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Created April 30, 2024 12:44
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Adding service with name 'el-1-reth-lighthouse' and image ''
There was an error executing Starlark code
An error occurred executing instruction (number 21) at[135:31]:
add_service(name="el-1-reth-lighthouse", config=ServiceConfig(image="", ports={"engine-rpc": PortSpec(number=8551, transport_protocol="TCP", application_protocol=""), "metrics": PortSpec(number=9001, transport_protocol="TCP", application_protocol=""), "rpc": PortSpec(number=8545, transport_protocol="TCP", application_protocol="http"), "tcp-discovery": PortSpec(number=30303, transport_protocol="TCP", application_protocol=""), "udp-discovery": PortSpec(number=30303, transport_protocol="UDP", application_protocol=""), "ws": PortSpec(number=8546, transport_protocol="TCP", application_protocol="")}, files={"/jwt": "jwt_file", "/network-configs": "el_cl_genesis_data"}, entrypoint=["sh", "-c"], cmd=["reth init --datadir=/data/reth/execution-data --chain=/network-configs/genesis.json && reth node -vvv --datadir=/data/reth/execution-data --chain=/network-configs/genesis.json --http --http.port=8545 --http.addr= --http.corsdomain=* --http.api=admin,net,eth,web3,debug,trace --ws --ws.addr= --ws.port=8546 --ws.api=net,eth* --nat=extip:KURTOSIS_IP_ADDR_PLACEHOLDER --authrpc.port=8551 --authrpc.jwtsecret=/jwt/jwtsecret --authrpc.addr= --metrics="], env_vars={}, private_ip_address_placeholder="KURTOSIS_IP_ADDR_PLACEHOLDER", max_cpu=1000, min_cpu=100, max_memory=1024, min_memory=256, labels={"ethereum-package.client": "reth", "ethereum-package.client-image": "", "ethereum-package.client-type": "execution", "ethereum-package.connected-client": "lighthouse"}, tolerations=[], node_selectors={}))
Caused by: Unexpected error occurred starting service 'el-1-reth-lighthouse'
Caused by: An error occurred waiting for all TCP and UDP ports to be open for service 'el-1-reth-lighthouse' with private IP ''; this is usually due to a misconfiguration in the service itself, so here are the logs:
== SERVICE 'el-1-reth-lighthouse' LOGS ===================================
error: invalid value '/network-configs/genesis.json' for '--chain <CHAIN_OR_PATH>': failed to read from "/network-configs/genesis.json": No such file or directory (os error 2)
For more information, try '--help'.
== FINISHED SERVICE 'el-1-reth-lighthouse' LOGS ===================================
Caused by: An error occurred while waiting for all TCP and UDP ports to be open
Caused by: Unsuccessful ports check for IP '' and port spec '{privatePortSpec:0x400088bd10}', even after '240' retries with '500' milliseconds in between retries. Timeout '2m0s' has been reached
Caused by: An error occurred while calling network address '' with port protocol 'TCP' and using time out '200ms'
Caused by: dial tcp i/o timeout
Error encountered running Starlark code.
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