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Created January 21, 2018 21:59
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from math import log
def arbitrage(table):
transformed_graph = [[-log(edge) for edge in row] for row in graph]
# Pick any source vertex -- we can run Bellman-Ford from any vertex and
# get the right result
source = 0
n = len(transformed_graph)
min_dist = [float('inf')] * n
min_dist[source] = 0
# Relax edges |V - 1| times
for i in range(n - 1):
for v in range(n):
for w in range(n):
if min_dist[w] > min_dist[v] + transformed_graph[v][w]:
min_dist[w] = min_dist[v] + transformed_graph[v][w]
# If we can still relax edges, then we have a negative cycle
for v in range(n):
for w in range(n):
if min_dist[w] > min_dist[v] + transformed_graph[v][w]:
return True
return False
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drbh commented Apr 27, 2019

Also this article and snippet inspired a Bellman Ford implementation in Rust+wasm:

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