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Created April 28, 2015 16:34
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Bits At Crossroad
using System;
class BitsAtCrossroads
static void Main(string[] args)
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
long[] matrix = new long[n];
string inputLine;
int countCross = 0;
while (!((inputLine = Console.ReadLine()) == "end"))
int[] input = Array.ConvertAll(inputLine.Split(' '), s => int.Parse(s));
int rowX = input[0];
int colX = input[1];
matrix[rowX] |= 1L << colX;
countCross += Diagonals(matrix, rowX, colX, 1, 1);
countCross += Diagonals(matrix, rowX, colX, -1, -1);
countCross += Diagonals(matrix, rowX, colX, -1, 1);
countCross += Diagonals(matrix, rowX, colX, 1, -1);
foreach (var num in matrix)
//Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(num, 2).PadLeft(n, '0'));
private static int Diagonals(long[] matrix, int row, int col, int rowChange, int colChange)
int countX = 0;
row += rowChange;
col += colChange;
while (row >= 0 && row < matrix.Length && col >= 0 && col < matrix.Length)
if ((matrix[row] >> col & 1L) == 1)
matrix[row] |= 1L << col;
row += rowChange;
col += colChange;
return countX;
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