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Last active August 6, 2017 10:18
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  • Save E-VANCE/7b8b74775d2bf6bc6338bf542efe31ee to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Example Movefile for Wordmove with SSH (VVV to DigitalOcean)
sql_adapter: "default"
vhost: ""
wordpress_path: "/srv/www/PROJECT/htdocs" # use an absolute path here
user: "external"
password: "external"
host: ""
vhost: ""
wordpress_path: "/var/www/html" # use an absolute path here
name: "PROJECT"
user: "xxx"
password: "xxx"
host: "localhost"
# port: "3308" # Use just in case you have exotic server config
# mysqldump_options: "--max_allowed_packet=1G" # Only available if using SSH
- ".git/"
- ".gitignore"
- ".sass-cache/"
- "node_modules/"
- "wp-content/themes/PROJECT/node_modules/" # theme-specific
- "wp-content/themes/PROJECT/bower_components/" # theme-specific
- "bin/"
- "tmp/*"
- "Gemfile*"
- "Movefile"
- "wp-config.php"
- "wp-content/*.sql.gz"
# paths: # you can customize wordpress internal paths
# wp_content: "wp-content"
# uploads: "wp-content/uploads"
# plugins: "wp-content/plugins"
# mu_plugins: "wp-content/mu-plugins"
# themes: "wp-content/themes"
# languages: "wp-content/languages"
user: "root"
rsync_options: "-og --chown=www-data:www-data --no-perms --chmod=ugo=rwX"
# password: "password" # password is optional, will use public keys if available.
# port: 22 # Port is optional
# rsync_options: "--verbose" # Additional rsync options, optional
# gateway: # Gateway is optional
# host: "host"
# user: "user"
# password: "password" # password is optional, will use public keys if available.
# ftp:
# user: "user"
# password: "password"
# host: "host"
# passive: true
# scheme: "ftps" # default "ftp"
# staging: # multiple environments can be specified
# [...]
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