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Created December 22, 2017 02:45
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A Java Blocking Queue that allows the consumer to block the producer until the item is consumed
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
* A BlockinqQueue in which consumers may block producers (temporarily)
* to prevent them from producing more items to consume. To allow a producer
* to continue operation, an element taken from this queue must be accepted,
* by calling {@link AccepterBlockingQueue#accept(ThreadUniqueObject)}.
* If an element is not accepted, any other elements created on the same thread
* of the not yet accepted element will not be able to be put on this queue.
* 1 or more consumers can take and accept threads, though any one consumer
* choosing to accept will allow that producer to continue operation globally,
* for all producers.
* Note that accept must be called on the object returned from take.
* To improve this data structure, one should consider extending it to
* follow BlockingQueue and perhaps have some more clever way at detecting
* what thread an object was last used on instead of having those objects
* exteend ThreadUniqueObject.
* @param <E>
public class AccepterBlockingQueue<E extends ThreadUniqueObject> {
// Thread Safety
* The threrad safety of this object is somewhat involved. Firstly,
* on a global class level there are two general objects, the pq, or
* permission "queue", and the bq, or the blocking queue.
* These variables are private and final and never exposed to the client,
* only internally used. The pq is a concurrent hashMap and the bq
* is a BlockingQueue, synchronzied by design.
* Their are three locking mechanisms. Two simple object locks for take
* and accept and a mapping of locks from threadIds (long) to arbitrary
* object locks.
* @see this#take()
* This method is thread safe becasue it maintains its own lock.
* This lock will prevent several threads from concurrently taking.
* In the case of multiple consumers being blocked to take, one of them
* waiting for BlockinQueue to return an entry, the first one
* to aquire the lock after one the waiting thread continues runningw will
* go into the thread state of waiting by being blocked by the take method.
* of the blocking queue.
* @see BlockingQueue#take()
* @See this#accept
* This method mutates the internal state of the pq. Thus, it aquires its own method
* lock to enter the block. This operation is atomic with repsect to the data structure,
* and no interleaving between threads can occur.
* Note, however, take and accept operations can happen concurrently by design.
* This is threadsafe.
* This method does not block at any stage, so deadlock concerns are not necessary here.
* @see this#put(ThreadUniqueObject)
* This method also mutates the internal state of both the pq and the bq. However,
* note that mutations the pq will remain to be atomic, as any thread b pushing an item
* created on thread a, (that may and most comonnly will be b as well) will be blocked
* untill any other item created on thread a has finished its blocking.
* For example, imagine many objects being created on thread a. These objects are now
* asynchronosly, by different threads, requested to be put on this object. This
* will behave "synchonosly" since these objects were all created on the same thread.
* The relationship between put, accept and take
* Note none of these operations require obtaining locks of the other. This implies
* that it is threasafe to perform any of these operations at any stage in between
* one another.
* This statement remains true given that the precondition of calling accept must occur
* after calling take on an object from a take call.
* The thread safety of the blocking queue and the concurrent hash map ensure
* these operations remain atomic and independent. Accepts allow for waiting on
* threads that are blocked in put to continue as it puts the accept signal for example.
private enum Signal {
// Queue Representation
private final Map<Long, RequestResponseBlockingQueue<E, Signal>> pq = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final BlockingQueue<E> bq = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
// Locking Mechanism
final Map<Long, Object> producerThreadLocks = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
private final Object takeLock = new Object();
private final Object acceptLock = new Object();
* Aquire a ReentrantLock for a given threadId. If this producer thread has been seen before,
* then the same lock is returned. Note that
* @param threadId The threadId to the coresponding lock
* @return a ReentrantLock unique to the threadId
private synchronized Object getThreadIdLock(Long threadId) {
if (!producerThreadLocks.containsKey(threadId))
producerThreadLocks.put(threadId, new Object());
return producerThreadLocks.get(threadId);
* Put an item in the acceptor blocking queue. Must be called from a producer
* from a unique thread.
* @param e the item to put in the queue
* @throws InterruptedException if interrupted
public void put(E e) throws InterruptedException {
long threadId = e.getThreadId();
Object lock = getThreadIdLock(threadId);
synchronized (lock) {
if(pq.containsKey(threadId)) {
RequestResponseBlockingQueue<E, Signal> unit = pq.get(threadId);
// block until put is valid from the response
unit.request.put(e, true);
Signal sgnl = unit.response.take();
} else {
RequestResponseBlockingQueue<E, Signal> unit = new RequestResponseBlockingQueue<>();
pq.put(threadId, unit);
unit.request.put(e, true);
Signal sgnl = unit.response.take();
* Accept the item, along the producer who manufactured the item to continue
* production. A precondiiton on this method is that the object was pulled
* from this.take().
* @param e The item to accept.
* @throws InterruptedException if interrupted
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the item was not produced on the thread it reports
public void accept(E e) throws InterruptedException, IllegalArgumentException {
synchronized (acceptLock) {
try {
RequestResponseBlockingQueue<E, Signal> unit = pq.get(e.getThreadId());
if(unit.request.containsKey(e)) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No record of the enqueuing of this item");
} catch (NullPointerException np) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Thread recorded to have produced is not consistant");
* Take an item from the queue that has produced. Blocks until a producer has created
* an item.
* @return The next item on the queue
* @throws InterruptedException if interrupted
public E take() throws InterruptedException {
synchronized (takeLock) {
E value = bq.take();
return value;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
* A package private tupling class that combines a blocking queue of arbitrary type
* and a set of arbitrary type.
* @implSpec This type does not adhere to the standard 6.031 conventions of
* encapsulation and representation independence. This is truly and literaly
* meant to simply be a wrapper object over these two data structures and
* is used only and exclusively in AcceptorBlockingQueue (thus the package private nature).
* @param <E> The element type of the set
* @param <T> The element type of the blocking queue
class RequestResponseBlockingQueue<E,T> {
final Map<E,Boolean> request; // implNote this uses a map so that IdentityHashMap can be used
final BlockingQueue<T> response;
public RequestResponseBlockingQueue() {
this.request = Collections.synchronizedMap(new IdentityHashMap<>());
this.response = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
* An immutable, threadsafe object that is uniquely identified by the
* thread that created it. All extending objects must call super in the
* constructor and assert during equality that the super classes are also
* considered equal.
* If subclasses choose to extend this object and make their representation
* mutable, please not that the object will still be considered to originate
* from the thread it was constructed on.
public class ThreadUniqueObject {
private final long threadId;
public long getThreadId() {
return threadId;
public ThreadUniqueObject() {
this.threadId = Thread.currentThread().getId();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if(!(obj instanceof ThreadUniqueObject)) return false;
return ((ThreadUniqueObject)obj).getThreadId() == this.getThreadId();
public int hashCode() {
return (int)threadId;
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