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Forked from anonymous/MusicStaffViewElement
Created January 30, 2018 20:30
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public protocol MusicStaffViewElement {
/// The path that describes the shape of the element in the element's bounding box. This should be used in concert with `aspectRatio` and `heightInStaffSpace` to determine the actual shape and size of the bounding box when drawing.
func path(in frame: CGRect, for direction: MusicStaffViewElementDirection) throws -> CGPath
/// Returns a CALayer containing the element to be drawn.
/// - Parameter spaceWidth: The width of the spaces between the lines of the staff.
/// - Returns: The layer to be drawn by `MusicStaffView`
func layer(in clef: MusicClef, withSpaceWidth spaceWidth: CGFloat, color: UIColor?) throws -> CALayer
/// The ratio of width to height that describes the general shape of the element's bounding box
/// In order to remain resolution-independent, the `MusicStaffView` draws elements in terms of the size they appear relative to the height of spaces in the staff. For example, a quarter note is currently drawn at a height of 4.0 * spaceWidth. This value is used in conjunction with `heightInStaffSpaces` to compute the bounding box for the element.
var aspectRatio: CGFloat { get }
/// The height, represented as a fraction of one (or more) space widths
/// In order to remain resolution-independent, the `MusicStaffView` draws elements in terms of the size they appear relative to the height of spaces in the staff. For example, a quarter note is currently drawn at a height of 4.0 * spaceWidth. This value is used in conjunction with `aspectRatio` to compute the bounding box for the element.
var heightInStaffSpace: CGFloat { get }
/// The anchor point that will eventually be used to center the image in the range of [0.0-1.0]
var anchorPoint: CGPoint { get }
/// The distance in staff positions that the element is drawn from the center line, given a specific clef. For example, in Bass Clef, the note E3 would be drawn one position higher than the middle line and would need to return +1 from this function.
/// - Parameter clef: The cleff that is currently active in the `MusicStaffView`
/// - Returns: Number of positions from the middle staff line
func offset(in clef: MusicClef) -> Int
/// The direction that the element should be drawn, either upward or downward.
/// - Parameter clef: The cleff that is currently active use in the `MusicStaffView`
/// - Returns: Either `MusicStaffViewElementDirection.up` or `MusicStaffViewElementDirection.down`
func direction(in clef: MusicClef) -> MusicStaffViewElementDirection
/// Instructs the `MusicStaffView` to unmask the ledger lines beneath the element's layer.
/// - Parameter clef: The cleff that is currently active use in the `MusicStaffView`
/// - Returns: The number of ledger lines required in the clef (positive above, negative below) or 0 if none are required.
func requiredLedgerLines(in clef: MusicClef) -> Int
/// Instructs the `MusicStaffView` to unmask the ledger lines beneath the element's layer.
/// - Parameter clef: The cleff that is currently active use in the `MusicStaffView`
/// - Returns: True if the element requires ledger lines, false if not.
func requiresLedgerLines(in clef: MusicClef) -> Bool
/// Any `MusicStaffViewAccessory` elements that should be drawn.
var accessoryElements: [MusicStaffViewAccessory]? { get }
/// Minimum spacing in terms of percentage of the size of the element
var minimumSpacing: (leading: CGFloat, trailing: CGFloat) { get }
/// Provide a default color
var color: UIColor { get }
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