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Created April 1, 2022 19:12
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python script to draw a cli based menu
import keyboard # pip install keyboard
def coolmenu(options: list):
index = 0
def update_index(n):
nonlocal index
index = min(max(index + n, 0), len(options) - 1)
def draw():
screen = '\x1B[2J\x1B[1;1H'
for i, op in enumerate(options):
screen += f'\x1B[30;107m> {op}\x1B[0m\n' if index == i else f' {op}\n'
keyboard.add_hotkey('up', update_index, (-1,))
keyboard.add_hotkey('down', update_index, (1,))
return options[index]
option = coolmenu(['start', 'options', 'exit'])
print('selected:', option)
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