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Last active September 29, 2017 20:37
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Viper delegated voting fixed
# Voting with delegation
# This is based on @DavidKnott's viper/examples/voting/ and
# but diverges significantly due to the constraint of bounded gas cost.
# version with cycle breaking feature:
# Information about voters
voters: public({
# `chairperson` called `give_right_to_vote` for this voter
can_vote : bool,
# if true, this voter's direct or deligated vote has been counted. initially False.
counted : bool,
# person delegated to, if they called `delegate`. the initial value of
# '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' means they have not delegated.
delegate: address,
# index of the voted proposal, _if_ they directly voted by calling `vote`.
# -1 means they haven't directly voted, but possibly they delegated.
direct_vote: num
# This is a type for a list of proposals.
proposals: public({
# short name (up to 32 bytes)
name: bytes32,
# number of accumulated votes
vote_count: num
voter_count: public(num)
chairperson: public(address)
# Setup global variables
def __init__(_proposalNames: bytes32[5]):
self.chairperson = msg.sender
self.voter_count = 0
for i in range(1,5):
self.proposals[i] = {
name: _proposalNames[i],
vote_count: 0
def hasDirectlyVoted(addr: address) -> bool:
return self.voters[addr].direct_vote != -1
def hasDelegated(addr: address) -> bool:
return self.voters[addr].delegate != 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
def hasActed(addr: address) -> bool:
return self.hasDirectlyVoted(addr) or self.hasDelegated(addr)
# Give an address the right to vote on this ballot.
# May only be called by `chairperson`.
def give_right_to_vote(addr_of_new_voter: address):
# Throws if sender is not chairpers
assert msg.sender == self.chairperson
# We use 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 as a flag, so
# throw if try to give voting right to it
assert addr_of_new_voter != 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
# Throws if already voted or delegated
assert not self.hasActed(addr_of_new_voter)
self.voter_count += 1
self.voters[addr_of_new_voter].can_vote = True
# This means they haven't directly voted. The default inital value
# of 0 would mean they directly voted for proposal 0.
self.voters[addr_of_new_voter].direct_vote = -1
# Delegate your vote to the voter at `to_addr`.
def delegate(to_addr: address):
# Throws if sender has already directly voted or delegated
assert not self.hasActed(msg.sender)
# Throws if sender tries to delegate their vote to themselves
assert not msg.sender == to_addr
# Throws if delegate has not been given the right to vote
assert self.voters[to_addr].can_vote
self.voters[msg.sender].delegate = to_addr
# Directly vote on `proposals[proposal_ind].name`. _Eventually_ this
# will result in votes delegated to you being counted also.
def vote(proposal_ind: num):
# Throws if sender has already voted or delegated
assert not self.hasActed(msg.sender)
self.voters[msg.sender].counted = True
self.voters[msg.sender].direct_vote = proposal_ind
# If `proposal` is out of the range of the array,
# this will throw automatically and revert all
# changes.
self.proposals[proposal_ind].vote_count += 1
# If voter u has delegated to v, and v has
# submitted their vote, and u has not had their vote counted,
# then this will count's u's vote.
# Note that this can be called by anyone to move the contract forward.
def count_delegated_vote(u_addr:address):
assert self.hasDelegated(u_addr)
u = self.voters[u_addr]
assert not u.counted
v_addr = u.delegate
assert self.hasDirectlyVoted(v_addr)
v = self.voters[v_addr]
# If `v.ballot_ind` is out of the range of the array,
# this will throw automatically and revert all
# changes.
proposal = self.proposals[v.direct_vote]
u.counted = True
proposal.vote_count += 1
# If voter u has an uncounted delegation to some voter v, and v has a counted
# delegation to a voter w who has submitted a ballot, then we move u's delegation
# from v to w.
# We then might as well call count_delegated_vote on u.
# Note that this can be called by anyone to move the contract forward.
def shorten_delegation_chain(u_addr:address):
assert self.hasDelegated(u_addr)
u = self.voters[u_addr]
assert not u.counted
v_addr = u.delegate
assert self.hasDelegated(v_addr)
v = self.voters[v_addr]
assert v.counted
w_addr = v.delegate
assert self.hasDirectlyVoted(w_addr)
u.delegate = w_addr
# Computes the winning proposal taking only counted votes into account.
def winning_proposal_from_counted_votes() -> num:
winning_vote_count = 0
for i in range(5):
if self.proposals[i].vote_count > winning_vote_count:
winning_vote_count = self.proposals[i].vote_count
winning_proposal = i
return winning_proposal
# Calls winning_proposal() function to get the index
# of the winner contained in the proposals array and then
# returns the name of the winner
def current_winner_name() -> bytes32:
return self.proposals[self.winning_proposal_from_counted_votes()].name
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