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Last active August 19, 2018 20:19
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Conway's Game of Life in
* Game of Life in
* =========================
* Coord
module Coord = {
/* Type defs: */
type t = { row: int, col: int };
/* Constructor: */
let make = (row, col) => { row, col };
/* Fns: */
let add = (a, b) => make(a.row + b.row, a.col + b.col);
/* Static: */
let default = make(0, 0);
* Cell
module Cell = {
/* open Coord; */
/* Type defs: */
type state = Active | Inactive;
type t = {
coord: Coord.t,
mutable cur: state,
mutable nxt: state,
/* Constructor: */
let make = (row, col, state) =>
{ coord: Coord.make(row, col), cur: state, nxt: state };
/* Fns: */
let fromCoord = (coord, state) =>
{ coord, cur: state, nxt: state };
/* Statics: */
let default = make(0, 0, Inactive);
* Grid
module Grid = {
/* Type defs: */
type t = {
numRows: int,
numCols: int,
mutable data: array(array(Cell.t))
/* Constructor: */
let make = (numRows: int, numCols: int) => {
let data = Array.init(numRows, (ri: int) => {
Array.init(numCols, (ci: int) => {
Cell.make(ri, ci, Cell.Inactive);
/* return: */
{ numRows, numCols, data }
/* Fns: */
let getRow = (grid, ri) => Array.get(, ri);
let get = (grid, ri, ci) => {
let row = getRow(grid, ri);
/* return */
Array.get(row, ci)
let getWrap = (grid, ri, ci) => {
let {numRows, numCols} = grid;
let ri = ri mod numRows;
let ci = ci mod numCols;
let ri = (ri < 0 ? ri + numRows : ri);
let ci = (ci < 0 ? ci + numCols : ci);
/* return */
get(grid, ri, ci);
let set = (grid, ri, ci, cell) => {
let row = getRow(grid, ri);
Array.set(row, ci, cell);
let isValid = (grid, ri, ci) => {
ri >= 0 && ri < grid.numRows && ci >= 0 && ci < grid.numCols
let forEach = (grid, fn) => {
let { numRows, numCols, data } = grid;
for (ri in 0 to numRows-1) {
let row = Array.get(data, ri);
for (ci in 0 to numCols-1) {
let cell = Array.get(row, ci);
fn(cell, ri, ci);
let toString = (grid) => {
let str = ref("");
Array.iteri((_ri, row) => {
Array.iteri((_ci, cell)=> {
let state = switch Cell.(cell.cur) {
| Cell.Inactive => "I"
| Cell.Active => "A"
/* let ri = string_of_int(ri);
let ci = string_of_int(ci);
str := str^ ++ "["++ri++","++ci++"]:"; */
str := str^ ++ state++" ";
}, row);
str := str^ ++ "\n";
/* return */
/* Statics: */
/* TODO */
* Game Type
type t = {
grid: Grid.t,
update: (Grid.t) => Grid.t,
let init = (numRows, numCols) => {
/* create grid */
let grid = Grid.make(numRows, numCols);
/* initialize board with randoms */
let initCell = (cell, _ri, _ci)=> {
open Cell;
cell.cur = Random.bool() ? Active : Inactive;
/* update cell */
let updateCell = (cell, ri, ci) => {
open Cell;
let riLo = ri-1;
let riHi = ri+1;
let ciLo = ci-1;
let ciHi = ci+1;
/* count living neighbors */
let activeNeighbors = ref(0);
for (riCur in riLo to riHi) {
for (ciCur in ciLo to ciHi) {
if (riCur !== ri && ciCur !== ci) {
let cell = Grid.getWrap(grid, riCur, ciCur);
if (cell.cur == Active) {
activeNeighbors := activeNeighbors^ + 1;
/* set nxt state */
let n = activeNeighbors^;
cell.nxt = switch (cell.cur) {
| Active =>
if (n < 2) Inactive
else if (n < 4) Active
else Inactive
| Inactive =>
if (n === 3) Active
else Inactive
/* apply cell updates */
let applyCellUpdates = (cell, _ri, _ci) => {
open Cell;
cell.cur = cell.nxt;
/* update game */
let update = (grid) => {
Grid.forEach(grid, updateCell);
Grid.forEach(grid, applyCellUpdates);
/* return */
/* initialize grid cells */
Grid.forEach(grid, initCell);
/* return */
{ grid, update }
* Test Fns
* ========
let test = () => {
Js.log(">> Game.test()");
let size = 30;
let game = init(size, size);
let { grid, update } = game;
for (_i in 0 to 10) {
let _ = update(grid);
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