
#user arguments, $1 = folderYouAreChecking, $2 = fileYouWantToKeep
#change directory to the folder specified
cd $folder
#copy the file we want to /tmp
cp $file /tmp/$file
#remove all the files
rm -rf *
#move the file we wanted back from /tmp to . (the current directory)
mv /tmp/$file .
echo success
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