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Last active February 25, 2023 15:13
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class: center middle

Reverse a Linked List

Interviewer Prompt

Given the head of a non-empty singly linked list of nodes with a property val (the value of the node) and a property next (a reference to the next node), reverse the order of the nodes. You do not need to worry about constructing the list. You may assume that the list has already been constructed for you. You may not create a new list, you must modify the original linked list and return the head of the reversed list.
FOLLOW UP: Can you solve the problem recursively/iteratively? (depending on which solution they came up with first.)

Definition of a Linked List Node

function ListNode(val, next) {
  this.val = val === undefined ? 0 : val = next === undefined ? null : next

Example Output

const node1 = new ListNode(1)
const node2 = new ListNode(2)
const node3 = new ListNode(3) = node2 = node3

// the code above will produce the following list:
// 1 --> 2 --> 3 --> null

reverseLinkedList(node1) // return value: node3

// after calling your function on the head of the original list (node1), 
// the return value should be the head of the reversed list (in this case, node3).
// the list should then look like this:
// 3 --> 2 --> 1 --> null


The fundamental problem of reversing a linked list is that we do not have access to "previous" nodes in the list. From any given node, we can only go forward. But how can we make our current node point to it's previous node if we can't access previous nodes? Furthermore, once we reassign a node's next pointer, we will no longer be able to keep traversing the list because reassigning a node's next pointer essentially removes the link between that node and the rest of the list.

1) Recursive

Recursion helps us to simulate traversing the linked list "backwards". We will recursively traverse the list forward, "building up" the call stack as we go. On each recursively call, we will keep a reference to the previous node we visited. When we reach the tail of our list, every node will have a reference to it's previous node. We can then simply start reassigning each node's next pointer to it's previous node as the call stack "collapses."

2A) Naive iterative

This problem can be easily solved if there was a way we could naturally traverse the linked list backwards. A way to do this is to copy the linked list into an array. Then we can just traverse the array backwards, reassigning each node's next pointer accordingly. Since all nodes are stored in the array, we never run into the problem of losing a reference to a node when reassigning pointers.

2B) Optimized iterative

There is a way to reverse the list in one pass without using any extra space. If you notice, to reverse a linked list, all we need is reference to 3 nodes at a time:

  • We need a reference to the previous node so we can assign the current node's next to the previous node.
  • We need a reference to the current node we are on.
  • We need a reference to the current node's next node so we don't lose that reference and we can keep traversing the list after reassignment. With references to these 3 nodes, we can reverse the linked list in place with one loop

class: center middle

Interviewer Guide

  • If you're interviewee doesn't know where to start, show them a simple example of a linked list of 2 or 3 nodes.
  • If they are hitting a complete wall, point out that they can use a loop, or recursion to solve the problem. Also, remind them they can convert the linked list into a data structure that is easier to work with, such as an array.
  • Challenge your interviewee to solve the problem without the need of creating a completely new linked list.
  • If your interviewee comes up with the iterative solution and there's still time, challenge them to solve the problem recursively. And vise versa if they solved it recursively first.



const reverseLinkedList = (head, prev = null) => {
  // this will be the reference to the head of the reversed list.
  let newHead
  // if there is a next node, recurse on the next node
  if ( newHead = reverseLinkedList(, head)
  // else, we reached the end of our list. 
  // the new head is our current node
  else if (! newHead = head
  // reassign the `next` pointer of our current node
  // to the previous node = prev
  // return the new head of the reversed list.
  // which was previously the tail of the original list.
  return newHead
   // Time complexity: O(n) (where n is the number of nodes in the list)
  // Space complexity: O(n) (where n is the depth of the call stack)


const reverseLinkedList = head => {
    // array to store nodes as we traverse the list
    const nodes = []
    let curr = head
    // traverse while there are still nodes to visit
    while (curr) {
        // place the current node in the array
        // and continue to the next node
        curr =

    // loop through the nodes array
    for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
      // reassign each node's `next` pointer to the next node in the array,
      // or null if there is no more nodes left
      nodes[i].next = nodes[i + 1] || null
    // return head of reversed linked list
    return nodes[0]
    // Time complexity: O(n) (where n is the number of nodes in the list)
    // Space complexity: O(n) (where n is the length of the nodes array)


const reverseLinkedList = head => {
    // the 3 pointers we will use to 
    // manipulate the list in-place
    let prev = null
    let curr = head
    let next
    // while the are still nodes to visit
    while (curr) {
        // save a reference to the current node's
        // `next` pointer before doing any reassigning
        next =
        // now we can safely reassign the current node's
        // `next` pointer to the previous node in the list = prev
        // our previous node now becomes our current node
        prev = curr
        // advance the pointer for the current node
        curr = next
    // when we reach the end of the list,
    // our `prev` pointer will be pointing to
    // the tail of the original list (now the head of the reversed list)
    return prev
    // Time complexity: O(n) (where n is the number of nodes in the list)
    // Space complexity: O(1) 

Answers to Common Questions

  • Is this actually better than loops or whatever?
    • In JS? Not necessarily. Sometimes recursion is cleaner or more natural looking, but it is rarely faster or smaller than an imperative loop. In functional languages, you don't have the option of a loop, but a tail-recursive function gets optimized into a loop by the compiler anyway. Also, better data structures exist than linked lists!
  • So what's the point?
    • Functional Programming isn't just "normal programming minus some conveniences" – by structuring code in terms of functions, static typing, purity, etc. you actually also unlock and gain new tools for static analysis (dev tools and enforced correctness), composability, ability to reason about code in terms of laws, etc. This REACTO doesn't reveal any of that however, it's just a fun/challenging puzzle.
  • How do I account for recursion in Big O?
    • The space complexity due to recursion is a factor of the maximum height of the call stack (i.e. the deepest recursive branch). The time complexity can be harder to analyze as it depends on whether you have multiple recursive calls – you need a way to figure out how many recursive calls you will use in total.

Additional resources:

Video explanation of recursive & iterative solution:
Leetcode "Reverse a Linked List" solution article: with code above:

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