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Forked from codecademydev/Profile.cs
Last active May 10, 2023 08:08
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The Object of Your Affection

The Object of Your Affection

Your friend is building a new match-making service: The Object of Your Affection or OOYA for short (don’t worry, you still have time to convince them to change the name).

With your new understanding of C# objects and classes, your friend thought you could build a pretty well-organized system of dating profiles.

Your first step? Build a Profile class that allows users to generate profile objects.

The Profile should store the following information:

  • User’s name
  • User’s age
  • User’s city
  • User’s country
  • User’s pronouns
  • User’s hobbies

And this is how users should be able to interact with their own profiles:

  • Create a new profile with some information
  • Add hobbies
  • View profile

Let’s get started!

using System;
namespace DatingProfile
class Profile
private string name;
private int age;
private string city;
private string country;
private string pronouns;
private string[] hobbies;
public Profile(string name, int age, string city, string country, string pronouns = "they/them")
{ = name;
this.age = age; = city; = country;
this.pronouns = pronouns;
public string ViewProfile()
string hobbies = "";
foreach (string hobbie in this.hobbies) {
hobbies += $"{hobbie}, ";
hobbies = hobbies.Remove(hobbies.Length - 2);
return $"Name: {} \nAge: {this.age} \nCity: {} \nCountry: {} \nHobbies: {hobbies}";
public void SetHobbies(string[] hobbies)
this.hobbies = hobbies;
using System;
namespace DatingProfile
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Profile sam = new Profile("Sam Drakkila", 30, "New York", "USA", "he/hom");
sam.SetHobbies(new string[]{"Video games", "Board games"});
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