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Last active October 26, 2022 08:13
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Column Type Description
id int Marker ID, auto incremented on insert
map_id int Map ID that this marker is bound to
address string The visual address for the marker
description string The description content, can contain HTML
pic string URL to an image, leave empty to ignore
link string URL for the more details link, leave empty to ignore
icon string Icon data, usually a JSON object for marker icons
lat float Visual lat coordinate for the marker, not used for placement
lng float Visual lng coordinate for the marker, not used for placement
anim int Enum for the animation type to apply to the marker
title string The visual title for the marker
infoopen int Boolean int (0 OR 1) to open info window by default
category string Categories separated by comma. Legacy field, we use a separate table for this now
approved int Boolean int (0 OR 1) to determine if the marker is approved for frontend visibility
retina int Boolean int (0 OR 1) to determine if the marker is retina ready. This needs to correspond in the icon data object
type int Enum for the marker type, should be ignored as this is purely for tracking special markers created by a mobile device
did string Device ID information if the marker is created by a mobile device
sticky int Boolean int (0 OR 1) to determine if a marker is sticky, affects marker listings
other_data string Allows us to store any additional 'on demand' marker data without the need for more columns, should not be altered directly
latlng point Spatial data representing lat/lng combo, used for placement. Improves performance, and reliability of position data
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