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Last active June 14, 2023 10:07
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RPG Notes


3 1d6 melee attacks mean damage output: 10.50 (dev. ~3)

cost: 3AP

Rolling hedgehog form:

  • Opening: unarmed attack,
  • Flow: ready to retaliate - if an enemy makes an attack of opportunity against you before you finish this form, you can respond with your own attack against this enemy as a reaction,
  • Closing: move.

Cost criticism:

This is a trade between 3 1d6 attacks and doing a single 1d6 attack with the possibility of trading 1d6 for an attack against me.

This would make a lot more sense if the Flow part was AP free. In a way this would be a trade between a 1AP attack and a potential 1 Reaction attack while moving. Otherwise I'm trading 1 AP AND 1 Reaction to maybe do an attack (while possibly trading damage!).

This could also make sense if the retaliation was Reaction free although that's still 1AP that gives me an opportunity to maybe trade damage with an enemy.

Alternative form:

  • Opening: unarmed attack
  • Flow: move with retaliation - if an enemy makes an attack of opportunity against you during this move, you can respond with your own attack against this enemy as a reaction
  • Closing: enter a defensive stance

Cost: 3AP 1R


At most 2d6 damage

1 movement

benefical defensive stance at the end - i.e. you don't suffer the downsides of it during your form and you get a free stance at the end


  1. Makes it a sensible choice for the 3AP phase
  2. The closing is higher benefit which promotes not cutting the form short
  3. Not OP, as the cost is quite high for (possible) 2d6 damage and 1 movement (equivalent is just 3AP)

Boar’s charge form:

  • Opening: you don’t provoke attacks of opportunity until you finish this form,
  • Flow: move,
  • Closing: unarmed attack.


3 AP


1d6 damage & movement - so 2AP equivalent but no attacks of opportunity

Use cases:

  1. Swarmed by a lot of enemies and needs to get out

Alternative form:

  • Opening: move without provoking opportunity attacks
  • Flow: unarmed attack
  • Closing: shove for 1 AP

Very beneficial in terms of AP cost - it's essentially a 5AP action in a 3AP package with an additional benefit of moving without opportunity attacks

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