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Last active August 18, 2017 16:20
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Branching with free monads
package test
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.language.higherKinds
import scalaz.Free.FreeC
import scalaz.Free
import scalaz.Monad
import scalaz.Coyoneda
object Test {
// Very much like EitherT, only using different types for type related stuff, see flatmap
case class Branch[F[_], L, R](value: F[Either[L, R]]) {
* This flatMap allows you to change the L type
* L1 >: L allows you to change the L type from Nothing to Something
* Z => L1 allows you to flatMap with Branch[F, Nothing, R1] without changing
* the L type
def flatMap[L1 >: L, R1, Z](f: R => Branch[F, Z, R1])(
implicit ev: Z => L1, F: Monad[F]): Branch[F, L1, R1] =
Branch(F.bind(value)(_.fold(l => F.point(Left(l)), r =>
def map[R1](f: R => R1)(implicit F: Monad[F]): Branch[F, L, R1] =
flatMap[L, R1, L](r => Branch(F.point(Right(f(r)))))
def merge[A](implicit F: Monad[F], ev1: L => A, ev2: R => A): F[A] =
type Partial[F[_]] = {
type Free[A] = FreeC[F, A]
type FreeBranch[F[_], L, R] = Branch[Partial[F]#Free, L, R]
object FreeBranch {
def apply[F[_], L, R](fa: FreeC[F, Either[L, R]]) =
// Needs type annotation because Branch expects F[_] and Free is F[_, _]
Branch[Partial[F]#Free, L, R](fa)
implicit def freeMonad[F[_]] = new Monad[Partial[F]#Free] {
def point[A](a: => A): FreeC[F, A] =
Free.point[Coyoneda.CoyonedaF[F]#A, A](a)
def bind[A, B](fa: FreeC[F, A])(f: A => FreeC[F, B]) =
implicit def toFreeBranch[F[_], R](fa: F[R])(implicit ev: ToCorrectType[F[R], FreeBranch[F, Nothing, R]]) = ev(fa)
trait ToCorrectType[I, O] {
def apply(in: I): O
implicit def toBranch[F[_], L, R] =
new ToCorrectType[F[R], FreeBranch[F, L, R]] {
def apply(fr: F[R]) = FreeBranch(Free.liftFC(fr).map(Right(_):Either[L, R]))
implicit def toFree1[F[_], A, Z](implicit ev: Z => F[A]) =
new ToCorrectType[Z, FreeC[F, A]] {
def apply(z: Z) = Free.liftFC(ev(z))
implicit def same[F[_], A] =
new ToCorrectType[FreeC[F, A], FreeC[F, A]] {
def apply(fa: FreeC[F, A]) = fa
trait Result
trait Action[T]
case object Action0 extends Action[String]
case class Action1(value: String) extends Action[Option[String]]
case class Action2(value: String) extends Action[Result]
implicit class OptionEnhancements[R, F[_]](right: F[Option[R]]) {
def ifEmpty[L, Z](left: Z)(implicit ev: ToCorrectType[Z, FreeC[F, L]]): Branch[Partial[F]#Free, L, R] = {
right.flatMap {
case Some(r) => FreeBranch(freeMonad.point(Right(r):Either[L, R]))
case None => FreeBranch(ev(left).map(Left(_):Either[L, R]))
def branchedProgram =
for {
value1 <- Action0
value2 <- Action1(value1) ifEmpty otherProgram
value3 <- Action1(value2) ifEmpty Action2(value2)
result <- Action2(value2)
} yield result
def otherProgram: FreeC[Action, Result] = ???
val program = branchedProgram.merge // FreeC[Action, Result]
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This is sorcery!

Exactly what I needed. Thanks.

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