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Created July 5, 2018 07:34
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shader_type spatial;
render_mode shadows_disabled;
uniform float rim = 0.25;
uniform float rim_tint = 0.5;
uniform sampler2D albedo : hint_albedo;
uniform float specular;
uniform float roughness = 1.0;
uniform bool disable_lighting = false;
uniform vec4 shadow_color : hint_color;
void light() {
if (disable_lighting) {
float litness = dot(LIGHT,NORMAL);
litness = clamp(litness, 0.01,1.0);
litness = 1.0-litness; // Inverted because toon maps are inverted too
vec3 tint = vec3(1.0);
if (litness > 0.5) {
tint = shadow_color.rgb;
float NdotL = 1.0; // To avoid gradients... right?
float NdotV = dot(NORMAL, VIEW);
float cNdotV = max(NdotV, 0.0);
float diffuse_brdf_NL = smoothstep(-ROUGHNESS,max(ROUGHNESS,0.01),NdotL);
// rim
float rim_light = pow(max(0.0,1.0-cNdotV), max(0.0,(1.0-0.7)*16.0));
DIFFUSE_LIGHT += rim_light * rim * mix(vec3(1.0),ALBEDO,rim_tint) * LIGHT_COLOR;
// Specular stuff
vec3 R = normalize(-reflect(LIGHT,NORMAL));
float RdotV = dot(R,VIEW);
float mid = 1.0-ROUGHNESS;
float intensity = smoothstep(mid-ROUGHNESS*0.5, mid+ROUGHNESS*0.5, RdotV) * mid;
DIFFUSE_LIGHT += LIGHT_COLOR * intensity * specular * ATTENUATION; // write to diffuse_light, as in toon shading you generally want no reflection
void fragment() {
ROUGHNESS = roughness;
vec3 albedo_tex = texture(albedo,UV).rgb;
ALBEDO = albedo_tex.rgb;
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