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Created March 25, 2023 03:40
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Loading iOS 14.0...
kernel_low: 0xfffffff004000000
kernel_high: 0xfffffff00a4cd4f0
KPF: found apfs_vfsop_mount
KPF: found handle_eval_rootauth
KPF: Found AMFI hashtype check
kpf_amfi_callback: Found AMFI (Leaf)
kpf_amfi_callback: Found lookup_in_trust_cache_module @ 0xfffffff007b5d71c
KPF: Found mac_mount
KPF: Found mac_mount
kpf_amfi_callback: Found AMFI (Routine)
kpf_amfi_callback: Found lookup_in_static_trust_cache @ 0xfffffff0097edcb8
qemu-system-aarch64: Missing patch: trustcache16
KPF: Found AppleKeyStoreUserClient::handleUserClientCommandGated
Qemu FB realize
boot_mode: 1
g_virt_base: 0xfffffff01c000000
g_phys_base: 0x0000000802000000
slide_virt: 0x00000000195e4000
slide_phys: 0x00000000015e4000
entry: 0x00000008077044e8
cmdline: [debug=0x14e kextlog=0xffff serial=3 -v wdt=-1]
VNC server running on
iBoot version: qemu-t8030
Darwin Image4 Validator Version 3.0.0: Wed Aug 12 22:19:21 PDT 2020; root:AppleImage4-
AMFI is running in RESEARCH mode!
AUC:[0xffffffe19b720c30]::probe(0xffffffe19b4ea120, 0xffffffe807c83dac)
AppleCredentialManager: init: called, instance = <ptr>.
ACMFirstResponderKernelService: init: called, .
ACMRM-S: init: called, starting PersistentStore service.
ACMRM-C: init: called, starting AccessoryCache service.
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: acc-cache size = 16 (default).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: acc-cache expiration = 2592000 (default).
ACMRM: init: called, starting TRM service.
ACMRM-A: init: called, starting TRM Analytics service.
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: analytics collection period = 86400 (default).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: policy mode timeout = 259200 (default).
ACMRM-A: notifyStandardModeTimeoutChanged: called, value = 259200 (modified = YES).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: (bounded) grace period timeout = 3600 (default).
ACMRM-A: notifyGracePeriodTimeoutChanged: called, value = 3600 (modified = YES).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: enabled = 1 (default).
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO* BtArg=NO LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO* LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
ACMRM: _loadDisabledByOSEnvironment: disabled by OSEnvironment: NO.
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO* | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
ACMRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_PolicyTimeout = 259200.
ACMRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: sending kIOMessageServicePropertyChange(n=1) while DISABLED, TRM: 259200 -/ff 4294967295 -/ff miss=ff (CUR: 259200 -/ff 4294967295 -/ff).
AppleCredentialManager: init: returning, result = true, instance = <ptr>.
AppleARMBootPerf: Error: profile region not found (2)
AppleARMBootPerf: Error: failed to publish profile data (2)
virtual bool CoreAnalyticsHub::start(IOService *)::105:CoreAnalyticsHub start
AppleInterruptController::start: Num Shared Timestamps == 0
AppleS8000AES::start: registers at phys:0x0x235008000/0x0x23d2d0000 virt:0x<ptr>/0x0x4000 / 0x<ptr>/0x0x4000
AppleSSE::start called
AppleSSE::start returning, result = 1
AppleGPIOICController::start: this: <ptr>, _gpioicBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleGPIOICController::start: this: <ptr>, _gpioicBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleSEPKeyStore:321:0: starting (BUILT: Aug 12 2020 22:51:30)
AppleSEPKeyStore:545:0: _sep_enabled = 1
AppleCredentialManager: start: called, instance = <ptr>.
ACMRM: _publishIOResource: AppleUSBRestrictedModeTimeout = 259200.
AppleCredentialManager: start: initializing power management, instance = <ptr>.
AppleCredentialManager: start: started, instance = <ptr>.
AppleCredentialManager: start: returning, result = true, instance = <ptr>.
AppleGPIOICController::start: this: <ptr>, _gpioicBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c0 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c1 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
virtual bool AppleARMLightEmUp::start(IOService *): starting...
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c2 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: smc-i2c1 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c3 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
000002.453922 AppleT8030TypeCPhy@0: AppleT8027TypeCPhy::start: usb3-phy-parent not specified
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: smc-i2c0 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
000002.606599 wlan0.A[1] start@968:Default options property found with value 4
Creating an object of AppleBCMWLANPlatformFunctionEmbeddedAMFM class
000002.622454 wlan0.A[2] start@1401: Raised adjustBusy(+1), getBusyState() -> 2
000002.622900 wlan0.A[3] start@1403:Setting up notifier for CoreAnalyticsHub
Identified Serial Port uart7 at 0x23521c000(<ptr>)
Identified Serial Port uart0 at 0x235200000(<ptr>)
AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub <ptr>
RTBuddy(SMC): start(<ptr>) - (Aug 12 2020@22:50:37)
RTBuddy(SMC): Boot args override: wdt = -1
RTBuddy(SMC): Resuming...
AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub <ptr>
AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub <ptr>
RTBuddy(SIO): start(<ptr>) - (Aug 12 2020@22:50:37)
Starting AppleSMC kext(<ptr>) - (Aug 12 2020@22:51:44)
AppleSMCEmbedded::setPowerState(): ENTER powerStateOrdinal=1, _activeKeyCommand=17 newState=1
RTBuddy(ANS2): start(<ptr>) - (Aug 12 2020@22:50:37)
RTBuddy(SIO): Boot args override: wdt = -1
LPM: Log data is NOT valid. 0x0 0x0
AppleDialogSPMIPMU::start: Primary PMU detected
RTBuddy(ANS2): Boot args override: wdt = -1
AppleARMRTC started!#####
AppleDialogSPMIPMURTC started!******
Failed to read info-leg_scrpadRTBuddy(ANS2): Resuming...
RTBuddy(SIO): Resuming...
AppleDialogSPMIPMURTC tick read!&&&&&&&
AppleDialogSPMIPMURTC ending!%%%
/Library/Caches/ _setPowerStateGated() ENTER powerStateOrdinal=1, _powerState=1
AppleARMRTC registering service!@@@@@@
AppleARMRTC service registered!$$$$$
AppleARMRTC publishing service!^^^^^^
AppleSmartIO (RTBuddy-based)::start (<ptr>) - (Aug 12 2020@22:19:30)
virtual IOService *AppleANS2NVMeController::probe(IOService *, SInt32 *)::194:Found (ANS2) provider, returning score 100000
virtual bool AppleANS2NVMeController::start(IOService *)::394:Found the ANS2Endpoint1
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::SetNamespacesStruct()::186:Obtained 7 namespaces from DT
virtual IOFilterInterruptEventSource *AppleANS2NVMeController::CreateDeviceInterrupt(IOInterruptEventSource::Action, IOFilterInterruptEventSource::Filter, IOService *)::2719:ANS2 NVMe interrupt index - 0x4
Identified Serial Port uart4 at 0x235210000(<ptr>)
apfs_module_start:2411: load:, v1677.0.5, apfs-1677.0.5, 2020/08/12 kmod start
apfs_sysctl_register:1253: done registering sysctls. load succeeded
L2TP domain init
L2TP domain init complete
Load request for failed: -603946998
Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOMedia</string><key>IOPropertyMatch</key><dict ID="2"><key>Partition ID</key><integer size="64" ID="3">0x1</integer></dict></dict>
virtual IOReturn IONVMeController::CreateSubmissionQueue(uint16_t, uint8_t)::2886:SQ index=0 entrysize=64
virtual IOReturn IONVMeController::CreateSubmissionQueue(uint16_t, uint8_t)::2886:SQ index=1 entrysize=128
virtual void AppleANS2NVMeController::SetModeselRegister(uint32_t)::1186:Setting modesel to 0
000003.201385 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: AppleUSBXDCIARM::start: _dock is NULL, defaulting to device mode
000003.210336 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::prepareDefaults: model iPhone version 12.1
000003.222411 usb-drd-port-hs@00100000: AppleUSB20XHCITypeCPort::start: _dock is NULL, defaulting to device mode
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1964:nvme: Vendor ID : 0x1b36
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1965:nvme: Model Number : QEMU NVMe Ctrl
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1966:nvme: Serial Number : QEMUT8030ANS
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1967:nvme: Firmware Rev : 7.1.0
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2000:nvme: S3E A0 Invalid 1x slc 1D 0 plane 128GB NAND
000003.238540 usb-drd-port-hs@00100000: AppleUSBHostPort::fullDisconnect:
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2009:ECCVersion : 0
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2010:FTL Rev : 0.0
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2011:DM_Version : 0
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2012:=======================
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2019:Found 16 namespaces in current NAND
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[1] as nstype[1]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[2] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[3] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[4] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[5] as nstype[5]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[6] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[7] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[8] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[9] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[10] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[11] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[12] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[13] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[14] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[15] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[16] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::SetSwapWriteLimit(uint32_t)::2192: Swap limit set to 2147483648bytes, 2GB
uint32_t AppleEmbeddedNVMeNVRAM::GetNVRAMSize()::745:NVRAM size is 8192 bytes
virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::AllocateNodes(bool)::1578:allocateAll 1
000003.285091 usb-drd-port-hs@00100000: AppleUSB20XHCITypeCPort::cableChangeOccurred: cable detect disabled: transport type 2 connect type 2 restricted mode 0
000003.286167 usb-drd-port-hs@00100000: AppleUSB20XHCITypeCPort::cableChangeOccurred: no action for transport type 2 connect type 2 restricted mode 0
dev_init:297: disk0 device accelerated crypto: 0 (compiled @ Aug 12 2020 22:19:57)
dev_init:300: disk0 device_handle block size 4096 block count 4194293 features 0 internal
nx_kernel_mount:1134: disk0 initializing cache w/hash_size 4096 and cache size 10064
nx_kernel_mount:1402: disk0 checkpoint search: largest xid 245, best xid 245 @ 57
nx_kernel_mount:1404: disk0 reloading after unclean unmount, checkpoint xid 245, superblock xid 75
import_iboot_forwarded_roothash:2577: importing root hash ...
apfs_extract_root_hash_arm:10001: could not retrieve system-volume-auth-blob from device tree
import_iboot_forwarded_roothash:2580: apfs_extract_root_hash_and_manifest failed with error: No such file or directory (2)
Got boot device = IOService:/AppleARMPE/arm-io@10F00000/AppleT803xIO/ans@77400000/AppleASCWrapV2/iop-ans-nub/RTBuddyV2/RTBuddyService/AppleANS2NVMeController/NS_01@1/IOBlockStorageDriver/QEMU NVMe Ctrl Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Container@1
virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::StartController()::1547:Setting NAND status to Ready
BSD root: disk0s1, major 1, minor 1
apfs_vfsop_mountroot:2188: apfs: mountroot called!
dev_init:297: disk0s1 device accelerated crypto: 3 (compiled @ Aug 12 2020 22:19:57)
dev_init:300: disk0s1 device_handle block size 4096 block count 4194293 features 22 internal solidstate
nx_kernel_mount:1134: disk0s1 initializing cache w/hash_size 4096 and cache size 10064
nx_kernel_mount:1402: disk0s1 checkpoint search: largest xid 245, best xid 245 @ 57
nx_kernel_mount:1404: disk0s1 reloading after unclean unmount, checkpoint xid 245, superblock xid 75
apfs_vfsop_mount:1848: Promoter has been locked for disk0s1
apfs_vfsop_mount:1998: disk0s1s1:0 Rooting from snapshot with xid 71.
handle_snapshot_mount:844: mounting snapshot w/snap_xid 71 and sblock oid 0x3f0057
handle_snapshot_mount:1000: setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
handle_mount:627: vol-uuid: 7575D43F-95EE-4FAB-AD87-F628FA7007DB block size: 4096 block count: 4194293 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 8.0.12)
nx_volume_group_update:6634: Volume is not in a volume group
apfs_vfsop_mount:2171: disk0s1s1:0 mounted volume: System
dyld: setting comm page to 0x0
ERR: AppleStockholmControl::start:334 failed waiting for AppleStockholmSPMI
Sat Mar 25 03:15:22 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: hello
Darwin Bootstrapper Version 7.0.0: Mon Aug 10 04:09:14 PDT 2020; root:libxpc_executables-2038.0.13~13/launchd/RELEASE_ARM64E
boot-args = debug=0x14e kextlog=0xffff serial=3 -v wdt=-1
Sat Mar 25 03:15:22 2023 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: entering ondemand mode
Sat Mar 25 03:15:22 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: fsck
** Checking the container superblock.
** Checking the object map.
** Checking volume.
** Checking the APFS volume superblock.
** The volume System was formatted by newfs_apfs (945. and last modified by apfs_kext (1677.0.5).
** Checking volume.
** Checking the APFS volume superblock.
** The volume Data was formatted by newfs_apfs (1677.0.5) and last modified by apfs_kext (1677.0.5).
** Checking volume.
** Checking the APFS volume superblock.
** The volume Hardware was formatted by newfs_apfs (1677.0.5) and last modified by apfs_kext (1677.0.5).
** Checking volume.
** Checking the APFS volume superblock.
** The volume Preboot was formatted by newfs_apfs (1677.0.5) and last modified by apfs_kext (1677.0.5).
** Checking volume.
** Checking the APFS volume superblock.
** The volume Update was formatted by newfs_apfs (1677.0.5) and last modified by apfs_kext (1677.0.5).
Sat Mar 25 03:15:24 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: mount-phase-1
mount: found boot container: /dev/disk0s1, data volume: /dev/disk0s1s2 env: 1 on / (apfs, local, nosuid, read-only, journaled, noatime)
handle_mount:627: vol-uuid: 7FC293B9-CF7F-4DC9-B554-6E1C5C8BBC4D block size: 4096 block count: 4194293 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 8.0.2)
handle_mount:640: setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
nx_volume_group_update:6628: Volume Preboot role 10 Not a System or data volume
apfs_vfsop_mount:2171: disk0s1s4:0 mounted volume: Preboot
/dev/disk0s1s4 on /private/preboot (apfs, local, nodev, nosuid, read-only, journaled, noatime, nobrowse)
Sat Mar 25 03:15:24 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: data-protection
init_data_protection: No SEP present on this device
Sat Mar 25 03:15:24 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: finish-obliteration
Obliterator: In INIT check
IORegistryEntryGetProperty failed, may be does not exist
Obliterator: No obliteration needed, continue booting, returning 0
Sat Mar 25 03:15:25 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: commit-boot-mode
Sat Mar 25 03:15:25 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: boot-mode committed: (null)
Sat Mar 25 03:15:25 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: restore-datapartition
Sat Mar 25 03:15:25 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: restore-datapartition: optional boot task not present
Sat Mar 25 03:15:25 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: mount-phase-2
mount: found boot container: /dev/disk0s1, data volume: /dev/disk0s1s2 env: 1
spaceman_metazone_init:189: disk0s1 metazone for device 0 of size 131072 blocks (encrypted: 4063221-4128757 unencrypted: 4128757-4194293)
spaceman_datazone_init:442: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 1 blocks starting at paddr 32768
spaceman_datazone_init:442: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 2 blocks starting at paddr 65536
spaceman_datazone_init:442: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 3 blocks starting at paddr 98304
spaceman_datazone_init:442: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 4 blocks starting at paddr 131072
dev_dump:256: Aggregate constructed: dev=<ptr> di=0 dv_num_slice=15 dv_num_slice_blk=294912 dv_num_lslice_blk=65525
migrate_media_keys_if_needed:1206: no media keys to migrate for container = disk0s1
mount: failed to migrate Media Keys, error = c002
handle_mount:627: vol-uuid: 2E8D8312-1B95-4A0A-A4E8-8405E03F36C9 block size: 4096 block count: 4194293 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 8.0.2)
handle_mount:640: setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
nx_volume_group_update:6634: Volume Data is not in a volume group
apfs_vfsop_mount:2171: disk0s1s2:0 mounted volume: Data
/dev/disk0s1s2 on /private/var (apfs, local, nodev, nosuid, journaled, noatime)
spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3361: disk0s1 scan took 0.304877 s, trims took 0.129891 s
spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3369: disk0s1 2293921 blocks free in 15155 extents
spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3377: disk0s1 2293921 blocks trimmed in 15155 extents (8 us/trim, 116674 trims/s)
spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3380: disk0s1 trim distribution 1:10644 2+:1916 4+:1796 16+:600 64+:108 256+:91
handle_mount:627: vol-uuid: CC2541FE-0535-492A-ABDB-5245B16DE140 block size: 4096 block count: 4194293 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 8.0.2)
handle_mount:640: setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
nx_volume_group_update:6628: Volume Update role c0 Not a System or data volume
apfs_vfsop_mount:2171: disk0s1s5:0 mounted volume: Update
/dev/disk0s1s5 on /private/var/MobileSoftwareUpdate (apfs, local, nodev, nosuid, journaled, noatime, nobrowse)
handle_mount:627: vol-uuid: 983AEEB8-E5B8-4EA1-8F83-3487A4F36A40 block size: 4096 block count: 4194293 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 8.0.2)
handle_mount:640: setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
nx_volume_group_update:6628: Volume Hardware role 140 Not a System or data volume
apfs_vfsop_mount:2171: disk0s1s3:0 mounted volume: Hardware
/dev/disk0s1s3 on /private/var/hardware (apfs, local, nodev, nosuid, journaled, noatime, nobrowse)
Fri Mar 24 20:15:25 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: init-with-data-volume
Fri Mar 24 20:15:25 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: MSUEarlyBootTask
main: MSUEarlyBootTask running
main: Content from the ramdisk will be present at /private/var/MobileSoftwareUpdate/62cf21f10cb4f7c0b6e88db9c34ce6a013c48ead515b94df531c771a906c472bad46eef56caeae628201768c3db7ea14-MSUData if it exists
MSUEarlyBootTask: I have nothing to do. Goodbye!!
Fri Mar 24 20:15:26 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: fips
Tracing: disabled
FIPSPOST_USER [193078146] fipspost_post:158: PASSED: (10 ms) - fipspost_post_integrity
FIPSPOST_USER [193141821] fipspost_post:164: PASSED: (1 ms) - fipspost_post_hmac
FIPSPOST_USER [193162266] fipspost_post:165: PASSED: (0 ms) - fipspost_post_aes_ecb
FIPSPOST_USER [193183332] fipspost_post:166: PASSED: (0 ms) - fipspost_post_aes_cbc
FIPSPOST_USER [193930370] fipspost_post:167: PASSED: (30 ms) - fipspost_post_rsa_sig
FIPSPOST_USER [194295371] fipspost_post:168: PASSED: (14 ms) - fipspost_post_ecdsa
FIPSPOST_USER [194384506] fipspost_post:169: PASSED: (3 ms) - fipspost_post_ecdh
FIPSPOST_USER [194410927] fipspost_post:170: PASSED: (0 ms) - fipspost_post_drbg_ctr
FIPSPOST_USER [194453385] fipspost_post:171: PASSED: (1 ms) - fipspost_post_aes_ccm
FIPSPOST_USER [195719418] fipspost_post:173: PASSED: (52 ms) - fipspost_post_pbkdf
FIPSPOST_USER [195742940] fipspost_post:174: PASSED: (0 ms) - fipspost_post_kdf_ctr
FIPSPOST_USER [196287492] fipspost_post:175: PASSED: (22 ms) - fipspost_post_aes_gcm
FIPSPOST_USER [196319738] fipspost_post:176: PASSED: (0 ms) - fipspost_post_aes_xts
FIPSPOST_USER [196365516] fipspost_post:177: PASSED: (1 ms) - fipspost_post_tdes_cbc
FIPSPOST_USER [196401895] fipspost_post:178: PASSED: (1 ms) - fipspost_post_drbg_hmac
FIPSPOST_USER [196958602] fipspost_post:180: PASSED: (22 ms) - fipspost_post_ffdh
FIPSPOST_USER [197604982] fipspost_post:181: PASSED: (26 ms) - fipspost_post_rsa_enc_dec
FIPSPOST_USER [197618482] fipspost_post:201: all tests PASSED (199 ms)
Fri Mar 24 20:15:26 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: keybag
Fri Mar 24 20:15:26 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: usermanagerd
Fri Mar 24 20:15:26 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: usermanagerd: optional boot task not present
Fri Mar 24 20:15:26 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: launchd logging initialized
Fri Mar 24 20:15:26 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: xpcroleaccountd
Fri Mar 24 20:15:26 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: init_featureflags
init_featureflags: skipping directory: /System/Library/FeatureFlags/Domain
init_featureflags: skipping directory: /Library/Preferences/FeatureFlags/Domain
Fri Mar 24 20:15:27 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: fud
objc[20]: Class UARPManifestProperties is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUARP.framework/CoreUARP and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileAccessoryUpdater.framework/Support/fud. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
fud: -[FudEarlyBoot doFUDEarlyBoot:](): Starting Early Boot
fud: No Early Boot Accessories
fud: -[FudEarlyBoot doFUDEarlyBoot:](): End Early Boot
Fri Mar 24 20:15:27 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: tzinit
Fri Mar 24 20:15:27 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: finish-restore
Fri Mar 24 20:15:27 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: finish-demo-restore
Fri Mar 24 20:15:27 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: sysstatuscheck
Fri Mar 24 20:15:27 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: prng_seedctl
PRNG diagnostics:
0 user reseeds, 1 scheduled reseeds, 71 max samples in a scheduled reseed, 386 max samples in an entropy input
generator 0: 2 rekeys, 454 requests, 5096 total bytes requested, 64 max bytes requested in a request, 2752 bytes requested since rekey, 2752 max bytes requested between rekeys
generator 1: 2 rekeys, 106 requests, 1996 total bytes requested, 64 max bytes requested in a request, 1900 bytes requested since rekey, 1900 max bytes requested between rekeys
pool 0: 0 samples, 1 drains, 71 max samples
pool 1: 386 samples, 0 drains, 386 max samples
pool 2: 40 samples, 0 drains, 40 max samples
pool 3: 69 samples, 0 drains, 69 max samples
pool 4: 86 samples, 0 drains, 86 max samples
pool 5: 113 samples, 0 drains, 113 max samples
pool 6: 37 samples, 0 drains, 37 max samples
pool 7: 57 samples, 0 drains, 57 max samples
pool 8: 88 samples, 0 drains, 88 max samples
pool 9: 33 samples, 0 drains, 33 max samples
pool 10: 73 samples, 0 drains, 73 max samples
pool 11: 39 samples, 0 drains, 39 max samples
pool 12: 51 samples, 0 drains, 51 max samples
pool 13: 41 samples, 0 drains, 41 max samples
pool 14: 40 samples, 0 drains, 40 max samples
pool 15: 47 samples, 0 drains, 47 max samples
pool 16: 122 samples, 0 drains, 122 max samples
pool 17: 70 samples, 0 drains, 70 max samples
pool 18: 0 samples, 0 drains, 0 max samples
pool 19: 0 samples, 0 drains, 0 max samples
pool 20: 0 samples, 0 drains, 0 max samples
pool 21: 0 samples, 0 drains, 0 max samples
pool 22: 0 samples, 0 drains, 0 max samples
pool 23: 0 samples, 0 drains, 0 max samples
pool 24: 0 samples, 0 drains, 0 max samples
pool 25: 0 samples, 0 drains, 0 max samples
pool 26: 0 samples, 0 drains, 0 max samples
pool 27: 0 samples, 0 drains, 0 max samples
pool 28: 0 samples, 0 drains, 0 max samples
pool 29: 0 samples, 0 drains, 0 max samples
pool 30: 0 samples, 0 drains, 0 max samples
pool 31: 0 samples, 0 drains, 0 max samples
failed to load virtual random: (-147) (-536870212)
Fri Mar 24 20:15:27 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: launchd_cache_loader
0 Found valid port: 2563 Valid: 1
1 Found valid port: 0 Valid: 0
2 Found valid port: 0 Valid: 0
Using default cache paths
Code: /System/Library/xpc/launchd.plist Sig: /System/Library/xpc/launchd.plist.sig
static IOReturn AppleMobileFileIntegrityUserClient::isCdhashInTrustCache(OSObject *, void *, IOExternalMethodArguments *): Process 26 is checking if a cdhash is in the trust cache
static IOReturn AppleMobileFileIntegrityUserClient::isCdhashInTrustCache(OSObject *, void *, IOExternalMethodArguments *): Returning IOReturn 0x0 to process 26
cdhash: {length = 20, bytes = 0x1f926e82fb7151558f895e958a422ee5c570b6bc} is trusted
Attached signature to file, checking ...
Trying to send bytes to launchd: 2563 16384
Sending validated cache to launchd
Cache sent to launchd successfully
Fri Mar 24 20:15:28 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: launchd UUID: 4C2464F5-9F87-31DE-B252-584E3391D4FA
Fri Mar 24 20:15:28 2023 localhost[1] <Notice>: Early boot complete. Continuing system boot.
FB invalidate called
000022.620249 wlan0.A[4] initWithProvider@120:amfm not matched
000022.624097 wlan0.A[5] deferredStart@1730: Lowered adjustBusy(-1), getBusyState() -> 4
AppleCredentialManagerUserClient: start: edu_mode = No, persona = No, user_id = ffffffff -> session_uid = ffffffff.
ACMRM: _onDaemonStarted: called, allowedByMC=YES, alreadyStarted=NO.
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO | MngCo=NO* DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
AppleCredentialManager: getSEPEndpoint: Initializing SEP endpoint.
virtual bool CoreAnalyticsUserClient::initWithTask(task_t, void *, UInt32, OSDictionary *)::165:success
IOReturn CoreAnalyticsHub::setClientGated(CoreAnalyticsUserClient *)::287:adding userClient
IOReturn CoreAnalyticsHub::__newUserClientGated(task_t, void *, UInt32, OSDictionary *, IOUserClient **)::257:Successfully opened
virtual IOReturn CoreAnalyticsUserClient::clientMemoryForType(UInt32, IOOptionBits *, IOMemoryDescriptor **)::269: got memory descriptor with 16432
000111.981423 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: PTP
000111.982510 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: PTP
000111.983884 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: iPod USB Interface
000111.984512 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: USBAudioControl
000111.985222 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: USBAudioStreaming
000111.985900 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: IapOverUsbHid
000111.986693 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: PTP + Apple Mobile Device
000111.987397 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: PTP
000111.988043 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBMux
000112.002845 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: PTP + Apple Mobile Device + Apple USB Ethernet
000112.004089 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: PTP
000112.004799 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBMux
000112.005444 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBEthernet
000112.006460 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: PTP + Apple Mobile Device + Valeria
000112.007251 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: PTP
000112.007897 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBMux
000112.008623 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: Valeria
000112.009370 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: Apple Mobile Device + Interdevice Audio
000112.010238 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBMux
000112.010850 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: USBAudio2Control
000112.011466 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: USBAudio2StreamIN
000112.011969 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: USBAudio2StreamOUT
000112.012375 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: IDAMInterface
000112.013127 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface association: Interdevice Audio Interfaces (First: 1, Count: 4)
000112.178850 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: PTP + Apple Mobile Device + NCM
000112.179590 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: PTP
000112.180146 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBMux
000112.181128 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBNCMControl
000112.182150 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBNCMData
000112.223445 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function USBAudioControl
000112.231594 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function IapOverUsbHid
000112.241158 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function USBAudioStreaming
000112.272953 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function USBAudio2StreamOUT
AppleUSBDeviceMux build: Aug 12 2020 22:50:42
000112.289223 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function AppleUSBMux
000112.293773 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function USBAudio2Control
000112.295179 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function AppleUSBNCMControl
000112.306694 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function AppleUSBEthernet
000112.310216 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function USBAudio2StreamIN
000112.328978 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function AppleUSBNCMData
000112.352759 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function IDAMInterface
000112.529157 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function Valeria
000115.941736 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function PTP
000115.943115 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::startUSBStack: starting usb stack
000115.949393 AppleT8027USBXDCI@0: IOUSBDeviceController::startUSBStack: not connected
000115.951044 AppleT8027USBXDCI@0: AppleUSBXDCI::goOnBus: not on bus
000115.953241 AppleT8027USBXDCI@0: AppleUSBXDCIARM::cableChangeOccurred: cable detect disabled: transport type 2 connect type 2 restricted mode _lastRestrictedMode 0
000115.954643 AppleT8027USBXDCI@0: AppleUSBXDCIARM::cableChangeOccurred: powering on for transport type 2 connect type 2 restricted mode 0
000116.361715 AppleT8027USBXDCI@0: IOUSBDeviceController::setupDeviceSetAddress: setting USB device address 7
000116.433673 AppleT8027USBXDCI@7: IOUSBDeviceController::setupDeviceSetConfiguration: configuration 0 -> 0
000116.437745 AppleT8027USBXDCI@7: IOUSBDeviceController::setupDeviceSetConfiguration: configuration 0 -> 1
AppleCredentialManagerUserClient: start: edu_mode = No, persona = No, user_id = ffffffff -> session_uid = ffffffff.
000116.543572 AppleT8027USBXDCI@7: IOUSBDeviceController::setupDeviceSetConfiguration: configuration 1 -> 4
AppleUSBDeviceMux::message - kMessageInterfaceWasActivated
IOAccessoryPortUSB::controlRequest unknown request 0x0 bmReqType 0xc0 configured(0,0)
000116.595987 IOUSBDeviceControlRequest: IOUSBDeviceControlRequest::stallSetupRequest: Unexpected call to stallSetupRequest in state 1
apfs_is_valid_class:2253: rejecting class open (class 2) because we're not content protected
FB invalidate called
tx_flush:1075: disk0s1 xid 265 tx stats: # 20 finish 20 enter 865 wait 0 0us close 10us flush 14547us
static IOReturn AppleMobileFileIntegrityUserClient::isCdhashInTrustCache(OSObject *, void *, IOExternalMethodArguments *): Process 216 is checking if a cdhash is in the trust cache
static IOReturn AppleMobileFileIntegrityUserClient::isCdhashInTrustCache(OSObject *, void *, IOExternalMethodArguments *): Returning IOReturn 0x0 to process 216
tx_flush:1075: disk0s1 xid 285 tx stats: # 40 finish 40 enter 3113 wait 1 6883us close 6us flush 13979us
handle_mount:627: vol-uuid: 7575D43F-95EE-4FAB-AD87-F628FA7007DB block size: 4096 block count: 4194293 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 8.0.12)
handle_mount:640: setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
nx_volume_group_update:6634: Volume System is not in a volume group
apfs_vfsop_mount:2171: disk0s1s1:0 mounted volume: System
handle_revert_to_snapshot:5195: On next mount, volume will revert to snapshot '' w/snap xid 71
apfs_vfsop_unmount:2375: disk0s1: unmounting volume 'System'
apfs_vfsop_unmount:2406: waiting for cleaners to finish: purgatory
apfs: total mem allocated: 15889085 (15 mb);
apfs_vfsop_unmount:2682: all done. going home. (numMountedAPFSVolumes 5)
revert_to_snapshot:1260: Reverting to snapshot w/xid 71 and old sblock oid 4128855.
revert_extents_to_snapshot:1093: free'ing extents in main extentref tree 4130363
free_allocated_snapshot_extents:1008: processed 0 extents and free'd 0 blocks
obj_cache_remove_reverted_fs_objects:1547: disk0s1s1:0 removing reverted fs objects for fs 1026: 72 - 289
revert_to_snapshot:1336: DONE reverting to snapshot w/xid 71
handle_mount:627: vol-uuid: 7575D43F-95EE-4FAB-AD87-F628FA7007DB block size: 4096 block count: 4194293 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 8.0.12)
handle_mount:640: setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
nx_volume_group_update:6634: Volume System is not in a volume group
apfs_vfsop_mount:2171: disk0s1s1:0 mounted volume: System
apfs_stop_bg_work:1028: disk0s1s1:0 Volume System is unmounting, stop any bg work
apfs_vfsop_unmount:2375: disk0s1: unmounting volume 'System'
apfs_vfsop_unmount:2406: waiting for cleaners to finish: purgatory
apfs: total mem allocated: 16559133 (15 mb);
apfs_vfsop_unmount:2682: all done. going home. (numMountedAPFSVolumes 5)
FB invalidate called
tx_flush:1075: disk0s1 xid 305 tx stats: # 60 finish 60 enter 2108 wait 1 6883us close 7us flush 12973us
tx_flush:1075: disk0s1 xid 325 tx stats: # 80 finish 80 enter 1602 wait 1 6883us close 6us flush 12403us
AppleNVMe Assert failed: 0 == (status) ReleaseOutputBounceBuffer file: /Library/Caches/ line: 1730
AppleNVMe Assert failed: 0 == (status) ReleaseOutputBounceBuffer file: /Library/Caches/ line: 1730
AppleNVMe Assert failed: 0 == (status) ReleaseOutputBounceBuffer file: /Library/Caches/ line: 1730
tx_flush:1075: disk0s1 xid 345 tx stats: # 100 finish 100 enter 1809 wait 2 6727us close 11us flush 12766us
tx_flush:1075: disk0s1 xid 365 tx stats: # 120 finish 120 enter 2682 wait 2 6727us close 11us flush 12464us
IOAccessoryPortUSB::setUSBRoleSwitchMask Index 0 Value 1
tx_flush:1075: disk0s1 xid 385 tx stats: # 140 finish 140 enter 2603 wait 2 6727us close 95us flush 12636us
tx_flush:1075: disk0s1 xid 405 tx stats: # 160 finish 160 enter 2440 wait 3 11441us close 88us flush 13561us
tx_flush:1075: disk0s1 xid 425 tx stats: # 180 finish 180 enter 2263 wait 4 15782us close 127us flush 13914us
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