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Dylan Dmitri Gray DylanDmitri

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An Avatar roleplaying game.

Core Gameplay Loop

  • The GM describes a scene.
  • A player or players propose an action they wish to take.
  • The GM describes the risk/reward of the action.
  • If the proposed action is trivial or literally impossible, the GM resolves it immediately. Otherwise a dice roll is needed.

Warlord Playtest Suggestions

Core mechanic of posture/tension took a little getting used to, but the more I play the more I like it. Really spicy tradeoffs between greed and safety and scaling. Strongest part of the character.

Tension is excellent mechanically, but flavorwise is treated like a scary drawback when it's often helpful.

I feel there's some small missing tweak to how posture/tension/syrettes carry over to future turns. The balancing act is between "how do we let a player setup a parry next turn" vs "they shouldn't keep banking resources and scaling indefinitely".

Balance is already solid, power feels similar to vanilla characters. No cards are super broken or super weak.

Combo focused on lots of card draw + self buff.

Core Cards

4x Season of Growth     (1G, enchantment, draw when you target allied creature with a spell)
4x Gnarlback Rhino      (2GG, 4/4 trample, draw a card when you target with a spell)
4x Incubation Druid     (1G, tap for 1, tap for 3 if upgraded)
4x Stony Strength       (G, instant, add +1/+1 and untap)

+ about 20x cheap self-targetting cards
  • about 5x early board and search

Queuing Middleware


Customer has slow website, queuing makes it fast.

Specifically, customer has a server that suffers from unecessary internal congestion when under load. By enforcing concurrency limits, this middleware sidesteps thread-based problems (starvation, context-switching) and improves overall performance.


Functionality ("can it help?")!ApWzKn_stbXNgQEegTWEqGBn-7k2

Problem Description

We have introns, and clusters of introns. The challenge is: given a single intron, return all clusters where that intron is a member.

Data is given in the following format:

cluster_id intron_list
1 "Intron30, Intron54, Intron 55"

Your team assigns you a project, not because the project is super critical, but because it's a good "starting project" and about the right size for an internship.

Then, if you fail to show meaningful progress on the problem, or if you have toxic personality issues, they don't hire you back. This is rare.

If you complete only a large piece of the project, or if some blocker comes up partway through and you can't get around it, you generally get a level 59 offer.

If you complete it, you get a level 60 offer, and the quality of your work (and other offers) determines your stock bonus, which can vary wildly. (see for more details)

The typical distribution of outcomes is 10% no return offer, 50% level 59 offer, 40% level 60 offer. A big part of the internship is convincing you to work at Microsoft, because most interns are already competent.

Force Improvisation
Break the default gameplan. These enemies are armored. What do you do?
Randomness builds stories (Hearthstone)
Provide Building Blocks
Give tools not fish.
DylanDmitri /
Last active July 24, 2018 19:45
Azure Face Python Demo
def get_face_info(image_bytes):
url = ''
params = {
'returnFaceId': 'true',
'returnFaceLandmarks': 'false',
'returnFaceAttributes': 'age,gender,headPose,smile,facialHair,glasses,' +