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Last active December 16, 2015 11:42

Contributing to Paws

Hi, and welcome! I'm Elliott. This is my project¹, and I'm super-glad² you want to help me build this software. There's a few things that it'll be really helpful to know while you get started, and I'll cover those herein.

I know that for some, contributing to a programming language may be a daunting prospect (and for others, contributing to any open-source project), so please, if any of the following is true, I want to make it clear: I want your input!

  • You have experience in developing, or communicating in, online communities; and you like the sound of there existing one more safe (and productive!) space in our field.³
  • You're curious about how programming languages are designed and built, or why certain decisions are made in the process of designing a programming language.
  • You're a software developer that wants to see if a new and fledgling language can meet your needs as a dev, and you want to influence its evolution and development in positive ways.

If any of these describe you ... read on, m'friend. (。◕‿◕。)


  • IRC: #ELLIOTTCABLE on the Freenode network

    IRC is our real-time communication method of choice (sorry, Slack). There's always somebody chatting in my channel; and as often as not, it could be about Paws. If you have any questions, want help getting started, or just want to make some new friends, grab yourself an IRC client (or just click the link above!) and come say hi! (We're all social creatures at heart, so why don't you introduce yourself a bit when you join? I'd love to get to know you better.)

  • Mailing list:

    Joining the mailing list simply involves sending an empty e-mail to As with IRC, may I gently suggest you send an e-mail saying hello and introducing yourself after joining? (=

  • GitHub Issues:

    Actual bugs, technical issues, or any propositions or feature-requests should be directed to Issues. As with any technical project, the more information, the better, with no exceptions. It never hurts to ask on IRC, first; but even if the solution is simple, I'll likely ask you to post it on Issues anyway, for posterity (i.e., future frens experiencing the same problem.)

Comportment and behaviour

Now that you know where to talk, I need to touch on how to. As the creator of these various venues, I've been systematically blessed(?) with some procedural control over the conversations that happen therein (read: banning, muting, and other forms of censorship.) Now, I am, unfortunately, just another flawed human being, like yourself; but because I created these spaces, it falls on me to exercise these tools to the benefit of us all. To that end, I've written a CODE OF CONDUCT dun dun dunnn to help set the tone for our community; and all jokes aside, I will see it adhered to.

There's more information available in that document, and I do require that you read it in full before participating in any space I am responsible for; but I want to proffer the following simplification: There exists between myself, Elliott, and you, as a member of my community, a covenant. This convenant says:

  1. I will swiftly, and prejudicially, eject people who are hurting you (or who are hurting any member of the community); or who's presence is actively damaging the community as a whole.

  2. However should you be so removed, I will still make myself available to you. Your feelings will not go unreceived, and you will have a thoroguh explanation of my decision. (Understand that this does not guarantee you will be re-admitted, unfortunately. /= )

That said, please, please go read the CODE OF CONDUCT. It's not some legal document; it's simple, straightforward, and will help us all get along and have lots of fun improving the world together.

How to contribute

There's lots of ways you can contribute to Paws. Besides the obvious technical ways, which I'll (finally!) go into more detail about below, there's lots of non-technical progress to be made. Some of the types of contributions I'm looking for include:

  • Ideas: Participate in a conversation on IRC, submit your own original thoughts to the mailing list or comment on Issues, and make your voice heard.
  • Design: Paws still doesn't have a landing page, website, or even logo!
  • Writing: You may have noticed that I like my prose. There's plenty of copywriting to be done, both in terms of technical documentation, tutorials and information for newcomers, and in terms of ‘marketing.’
  • Feedback: There's nothing out there better than constructive criticism; and if you have some for me, I'd love to hear it. This can be as simple as bugs, errors, and typos; it can be in criticisms of Paws' design, or it can even be criticisms of my approach to building a community.

Technical contributions

Phew! That got long-winded. Let's move on to what you probably came here for: how to navigate the code-base, how to get started improving things, and how to submit those improvements.

Finding the code

Paws.js is spread across three individual projects: The interpreter and primary codebase (this repository), the glue-mappings that actually implement the standard library of primitives ([primitives.js][]), and the suite of language- specification conformance tests, known as the Rulebook.

Implementation of the core datatypes, the primary algorithms that power Paws, the reactor that evaluates code, and the parser that consumes ‘canonical Paws’ as text-files, are all found in this project. These things are exposed via a JavaScript API, and an executable CLI. (More detail about the structure of the interpreter can be found in SPELUNKING.markdown.)

The individual specifics of the Paws-side API, however, are implemented in the separate primitives project. The actual code there is kept to a minimum, to reduce the liklihood of changes; but any change to the parameterization of primitive procedures will be made there.

Improving the code

Around these parts, we adhere strongly to test-first development. Once you've ascertained which moving parts of the codebase play a part in the changes you wish to make, you need to write a new integration-level test to describe the functionality you wish to add or change, and unit-level tests for any changes you make to the codebase in the process. Once you've written the tests you wish, you can run my entire test-suite with the following:

npm -s test            # See Scripts/ for documentation of options
WATCH=yes npm -s test  # (An example, to re-execute the suite on file-save)

If you're making any changes to the language semantics (that is, if your changes are not completely confined to the executable, utilities and debugging system, or interactive-mode), then you'll also need to be running the Rulebook, our language-conformance suite. Changes to the Rulebook are much more tightly controlled; and you probably shouldn't be making changes to the reactor or other parts of the language that affect the semantics without prior addition of failing Rulebook tests.

RULEBOOK=yes npm -s test
paws.js check a_book.rules.paws # To evaluate a particular book of your own

In leiu of a formal style-guide, I simply ask that you do your best to maintain the appearance and approaches of the code nearby that which you are changing (or adding.) For instance: do you see a single hard-tab character in the entire codebase? No? Then maybe don't use them. ;)

As well as caring deeply about the thorough testing and Q.A. of my software, I consider thorough documentation to be absolutely indespensible. There is definitely such a thing as self-documenting code, and that's always a great goal; but if you don't think a 5-year-old could follow what a block of code that you've added does, then please add some comments describing it. (If you've added or changed any public APIs, though, then a documentation block is, of course, non-optional.)

Committing the code

Final code to be accepted into the Paws mainline obviously must be, as described above, thoroughly tested, thoroughly documented, and so-on so-forth; but that doesn't mean every step along the way has to be perfectly-placed! I encourage constant and granular committing of your changes as you work (if I were an elementary-school teacher, I'd be the one always saying “Show your work!”), even if you make lots of mistakes. To do such work, create a new Git branch with a name ending in + beforehand:

git checkout --track my-cool-new-feature+

Once you have completed your work and are ready to submit it for inclusion, you should rebase those changes on top of the Current mainline of active work, and then squash those progress-commits into a single (or possibly a few) ‘primary’ changesets, consisting of the final state of your improvements:

git rebase Current my-cool-new-feature+
git checkout Current
git merge --squash my-cool-new-feature+

When committing, use .gitlabels to categorize and describe the changes being made (this repository will automatically suggest some of the more common labels to you when you're writing a commit message.) Your first-line summary, after the labels, should be short, to the point, and written in the imperative mood. As described in that link, your final commit message should also almost always include an in-depth description of the ‘why’ of your work: provide rationale for any decisions made during development. (I, personally, find it helps to keep a log of development notes while working.)

(- re doc) Document commits with clear messages

This is an example of a good commit message. The labels are accurate,
the summary is short and written as an instruction ‘to the code’, and
there is a more in-depth description of the work being committed in the
‘body’ below.

Submitting the code

Surprise: you don't have to do any of the above to open a pull-request against the project! Your work problem won't be merged until that process has been followed; but that's okay! I'm here to help you out with any part of it.

Fork the project on GitHub, dive right in, commit some changes, and hit that ‘create a new pull request’ button. Show me what you've got! Once it's reached a point that I'm happy with, I'll merge it into the Current work- branch, which is later promoted to Master as releases are cut.

  1. I know open-source software is a collaborative process; and I don't want to come across as claiming ownership of this project for some sort of skeevy, self-edifying reason: I say ‘my project’ simply because I've been working nearly alone on it for many years. By all means, come by, say hi, and help me change that to ‘our project.’ (=

  2. You have no idea how glad. In a similar vein to 1. ... if you show up and say you have interest in my project, you should definitely imagine me jumping out of my chair in real life, running in circles, and shouting ‘yippee!’ before falling to the floor to roll around with my dogs.

    So, yeah. Super, super-glad.

  3. Time, after time, in my programming career, I've seen it demonstrated that the flavour of a language's community informs and influences the flavour of every single community that uses or depends on that language. Programming languages aren't just important tools; their communities are ground-zero for the experience of participating in that particular sector of software-development.

    So, yes, I think people with experience with healthy, inclusive, and safe communities are probably the single most important resource of a fledging language; beyond any other participant, from the average user to the academic programming-language theorist.

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