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Last active December 18, 2015 08:19
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# Paths
set PATH /bin $PATH
set PATH /usr/bin $PATH
set PATH /usr/sbin $PATH
set PATH /sbin $PATH
set PATH /Developer/usr/bin $PATH
set PATH /usr/local/opt/php54/bin $PATH
set PATH /usr/local/opt/ruby/bin $PATH
set PATH $HOME/.rvm/bin $PATH
set PATH $HOME/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin $PATH
set PATH $HOME/.phpenv/bin $PATH
set PATH $HOME/bin $PATH
set PATH /usr/local/sbin $PATH
set PATH /usr/local/bin $PATH
. ~/.config/fish/
. ~/.config/fish/
function fish_prompt
if not set -q -g __fish_robbyrussell_functions_defined
set -g __fish_robbyrussell_functions_defined
function _git_branch_name
echo (git symbolic-ref HEAD ^/dev/null | sed -e 's|^refs/heads/||')
function _is_git_dirty
echo (git status -s --ignore-submodules=dirty ^/dev/null)
set -l cyan (set_color -o cyan)
set -l yellow (set_color -o yellow)
set -l red (set_color -o red)
set -l blue (set_color -o blue)
set -l normal (set_color normal)
set -l arrow "$red➜ "
set -l cwd $cyan(basename (prompt_pwd))
if [ (_git_branch_name) ]
set -l git_branch $red(_git_branch_name)
set git_info "$blue git:($git_branch$blue)"
if [ (_is_git_dirty) ]
set -l dirty "$yellow ✗"
set git_info "$git_info$dirty"
echo -n -s $arrow $cwd $git_info $normal '>'
# vi-mode for fish
# To use this script, put it somewhere fish can find and add the following
# lines to your ~/.config/fish/
# . /path/to/
# function fish_user_keybindings # Deprecated
# vi_mode_insert
# end
function fish_user_key_bindings
# function fish_prompt -d "Write out the prompt"
# printf '%s@%s%s%s%s [%s]> ' (whoami) (hostname|cut -d . -f 1) (set_color $fish_color_cwd) (prompt_pwd) (set_color normal) $vi_mode
# end
# If your version of fish is too old the above may not work. Please ensure that
# you are running the latest beta fish built from:
# git://
# If upgrading to that is not an option for you, you can try running:
# set -U fish_key_bindings vi_mode_insert
# But please note that as of this writing, these bindings REQUIRE a version of
# fish somewhat more recent than the latest official release, otherwise using
# directions will corrupt your commandline.
# I'm thinking about changing these to separate out the colours from the text.
# I'm undecided on this though - when I support count arguments there may be
# some benefit from displaying the count here, but that would also make the
# size of these strings vary, which I'd rather not do...
set -l cn (set_color normal 2>/dev/null)
set -g vi_mode_normal (set_color blue 2>/dev/null)'n'$cn
set -g vi_mode_replace (set_color red 2>/dev/null)'r'$cn
set -g vi_mode_REPLACE (set_color --background=red 2>/dev/null)'R'$cn
set -g vi_mode_insert (set_color green 2>/dev/null)'i'$cn
set -g vi_mode_delete (set_color red 2>/dev/null)'d'$cn
set -g vi_mode_change (set_color yellow 2>/dev/null)'c'$cn
set -g vi_mode_g (set_color blue 2>/dev/null)'g'$cn
set -g vi_mode_lower (set_color blue 2>/dev/null)'u'$cn
set -g vi_mode_upper (set_color blue 2>/dev/null)'U'$cn
set -g vi_mode_swapcase (set_color blue 2>/dev/null)'~'$cn
set -g __vi_mode_undo_cmdline ''
set -g __vi_mode_undo_cmdline_pos 0
function __vi_mode_direction_command
# Embedded python... If you can do this in pure shell then more power to you :)
# There may be some speedup to be gained by splitting this out into a
# separate script, which python can compile once instead of every time
set ret (python -c "
import sys
from functools import reduce
command = sys.argv[1]
direction = sys.argv[2]
new_pos = pos = int(sys.argv[3])
lineno = int(sys.argv[4]) - 1
cmdline_list = sys.argv[5:]
cmdline = '\n'.join(cmdline_list)
def start():
return (0, 0)
def end():
return (len(cmdline), -1)
class not_found(Exception): pass
def dir_0():
return (reduce(lambda a,b: a + len(b) + 1, cmdline_list[:lineno], 0), 0)
def dir_eol(): # end of line
before_len = reduce(lambda a,b: a + len(b) + 1, cmdline_list[:lineno], 0)
line_len = len(cmdline_list[lineno]) or 1
return (before_len + line_len, -1)
# These routines are all similar, they can probably be combined into one, but
# I'll make sure I get all working and understand the differences first
def dir_fnw(): # First Non-Whitespace
import re
len_before = reduce(lambda a,b: a + len(b) + 1, cmdline_list[:lineno], 0)
match ='^\s*[^\s]', cmdline_list[lineno])
if not match:
return start()
return (len_before + match.end()-1, 0)
dir__ = dir_fnw # XXX: I always used _ as this, but turns out that might not be quite right
def _dir_w(regexp):
import re
searchpart = cmdline[pos:]
match =, searchpart)
if not match:
return end()
return (pos + match.end()-1, 0)
def _dir_e(regexp):
import re
searchpart = cmdline[pos+1:]
match =, searchpart)
if not match:
return end()
return (pos+2 + match.start(), -1)
def _dir_b(regexp):
import re
if pos == 0:
return start()
# Reverse the string instead of matching to right:
searchpart = cmdline[pos-1::-1]
match =, searchpart)
if not match:
return start()
return (len(searchpart) - (match.start()+1), 0)
def _dir_ge(regexp):
import re
if pos == 0:
return start()
# Reverse the string instead of matching to right:
searchpart = cmdline[pos::-1]
match =, searchpart)
if not match:
return start()
return (len(searchpart) - (match.end()), 0)
# Simple, but not inclusive enough:
# def dir_w(): return _dir_w(r'[^\w]\w')
# def dir_e(): return _dir_e(r'\w[^\w]')
# Slightly too inclusive, e.g. fi--sh matches both '-' characters, but should only match one:
_dir_w_regexp = r'[^\w][^\s]|\w[^\w\s]'
_dir_e_regexp = r'[^\s][^\w]|[^\w\s]\w'
_dir_W_regexp = r'\s[^\s]'
_dir_E_regexp = r'[^\s]\s'
def dir_w(): return _dir_w(_dir_w_regexp)
def dir_W(): return _dir_w(_dir_W_regexp)
def dir_e(): return _dir_e(_dir_e_regexp)
def dir_E(): return _dir_e(_dir_E_regexp)
def dir_b(): return _dir_b(_dir_e_regexp)
def dir_B(): return _dir_b(_dir_E_regexp)
def dir_ge(): return _dir_ge(_dir_w_regexp)
def dir_gE(): return _dir_ge(_dir_W_regexp)
def dir_cw(): return _dir_w(_dir_e_regexp)
def dir_cW(): return _dir_w(_dir_E_regexp)
def dir_h():
if pos: return (pos-1, 0)
return start()
def dir_l():
return (pos+1, 0)
def dir_t(char):
new_pos = cmdline.find(char, pos+1)
if new_pos < 0:
raise not_found
return (new_pos, -1)
def dir_T(char):
new_pos = cmdline.rfind(char, 0, pos)
if new_pos < 0:
raise not_found
return (new_pos+1, 0)
def dir_f(char): return (dir_t(char)[0]+1, -1)
def dir_F(char): return (dir_T(char)[0]-1, 0)
def cmd_delete():
dst_pos = dir(direction)
if dst_pos >= pos:
new_cmdline = cmdline[:pos] + cmdline[dst_pos:]
return (new_cmdline, pos)
new_cmdline = cmdline[:dst_pos] + cmdline[pos:]
return (new_cmdline, dst_pos)
def cmd_change():
# 'Special case: 'cw' and 'cW' are treated like 'ce' and 'cE' if the cursor
# is on a non-blank. This is because 'cw' is interpreted as change-word,
# and a word does not include the following white space.'
# Note: Even with this special case the behaviour does not quite match what
# vim actually does in practice - try with the cursor on punctuation, or on
# the last character in a word. Specifically, the behaviour of cw differs
# from ce when the cursor is already on the last character of a 'word', for
# vim's definition of word.
# Because of this, we use a special direction to handle this case.
global direction
if direction in 'wW' and not cmdline[pos].isspace():
direction = direction.replace('w', 'cw').replace('W', 'cW')
return cmd_delete()
def cmd_o():
above = '\n'.join(cmdline_list[:lineno + 1])
below = '\n'.join(cmdline_list[lineno + 1:])
return (above + '\n\n' + below, len(above)+1)
def cmd_O():
above = '\n'.join(cmdline_list[:lineno])
below = '\n'.join(cmdline_list[lineno:])
return (above + '\n\n' + below, len(above)+1)
def _dir_cmd_func(func):
(pos1, pos2) = (pos, dir(direction))
if pos2 < pos:
(pos1, pos2) = (pos2, pos1)
new_cmdline = cmdline[:pos1] + func(cmdline[pos1:pos2]) + cmdline[pos2:]
return (new_cmdline, pos1)
# XXX: automagic completion sometimes hides the results of changing the case in these commands:
def cmd_upper(): return _dir_cmd_func(str.upper)
def cmd_lower(): return _dir_cmd_func(str.lower)
def cmd_swapcase(): return _dir_cmd_func(str.swapcase)
def dir(d, cursor = False):
def validate(pos):
if pos < 0: return 0
if pos > len(cmdline): return len(cmdline)
return pos
a = ()
if ':' in d:
(d, a) = d.split(':', 1)
(new_pos, cursor_off) = globals()['dir_%s' % d](*a)
if cursor:
return validate(new_pos + cursor_off)
return validate(new_pos)
def cmd(c): return globals()['cmd_%s' % c]()
def cmd_normal():
return (None, dir(direction, True))
(cmdline, new_pos) = cmd(command)
if cmdline is not None:
print ( cmdline )
except not_found:
new_pos = pos
print ( new_pos )
" $argv[1] $argv[2] (commandline -C) (commandline -L) (commandline)) # commandline should always be last
set new_pos $ret[-1]
set -e ret[-1] # Guessing that deleting last element is likely to be faster than deleting first
if test (count $ret) -gt 0
commandline -- $ret
commandline -C $new_pos
function __vi_mode_common_emacs -d "common key bindings for all vi-like modes that are identical to the emacs mode"
# Feel free to expand this list for anything that makes sense, this is just
# a couple of hand-picked ones that seemed useful and/or I use :)
bind \e\[A up-or-search
bind \e\[B down-or-search
bind -k down down-or-search
bind -k up up-or-search
bind \e\[C forward-char
bind \e\[D backward-char
bind -k right forward-char
bind -k left backward-char
bind \e\[H beginning-of-line
bind \e\[F end-of-line
# OS X SnowLeopard doesn't have these keys. Don't show an annoying error message.
bind -k home beginning-of-line 2> /dev/null
bind -k end end-of-line 2> /dev/null
bind \cl 'clear; commandline -f repaint'
bind \cd delete-or-exit
function __vi_mode_common -d "common key bindings for all vi-like modes"
bind \e __vi_mode_normal
# Can we put commandline into history when pressing ^C?
bind \cc '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; for i in (seq (count (commandline))); echo; end; commandline ""; vi_mode_insert'
bind \n "commandline -f execute; vi_mode_insert"
function __vi_mode_common_insert -d "common key bindings for all insert vi-like modes"
bind \e 'commandline -f backward-char; __vi_mode_normal'
if functions -q vi_mode_user
vi_mode_user insert
function __vi_mode_bind_directions
__vi_mode $argv[1]
for direction in W w E e B b 0 _ h l
bind $direction "$argv[3]; __vi_mode_direction_command '$argv[1]' $direction; $argv[2]"
bind \$ "$argv[3]; __vi_mode_direction_command '$argv[1]' eol; $argv[2]"
bind \^ "$argv[3]; __vi_mode_direction_command '$argv[1]' fnw; $argv[2]"
for direction in f F t T
bind $direction "__vi_mode_bind_all '$argv[3]; __vi_mode_direction_command %q$argv[1]%q {$direction}:%k; $argv[2]'"
bind g "__vi_mode_bind_directions_g $argv"
function __vi_mode_bind_directions_g
for direction in e E
bind $direction "$argv[3]; __vi_mode_direction_command '$argv[1]' g$direction; $argv[2]"
function __vi_mode_bind_all
# There seems to be some magic that doesn't work properly without this:
bind '' self-insert
python -c "
command = '''$argv'''
for c in map(chr, range(0x20, 0x7f)):
q = '\"' # Enclose command in these
Q = '\'' # Other quote - for quotes inside command
if c == '\"':
l = r = r'\\%s' % c
(q, Q) = (Q, q) # Swap quotes
elif c in ['(', ')', '<', '>', ';', '|', '\'']:
l = r = r'\%s' % c
elif c == '\\\\':
l = r'\\\\'
r = r'\\\\\\\\'
elif c == '\$':
l = '\%s' % c
r = r\"'\%s'\" % c
l = r = \"'%s'\" % c
print ( '''bind %s %s%s%s''' % (l, q, command.replace('%k', r).replace('%q', Q), q))
" | .
function __vi_mode
# Is there a way to do this without eval?
# We really want something like a dictionary...
eval set -g vi_mode \$vi_mode_{$argv}
commandline -f repaint
function __vi_mode_replace
__vi_mode replace
bind --erase --all
# backward-char should happen last, but only works if specified first
# (guess I should dig through the C code and figure out what is going
# on):
# __vi_mode_bind_all "commandline -f delete-char; commandline -i %k; commandline -f backward-char; __vi_mode_normal"
__vi_mode_bind_all "__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f backward-char delete-char; commandline -i %k; __vi_mode_normal"
if functions -q vi_mode_user
vi_mode_user replace
function __vi_mode_overwrite
__vi_mode REPLACE
bind --erase --all
__vi_mode_bind_all "commandline -f delete-char; commandline -i %k"
if functions -q vi_mode_user
vi_mode_user overwrite
function __vi_mode_save_cmdline
# Only vi style single level for now, patch to suppport vim style
# multi-level undo history welcome
set -g __vi_mode_undo_cmdline (commandline)
set -g __vi_mode_undo_cmdline_pos (commandline -C)
function __vi_mode_undo
set -l cmdline (commandline)
set -l pos (commandline -C)
commandline $__vi_mode_undo_cmdline
commandline -C $__vi_mode_undo_cmdline_pos
set -g __vi_mode_undo_cmdline $cmdline
set -g __vi_mode_undo_cmdline_pos $pos
function __vi_mode_g -d "vi-like key bindings for fish (commands starting with g)"
__vi_mode g
bind --erase --all
__vi_mode_bind_all '__vi_mode_normal'
bind I '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f beginning-of-line; vi_mode_insert'
# XXX: automagic completion sometimes hides the results of changing the case in these commands:
bind u '__vi_mode_bind_directions lower __vi_mode_normal __vi_mode_save_cmdline'
bind U '__vi_mode_bind_directions upper __vi_mode_normal __vi_mode_save_cmdline'
bind \~ '__vi_mode_bind_directions swapcase __vi_mode_normal __vi_mode_save_cmdline'
# TODO: The rest of the g commands + directions.
__vi_mode_bind_directions_g normal __vi_mode_normal ''
if functions -q vi_mode_user
vi_mode_user g
function __vi_mode_normal -d "WIP vi-like key bindings for fish (normal mode)"
__vi_mode normal
bind --erase --all
# NOTE: bind '' self-insert seems to be required to allow the
# prompt to change, but we don't want unbound keys to be able to
# self-insert, so set the default binding, but bind everything to
# do nothing (which is wasteful, but seems to work):
__vi_mode_bind_all ''
# Fish recently gained support for this, redirect to /dev/null so it
# doesn't fall over if running an old version of fish:
commandline -f suppress-autosuggestion 2>/dev/null
bind i '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; vi_mode_insert'
bind I '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; __vi_mode_direction_command normal fnw; vi_mode_insert'
bind a '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f forward-char; vi_mode_insert'
bind A '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f end-of-line; vi_mode_insert'
bind o '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; __vi_mode_direction_command o ""; vi_mode_insert'
bind O '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; __vi_mode_direction_command O ""; vi_mode_insert'
# Cool, these functions are pretty close to what I wanted:
# FIXME: Cursor not placed in correct position, but moving it prevents further searching
bind j down-or-search
bind k up-or-search
bind x '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f delete-char'
bind D '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f kill-line'
# bind Y 'commandline -f kill-whole-line yank'
bind P '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f yank'
bind p '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f yank forward-char' # Yes, this is reversed. Otherwise it does the wrong thing. Go figure.
bind C '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f kill-line; vi_mode_insert'
bind S '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f kill-whole-line; vi_mode_insert'
bind s '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f delete-char; vi_mode_insert'
bind r __vi_mode_replace
bind R __vi_mode_overwrite
# XXX: The automagic completion sometimes displays the case from the
# command it wants to complete instead of the case actually on the
# commandline, so even though this works, it may not always appear to work.
# I'm not sure if I can do anything about that, I'll need to look at the
# code. Ideally I would turn off automagic completion whenever I'm not in
# insert mode.
bind \~ '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f forward-char; __vi_mode_direction_command swapcase l'
__vi_mode_bind_directions normal __vi_mode_normal ''
bind d '__vi_mode_bind_directions delete __vi_mode_normal __vi_mode_save_cmdline'
bind c '__vi_mode_bind_directions change vi_mode_insert __vi_mode_save_cmdline'
# Override generic direction code for simple things that have a close
# match in fish's builtin commands, which should be faster:
bind h backward-char
bind l forward-char
bind 0 beginning-of-line
# bind \$ end-of-line #FIXME: Cursor position
# bind b backward-word # Note: built-in implementation only recently fixed. Also, before enabling this override, determine if this matches on the right characters
bind g __vi_mode_g # MUST BE AFTER BIND_DIRECTIONS... I'm thinking about changing it so that this is all handled by bind_directions
bind u __vi_mode_undo
# bind 2 vi-arg-digit
# bind y yank-direction
# bind g magic :-P
# bind ^a increment next number
# bind ^x decrement next number
# bind /?nN search (jk kind of does this)
# registers (maybe try to make sensible integration into X, like an
# explicit yank with y goes to an X selection, while an implicit
# delete with x etc. doesn't. "* and "+ should natually go to the
# appropriate X selection if possible)
# etc.
if functions -q vi_mode_user
vi_mode_user normal
function vi_mode_insert -d "vi-like key bindings for fish (insert mode)"
__vi_mode insert
# vi:noexpandtab:sw=4:ts=4
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