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Last active April 16, 2022 07:34
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Splashtop Inc. 前端工程師測驗作答

Splashtop Inc. 前端工程師測驗題


  1. 元件載入時: B -> D -> E -> A -> C -> B -> D -> A
  2. 按下按鈕: D -> E -> A


  1. 請估算 getTeamLeaderInformation 的平均時間複雜度: O(n ^ 4)
  2. 並針對 Table 整體加以改善,並加以說明:
    1. 發現原本的 getTeamLeaderInformation 整體是針對 id 去找到對應的 leader,且會根據 userTableData 資料多寡來決定被 call 的次數。但其實可以先準備好 user 與 team 的相關資料。
    2. 根據上述,我在 fetchData 後,整理出帶有 team 資訊的 user 資料。將 team 資料范式化,直接透過 teamId 去找到對應資訊,無需額外遍歷 teams
    3. 將整理出的資料拿去 render,並也將 user 資料范式化,即可透過 user id 取得相關資訊。
import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react';
import { getAllTeamData, getAllUserData } from './data';

type UserData = {
  teamId: string;
  id: string;
  name: string;
  title: string;
  teamName: string;
  leaderId: string;

function convertArrayToObject<T>(ary: T[], key: string) {
  return ary.reduce<Record<string, T>>(
    (acc, cur) => ({
      [cur[key]]: cur,

const Table: React.VFC = () => {
  const [userData, setUserData] = useState<UserData[]>([]);
  const userMap = useMemo(
    () => convertArrayToObject(userData, 'id'),

  useEffect(function getDataFromAPI() {
    const fetchData = async () => {
      const users: UserTableData = await getAllUsersData();
      const teams: TeamTableData = await getAllTeamsData();
      const teamsMap = convertArrayToObject(teams, 'id');
      const nextUserData = => {
        const { teamId } = user;
        const team = teamsMap[teamId];

        return { ...user, leaderId: team.leader, teamName: };

  }, []);

  return (
          <th>Team Leader/</th>
        { => {
          return (
            <tr key={}>
                <Tooltip label={userMap[user.leaderId]}>

export default Table;
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