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Last active October 27, 2020 14:11
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Save EMPAT94/5dfe876962211b6c5c2ce4d70e5f8a71 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Quicky run an external command (eg node) on current buffer and show output in temporary vertical split
" Add the following in your vim config
function! ShowNodeResult()
" command to run on current buffer
let op = system("node", bufnr())
" name of output buffer
let win = bufwinnr("__NODE_OUTPUT__")
" Check if existing output buffer exists
if win == -1
" If not exists, create a new one
vsplit __NODE_OUTPUT__
" Do not save to disk or create backups
setlocal buftype=nofile
setlocal nobackup noswapfile nowritebackup
" If exists, switch to it
exe win . "wincmd w"
" Clear buffer
normal! ggdG
" Append output
call append(0, split(op, '\v\n'))
" Bind to a command
command! -nargs=0 Node :call ShowNodeResult()
" To close the window on exit
augroup nodeOP
autocmd BufLeave __NODE_OUTPUT__ bwipe
augroup end
" Inspired by :
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