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Created July 18, 2019 00:19
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# coding=utf-8
PrivateBin uploading uploads text to privatebin
using code from <>,
© 2017–2018 R4SAS <>
using code from <>,
© 2017 khazhyk
modified by
© 2018 bmintz
modified by
© 2019 EJH2
import asyncio
import json
import sys
import aiohttp
from sjcl_helper import encrypt, decrypt
def _make_payload(text: str, expires: str, formatter: str, password: str):
Creates the payload to be sent to PrivateBin.
# Formatting request
request = dict(
cipher, key = encrypt(text, password)
for k in ['salt', 'iv', 'ct']:
cipher[k] = cipher[k].decode()
request['data'] = json.dumps(cipher, ensure_ascii=False, default=lambda x: x.decode('utf-8'))
return request, key
lock = asyncio.Lock()
class PrivateBinException(Exception):
Default PrivateBin exception.
async def upload(text: str, expires: str, password: str = None, formatter: str = 'plaintext',
server: str = '', loop=None):
Uploads text to a instance.
loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
await lock.acquire()
result = None
payload, key = await loop.run_in_executor(None, _make_payload, text, expires, formatter, password)
python_version = '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3]))
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers={
'User-Agent': ' aiohttp/%s python/%s' % (aiohttp.__version__, python_version),
'X-Requested-With': 'JSONHttpRequest'
}) as session:
for tries in range(2):
async with, data=payload) as resp:
resp_json = await resp.json()
if resp_json['status'] == 0:
result = _to_url(server, resp_json['id'], key)
elif resp_json['status'] == 1: # rate limited
await asyncio.sleep(10)
if result is None:
raise PrivateBinException('Failed to upload to privatebin')
return result
async def get(url: str, password: str = None):
Gets a paste from a instance.
await lock.acquire()
result = None
server, paste_id, passphrase = _from_url(url)
python_version = '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3]))
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers={
'User-Agent': ' aiohttp/%s python/%s' % (aiohttp.__version__, python_version),
'X-Requested-With': 'JSONHttpRequest'
}) as session:
for tries in range(2):
async with session.get(_to_url(server, paste_id)) as _get:
resp_json = await _get.json()
if resp_json['status'] == 0:
data = json.loads(resp_json['data'])
result = decrypt(data, passphrase, password)
elif resp_json['status'] == 1: # rate limited
await asyncio.sleep(10)
if result is None:
raise PrivateBinException('Failed to download from privatebin')
return result
def _to_url(server: str, paste_id: str, key: bytes = None):
Returns paste url.
if key:
return '%s/?%s#%s' % (server, paste_id, key.decode('utf-8'))
return '%s/?%s' % (server, paste_id)
def _from_url(url: str):
Returns data from paste url.
server = url.split('?')[0]
paste_id, key = (url.split('?')[1]).split('#')
return server, paste_id, key.encode('utf-8')
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