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A CLI script to cleanup S3 buckets that are detached from any CloudFormation stacks
import S3 = require("aws-sdk/clients/s3");
import CloudFormation = require("aws-sdk/clients/cloudformation");
import {StackResourceSummaries, StackSummaries} from "aws-sdk/clients/cloudformation";
import {ObjectVersion} from "aws-sdk/clients/s3";
const s3 = new S3();
const cf = new CloudFormation();
export const emptyBucket = async (bucketName: string) => {
// delete bucket contents
const listedObjects = await s3
.listObjectVersions({Bucket: bucketName})
// nothing left - we're done!
const contents = (listedObjects.Versions || []).concat(
listedObjects.DeleteMarkers || []
if (contents.length === 0) return
let records = []
// make a list of objects to delete
for (let record of contents) {
records.push({Key: record.Key!, VersionId: record.VersionId!})
await s3
.deleteObjects({Bucket: bucketName, Delete: {Objects: records}})
// repeat as necessary
if (listedObjects.IsTruncated) await emptyBucket(bucketName)
class CleanupDetachedBuckets {
private readonly prefix: string;
constructor(prefix: string) {
this.prefix = prefix;
async cleanup() {
// Delete S3 buckets that are not attached to any CloudFormation resource
const bucketNamesToKeep = await this.getBucketsFromMyCloudFormationStacks();
const allBucketsDetachedFromMyCloudFormationStacks = (await this.getS3Buckets())
// Get only buckets that should not be kept (not part of CF stacks)
.filter(bucket => bucketNamesToKeep.indexOf(bucket.Name!) === -1);
for (const bucketToDelete of allBucketsDetachedFromMyCloudFormationStacks) {
await emptyBucket(bucketToDelete.Name!);
const deleteBucket = await s3.deleteBucket({
Bucket: bucketToDelete.Name!
if (deleteBucket.$response.error) {
throw new Error(deleteBucket.$response.error.message);
} else {
console.log(`Deleted bucket ${bucketToDelete.Name!}`);
async emptyBucket(bucketName: string) {
console.log(`Emptying bucket ${bucketName}`);
const versionedFiles = await s3.listObjectVersions({
Bucket: bucketName,
console.log(`Found ${versionedFiles.Versions?.length} versioned files`);
if (versionedFiles.Versions?.length) {
const deleteVersionedObjectsResult = await s3.deleteObjects({
Bucket: bucketName,
Delete: {
Objects: versionedFiles.Versions!.map((value: ObjectVersion) => {
return {
Key: value.Key!,
VersionId: value.VersionId!,
console.log(`Deleted ${deleteVersionedObjectsResult.Deleted!.length} versioned keys from bucket`);
if (deleteVersionedObjectsResult.Errors?.length) {
console.log('Some errors detected:');
const files = await s3.listObjects({
Bucket: bucketName,
console.log(`Found ${files.Contents?.length} files`);
if (files.Contents?.length) {
const deleteObjectsResult = await s3.deleteObjects({
Bucket: bucketName,
Delete: {
Objects: files.Contents!.map(value => {
return {
Key: value.Key!,
console.log(`Deleted ${deleteObjectsResult.Deleted?.length} keys from bucket`);
if (deleteObjectsResult.Errors) {
console.log('Some errors detected:');
async getS3Buckets() {
const r = await s3.listBuckets().promise();
return (r.Buckets ? r.Buckets : []).filter(bucket => bucket.Name!.startsWith(this.prefix));
async getStackResources(stackName: string): Promise<StackResourceSummaries> {
const iterator = async (NextToken?: string): Promise<StackResourceSummaries> => {
const r = await cf.listStackResources({
StackName: stackName,
if (r.NextToken) {
const nextPage = await iterator(r.NextToken);
return [
return r.StackResourceSummaries!;
return await iterator();
async getBucketsFromMyCloudFormationStacks(): Promise<string[]> {
// Delete S3 buckets that are not attached to any CloudFormation resource
const stacks = await this.getCloudFormationStacks();
console.log(`Found ${stacks.length} stacks with prefix ${this.prefix}`);
const bucketNames: string[] = [];
for (const stack of stacks) {
const resources = await this.getStackResources(stack.StackName);
resources.forEach(resource => {
if (resource.ResourceType === 'AWS::S3::Bucket') {
console.log(`Found ${bucketNames.length} S3 buckets in my active stacks`);
return bucketNames;
async getCloudFormationStacks(): Promise<StackSummaries> {
const cf = new CloudFormation();
const iterator = async (token?: string): Promise<StackSummaries> => {
const stacks = await cf.listStacks({
NextToken: token,
if (stacks.NextToken) {
const nextPage = await iterator(stacks.NextToken);
return [
return stacks.StackSummaries ? stacks.StackSummaries : [];
// Start paginating recursively
const allStacks = await iterator();
return allStacks
.filter(stack => stack.StackStatus !== "DELETE_COMPLETE")
.filter(stack => stack.StackName.startsWith(this.prefix));
const readline = require('readline').createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
readline.question(`Please enter a prefix to search buckets to delete:`, (prefix: string) => {
new CleanupDetachedBuckets(prefix).cleanup().then(r => {
console.log("All completed");
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Usage: npx ts-node cleanup-s3-buckets-detached-from-cloudformation-stacks.ts

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We use this in a project that is managed by AWS CDK, which tends to leave behind a lot of S3 buckets "orphaned". For this reason, we need to run this script periodically, to cleanup old buckets that no CloudFormation stack refers to anymore.

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