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Created October 26, 2013 16:26
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Prints Json litterals for given JsValue
def print(json: JsValue): String = {
json match {
case JsObject(values) =>
val contents = {
case (k, v) => s""""$k" -> ${print(v)}"""
}.mkString(", ")
case JsArray(values) =>
val contents =", ")
case JsString(value) =>
"\"" + value.replaceAll("\"", """\\"""").replaceAll("""\\n""", """\\\\n""") + "\""
case JsBoolean(value) => value.toString
case JsNumber(value) =>
val suffix = if (value.isValidInt) "" else "L"
value.toString + suffix
case JsNull => "JsNull"
case j: JsValue =>[String]
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