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Portainer with Uptime-Kuma and Nginx Proxy Manager on Oracle Cloud ARM64 ubuntu


Install docker

Official documentation

  1. Set up Docker's apt repository.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ca-certificates curl gnupg
sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
echo \
  "deb [arch="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] \
  "$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME")" stable" | \
  sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
  1. Install Docker packages
sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
  1. Manage Docker as a non-root user

Official documentation

We create docker group and add current user to this group. Execute this command as not root user!

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Running Docker daemon as a non-root user (Rootless mode) (documentation) can be tricky to overcome some limitations for new users and as we are going to use Portainer to manage our Docker installation it needs the root priviledges anyway.

Deploy Portainer

Requirements and prerequisites


  1. Versions for Portainer and Docker
    I have tested on docker 24.0.7 and it also works.
Portainer Version Release Date Docker Version
Community 2.19.1 September 20, 2023 23.0.6 24.0.4
Community 2.19.0 August 31, 2023 23.0.6 24.0.4
Community 2.18.4 July 7, 2023 23.0.6 24.0.4
Community 2.18.3 May 22, 2023 20.10.9 20.10.13 20.10.17
... ... ...
  1. Persistent storage
    The installation process provides a basic storage configuration for your platform.

  2. Default Ports
    9443/tcp - UI and API
    8000/tcp - tunnel for Edge agents (optional, use only for Edge computing with Edge agents)
    9001/tcp - must be accessible on the Agent from the Portainer Server instance

In our installation we will not use Agents or Edge computing so only 9443 TCP port can be open



Aside from official documentation which leads us to run docker commands directly in terminal which could be fine for testing purposes I prefer to create docker-compose.yaml file directly.
Also there is a common best-practice to pin specific versions of docker images so you have control over changes. From Docker Hub resource the strict tag has been picked - linux-arm64-2.19.1 for this time.
You can pick other tag as well.

Copy and paste the commands below into your terminal.

mkdir -v ~/portainer && \
cd ~/portainer && \
docker network create cont_network
cat > docker-compose.yaml << "EOF"
version: '3.8'

    image: 'portainer/portainer-ce:linux-arm64-2.19.1'
    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: portainer
      - "9443:9443"
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - portainer_data:/data
      - cont_network

    external: true

docker compose up -d

We created network cont_network and specified it in docker-compose.yaml file. We will specify this network while building other containers so they can communicate via service names. The volume portainer_data will be created and can be found on /var/lib/docker/volumes/ path by default.

Portainer configuration


Check your servers firewall (Oracle's network Security groups) for allowing 9443/tcp port for inbound connection.

Open the link https://<your_server_ip>:9443, default username is admin, set your new password.
By default portainer will discover local environment so no additional configuration needed.

  • Select it. (your local environment)
  • From left-menu select Stacks
  • Press + Add stack
  • Give it a name, for example - npm-uptime-kuma

This field must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, '' or '-' (e.g. 'my-name', or 'abc-123')._

  • Paste in Web editor field the following
version: '3.8'
    image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.10.4'
    container_name: npm
    restart: unless-stopped
      - '80:80' # Public HTTP Port
      - '443:443' # Public HTTPS Port
      - '81:81' # Admin Web Port
      # Add any other Stream port you want to expose
      # - '21:21' # FTP

    # Uncomment the next line if you uncomment anything in the section
      # Uncomment this if you want to change the location of
      # the SQLite DB file within the container
      DB_SQLITE_FILE: "/data/database.sqlite"

      # Uncomment this if IPv6 is not enabled on your host
      DISABLE_IPV6: 'true'
      test: ["CMD", "/bin/check-health"]
      interval: 10s
      timeout: 3s
      - ./data:/data
      - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt
      - cont_network

    image: 'louislam/uptime-kuma:1.23.3'
    container_name: uptime-kuma
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "3001:3001"
      - ./uptime-kuma:/app/data
      - cont_network

    external: true

Here we specified cont_network again so all three containers are in the same network and they can communicate with each other by service names.

Nginx Proxy Manager configuration


From this point it is good time to make sure/to set up your DNS records to your server.

Check your servers firewall (Oracle's network Security groups) for allowing 81/tcp port for inbound connection.

Open the link http://<your_server_ip>:81
Defauld credentials are:
Email: Password: changeme
Change them immediately after successful login.

You can skip the next Proxy Host if you don't want the Nginx Proxy Manager administration page to be publicly available.

Nginx Proxy Manager administration page proxy host

Navigate to Hosts/Proxy Hosts, press Add Proxy Host button.

  • In Domain Names set your domain name for Nginx Proxy Manager administration page (the one you are in at this moment). For example
  • Scheme - http
  • Forward Hostname / IP - localhost
  • Forward Port - 81
  • Set all checkboxes
  • Navigate to SSL at the top of this pop-up window
  • SSL Certificate - Request a new SSL Certificate
  • Set all checkboxes but NOT Use a DNS Challange!
  • Press Save

Replace with your domain name!

It will take a little time and if your DNS records are correct and firewall allow connections to 80 port on the server, you should get your first certificate.
After successful certificate issue recheck if all necessary checkboxes are present on SSL submenu again.

You may find Test Server Reachability button and it could return error but no worries, the proxy works fine.

Uptime-Kuma proxy host

Navigate to Hosts/Proxy Hosts, press Add Proxy Host button.

  • In Domain Names set your domain name for Uptime-Kuma page. For example
  • Scheme - http
  • Forward Hostname / IP - uptime-kuma
  • Forward Port - 3001
  • Set all checkboxes
  • Navigate to SSL at the top of this pop-up window
  • SSL Certificate - Request a new SSL Certificate
  • Set all checkboxes but NOT Use a DNS Challange!
  • Press Save

Replace with your domain name!

Portainer proxy host

Navigate to Hosts/Proxy Hosts, press Add Proxy Host button.

  • In Domain Names set your domain name for Portainer page. For example
  • Scheme - https
  • Forward Hostname / IP - portainer
  • Forward Port - 9443
  • Set all checkboxes
  • Navigate to SSL at the top of this pop-up window
  • SSL Certificate - Request a new SSL Certificate
  • Set all checkboxes but NOT Use a DNS Challange!
  • Press Save

Replace with your domain name!

Adding a bit of security

Nginx Proxy Manager unknown host configuration

Navigate to Settings > press on three dots > press Edit
Select other radio-box than Congratulations Page. Personally I picked No Responce (444)

Remove management ports

If proxying with SSL works fine you can remove port forwarding to containers so all will be managed through NPM with SSL.

Clearing Portainer

Comment ports directive in docker-compose.yaml file:

cd ~/portainer && \
sed -i '/ports:/,+1 s/^/#/' docker-compose.yaml
docker compose up -d

sed -i - command will edit in-place the docker-compose.yaml file by adding # to the needed lines.

Docker compose will reconfigure container without destroying data.

Clearing npm-uptime-kuma stack in Portainer

In Portainer GUI navigate to Stacks, click on npm-uptime-kuma and click on Editor.
Here we want to comment line 10 with - '81:81' # Admin Web Port for npm:

      - '80:80' # Public HTTP Port
      - '443:443' # Public HTTPS Port
#      - '81:81' # Admin Web Port

and 36,37 lines with ports: and - "3001:3001" for uptime-kuma

    restart: unless-stopped
#    ports:
#      - "3001:3001"

to comment means to put # at the beginning of the line.

Press Update the stack button below the Edit window and your containers should be reconfigured.

Don't forget to adjust Oracle's security list to delete these ports.


We've set up Portainer to streamline the management of our Docker environment. All our containers are now on a shared Docker network. If you wish to integrate additional containers with Nginx Proxy Manager, ensure they are added to this shared network as detailed earlier. Once everything is in place, you can visit (as an example) and tailor its configuration to your requirements.

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