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Last active June 9, 2023 10:04
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  • Save ES-Alexander/5afdef7d9b570e1c65663c908fe2bcd2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ES-Alexander/5afdef7d9b570e1c65663c908fe2bcd2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generates a tubular triangle mesh that follows a path of points.
# relevant types
from import Sequence
from numbers import Real
import pathlib
# functionality
from itertools import chain, pairwise
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import numpy as np
class TubeMesh:
''' A triangle mesh of conical tubes that follow a path of points. '''
def __init__(
path: np.ndarray | Sequence,
widths: Real | np.ndarray | Sequence = 0.2,
heights: Real | np.ndarray | Sequence | None = None,
sides: int = 4,
capped: bool = False,
inplace_path: bool = False,
`path` should contain N points to 'draw' a tube along.
Points are 3D (x,y,z), but if specified as 2D will assume z=0.
Successive points are expected to be distinct (i.e. x[i] != x[i+1]).
If this cannot be guaranteed, use the `from_raw_path` constructor.
`widths` should be either
- a single numerical value that applies to all points,
- N numbers denoting the diameter at each path point/corner
`heights` is like `widths`.
If left as `None`, uses the `widths` value.
`sides` determines the number of sides rendered for each tube.
Fewer sides render faster but look less rounded.
Must be >= 2. Default 4.
`capped` is a flag specifying whether to generate triangles for a cap on
each end of the path. Off by default, but useful for generating closed
meshes (e.g. for an STL).
`inplace_path` is a flag specifying that `path` is already a valid numpy
array of 3D points with float values, and will not be changed externally
so can safely be used directly (instead of via a copy).
self.path_points = path if inplace_path else self.make_valid_path(path)
self.num_cylinders = len(path) - 1
self.radial_widths = np.reshape(widths, (-1,1)) / 2
self.radial_heights = np.reshape(heights, (-1,1)) / 2 if heights is not None \
else self.radial_widths
self.sides = sides
self.capped = capped
if self.capped:
def __init_mesh_points(self):
corner_tangents = self.calculate_corner_tangents(self.path_points)
# Determine path-aligned point offsets from normal vectors
sway_offsets, heave_offsets = self.calculate_normals(corner_tangents)
# Normalise, then scale by user-specified dimensions
sway_offsets /= np.linalg.norm(sway_offsets, axis=1, keepdims=True)
sway_offsets *= self.radial_widths
heave_offsets /= np.linalg.norm(heave_offsets, axis=1, keepdims=True)
heave_offsets *= self.radial_heights
# Combine as evenly spaced points around the circle
# NOTE: there's potential for optimisation here, if we want to add
# special cases for 2/4/... sided tubes, to reduce operations.
scale = 2 * np.pi / self.sides
point_offsets = np.dstack([
np.cos(s*scale)*sway_offsets + np.sin(s*scale)*heave_offsets
for s in range(self.sides)
mesh_points = self.path_points[..., np.newaxis] + point_offsets
# rearrange and reshape into a simple array of points
self.mesh_points = mesh_points.swapaxes(1,2).reshape(-1,3)
def __init_triangles(self):
self.triangles = self.generate_tube_triangles(self.sides, self.num_cylinders)
def __init_endcaps(self):
# Add in the endpoints to cap the tube ends
# appending numpy arrays is a poor use of memory,
# but I'm not sure what would be better here
self.mesh_points = np.append(self.mesh_points,
[self.path_points[0], self.path_points[-1]], axis=0)
path_start, path_end = len(self.mesh_points) - np.array([2,1])
cap_triangles = []
for index_offset, path_point in ((0, path_start),
(self.num_cylinders*self.sides, path_end)):
[first+index_offset, second+index_offset, path_point]
for first, second in pairwise(chain(range(self.sides),(0,)))
# triangle definition order matters for rendering purposes
self.triangles = np.vstack((cap_triangles[0], self.triangles, cap_triangles[1]))
def make_valid_path(path):
path_dims = len(path[0])
path_points = np.empty((len(path), 3))
path_points[:,:path_dims] = path
if path_dims == 2: # zero-pad z-axis if necessary
path_points[:,2] = 0
return path_points
def calculate_corner_tangents(path_points):
# Calculate path segment direction vectors
corner_tangents = np.empty_like(path_points)
corner_tangents[:-1] = path_points[1:] - path_points[:-1]
# Set the last point to have the same direction as its segment
corner_tangents[-1] = corner_tangents[-2]
# Normalise directions to avoid tangents being scaled by segment lengths
corner_tangents /= np.linalg.norm(corner_tangents, axis=1, keepdims=True)
# Convert into path-oriented corner tangent vectors
corner_tangents[1:-1] += corner_tangents[0:-2]
return corner_tangents
def calculate_normals(corner_tangents):
# Calculate normals in the sway direction, for a boat balancing on the path
# path:(1,0,0) -> sway_normal:(0,-1,0)
# path:(0,1,0) -> sway_normal:(1,0,0)
sway_normals = np.cross(corner_tangents, [0,0,1]) # cross w/ unit z vector
# Override vertically upwards tangents to have rightwards (+x) sway normals
# and vertically downwards paths to have leftwards (-x) sway normals
# Override necessary because cross product returns 0,0,0 for aligned vectors
z_lines = (corner_tangents[:,:2] == [0,0]).all(axis=1)
sway_normals[z_lines] = [1,0,0] # overide to unit x vector
# Find sequential sway_normals pointing in opposite directions
# uses signs of the dot products of each vector pair in the array
# this einsum is for vectorised dot-products: (a*b).sum(axis=1)
twisted_tubes = \
np.sign(np.einsum('ij,ij->i', sway_normals[1:], sway_normals[:-1])) == -1
# Flip as appropriate
# NOTE: does not fix any 90 degree offsets
# This is _possible_, but annoying to detect, and the smoothest result
# would come from swapping sway and heave normals (also annoying to do)
angle_adjustment = np.ones((len(sway_normals),1))
angle_adjustment[1:][twisted_tubes] = -1
# use cumulative product, because flipping one should also flip all
# the ones after it, to avoid just causing a twist in the next section
angle_adjustment = np.cumprod(angle_adjustment, axis=0)
sway_normals *= angle_adjustment
# Calculate normals in the heave direction
# path:(1,0,0) -> heave_normal:(0,0,1)
heave_normals = np.cross(sway_normals, corner_tangents)
return sway_normals, heave_normals
def generate_tube_triangles(cls, sides, num_cylinders):
return (
cls.generate_cylinder_triangles(sides)[..., np.newaxis]
.repeat(num_cylinders, axis=2)
+ np.arange(num_cylinders) * sides
def generate_cylinder_triangles(sides):
return np.array(list(
for first, second in pairwise(chain(range(sides),(0,)))
def to_Mesh3d(
colors: np.ndarray | list[Real | str] | str | None = None,
) -> go.Mesh3d:
`colors` should be either
- `None` (to use plotly's default / configure elsewhere)
- a single color for all the tubes,
- N colors denoting the color of each path point (with blends between),
- N-1 colors denoting the (constant) color of each tube
- N+1 colors denoting the color of each tube + the endcaps
-> Only applicable if the mesh was generated with `capped`=True
Each color can be either
- A hex string (e.g. '#ff0000')
- An rgb/rgba string (e.g. 'rgb(255,0,0)'/'rgba(0,255,255,0.3)')
- An hsl/hsla string (e.g. 'hsl(0,100%,50%)')
- An hsv/hsva string (e.g. 'hsv(0,100%,100%)')
- A named CSS color
- A number that will be interpreted as a color
according to mesh3d.colorscale
mesh_kwargs = mesh_kwargs.copy()
if colors is None or isinstance(colors, str):
mesh_kwargs['color'] = colors
elif len(colors) == len(self.path_points):
colors = np.repeat(colors, self.sides, axis=0)
if self.capped:
colors = np.hstack((colors, colors[0], colors[-1]))
mesh_kwargs['vertexcolor'] = colors
elif len(colors) == self.num_cylinders:
colors = np.repeat(colors, self.sides*2, axis=0)
if self.capped:
colors = np.hstack((colors[:self.sides], colors, colors[-self.sides:]))
mesh_kwargs['facecolor'] = colors
elif len(colors) == self.num_cylinders+2:
colors = np.repeat(colors, self.sides*2, axis=0)[self.sides:-self.sides]
mesh_kwargs['facecolor'] = colors
return go.Mesh3d(
x=self.mesh_points[:,0], y=self.mesh_points[:,1], z=self.mesh_points[:,2],
i=self.triangles[:,0], j=self.triangles[:,1], k=self.triangles[:,2],
def plot(self, **mesh_kwargs):
fig = go.Figure(self.to_Mesh3d(**mesh_kwargs))
fig.update_scenes(aspectmode='data') # set equal axis aspect ratios
def save(self, to: pathlib.Path | str, compressed=False):
`to` is the location to save to. Should use the `.npz` file extension.
save = np.savez if not compressed else np.savez_compressed
def from_file(cls, file: pathlib.Path | str, *args, **kwargs):
data = np.load(file, *args, **kwargs)
out = cls.__new__(cls)
for attribute, value in data.items():
setattr(out, attribute, value)
return out
class FlowTubeMesh(TubeMesh):
''' A triangle mesh of conical tubes that follow a path of points. '''
def __init__(
path: np.ndarray | Sequence,
deviation_threshold_degrees: Real = 90,
widths: Real | np.ndarray | Sequence = 0.2,
heights: Real | np.ndarray | Sequence | None = None,
inplace_path: bool = False,
*args, **kwargs
`path`, `widths`, `heights`, and `inplace_path` are as described in `TubeMesh`.
`deviation_threshold_degrees` is the minimum angle considered to be "sharp".
`*args` and `**kwargs` are passed directly to the `TubeMesh` constructor.
# Store initial points internally
self._path_points = path if inplace_path else self.make_valid_path(path)
# Find sharp corners
diffs = np.diff(self._path_points, axis=0)
diffs /= np.linalg.norm(diffs, axis=1, keepdims=True) # normalise magnitudes
relative_direction_cosines = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', diffs[1:], diffs[:-1]) # dot-products
self._sharp_corners = np.empty(len(self._path_points), dtype=bool)
self._sharp_corners[[0,-1]] = False # the ends aren't corners
self._sharp_corners[1:-1] = \
relative_direction_cosines < np.cos(np.deg2rad(deviation_threshold_degrees))
self._sharp_doubles = np.where(self._sharp_corners)[0]
# Duplicate relevant corner points (but not the ends)
path = self._duplicate_sharp_corner_rows(self._path_points)
widths = np.reshape(widths, (-1,1))
if widths.size != 1:
widths = self._duplicate_sharp_corner_rows(widths)
if heights is not None:
heights = np.reshape(heights, (-1,1))
if heights.size != 1:
heights = self._duplicate_sharp_corner_rows(heights)
super().__init__(path, widths, heights, inplace_path=True *args, **kwargs)
def _duplicate_sharp_corner_rows(self, array: np.ndarray, offset=0):
# TODO confirm offset behaviour
doubles = self._sharp_doubles if not offset else self._sharp_doubles - offset
return np.insert(array, doubles, array[self._sharp_corners[offset:]], axis=0)
def calculate_corner_tangents(self, path_points):
# Needs to be a mix of actual tangents (like Tube)
# and segment directions (like Chamfered)
# Tube:
# [ a, b, c, d, e, f, g, ..., y, z]
# [ab, abc, bcd, cde, def, efg, fgh, ..., xyz, yz]
# Chamfered:
# [ a, b, b, c, c, d, d, e, e, ..., y, y, z]
# [ 0, ?, 1, ?, 1, ?, 1, ?, 1, ..., ?, 1, 0]
# [ab, ab, bc, bc, cd, cd, de, de, ef, ..., xy, yz, yz]
# FlowTube
# [ a, b, c, d, e, f, g, ..., y, z] self._path_points
# [ a, b, c1, c2, d, e1, e2, f1, f2, g, ..., y, z] path_points
# [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, ..., 0, 0] self._sharp_corners
# Calculate path segment direction vectors
path_directions = np.empty_like(self._path_points)
path_directions[:-1] = self._path_points[1:] - self._path_points[:-1]
# Set the last point to have the same direction as its segment
path_directions[-1] = path_directions[-2]
# Normalise directions to avoid tangents being scaled by segment lengths
path_directions /= np.linalg.norm(path_directions, axis=1, keepdims=True)
# NOTE: it may be possible to do this step as an insert lower down
corner_tangents = self._duplicate_sharp_corner_rows(path_directions)
#>[ab, bc, cd, cd, de, ef, ef, fg, fg, gh, ..., yz, yz] corner_tangents
composite_mask = np.insert(np.uint8(self._sharp_corners), self._sharp_doubles, 2)
composite_mask[[0, -1]] = 3 # set ends to a unique value
#>[ 3, 0, 2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0, ..., 0, 3] composite_mask
segment_ends = np.where(composite_mask == 2)[0]
corner_tangents[segment_ends] = corner_tangents[segment_ends-1]
smooth_corners = np.where(composite_mask == 0)[0]
corner_tangents[smooth_corners] += corner_tangents[smooth_corners-1]
#>[ab, abc, bc, cd, cde, de, ef, ef, fg, fgh, ..., xyz, yz] corner_tangents
return corner_tangents
def to_Mesh3d(
colors: np.ndarray | list[Real | str] | str | None = None,
) -> go.Mesh3d:
`colors` should be either
- `None` (to use plotly's default / configure elsewhere)
- a single color for all the tubes,
- N colors denoting the color at each path point (with blends between),
- N-1 colors denoting the (constant) color of each tube
- N+1 colors denoting the color of each tube + the endcaps
-> Only applicable if the mesh was generated with `capped`=True
Each color can be either
- A hex string (e.g. '#ff0000')
- An rgb/rgba string (e.g. 'rgb(255,0,0)'/'rgba(0,255,255,0.3)')
- An hsl/hsla string (e.g. 'hsl(0,100%,50%)')
- An hsv/hsva string (e.g. 'hsv(0,100%,100%)')
- A named CSS color
- A number that will be interpreted as a color
according to mesh3d.colorscale
N = len(self._path_points)
if colors is not None:
if isinstance(colors, str):
n = 1
n = len(colors)
# make into a column to allow row insertion
colors = np.array(colors, dtype=object).reshape((-1, 1))
if n == N:
colors = self._duplicate_sharp_corner_rows(colors)
elif n == N-1:
colors = self._duplicate_sharp_corner_rows(colors, offset=1)
elif n == N+1:
path_colors = colors
colors = np.empty((len(colors)+len(self._sharp_doubles),1), dtype=object)
colors[0] = path_colors[0]
colors[1:] = self._duplicate_sharp_corner_rows(path_colors)
if not isinstance(colors, str):
colors = colors.flatten()
return super().to_Mesh3d(colors, **mesh_kwargs)
class CylindersMesh(TubeMesh):
''' A triangle mesh of elliptic cylinder tubes that follow a path,
with conical/chamfered transitions. '''
def __init__(
path: np.ndarray | Sequence,
separation: Real | np.ndarray = 0,
# transition_type: str = 'widen',
widths: Real | np.ndarray | Sequence = 0.2,
heights: Real | np.ndarray | Sequence | None = None,
inplace_path: bool = False,
*args, **kwargs
`path` should contain N points to 'draw' a tube along.
Points are 3D (x,y,z), but if specified as 2D will assume z=0.
Successive points are expected to be distinct (i.e. x[i] != x[i+1]).
`separation` is the tangential separation at each internal point on the path.
Determines the transition length between tubes of different diameters,
and the chamfer length for path corners.
It should be either
- a single non-negative numerical value that applies to all internal points
- N-2 non-negative numbers to control each separation individually
`transition_type` should be one of
- "widen" to rotate each tube such that a chamfer that's `tube_sep` long
can pass through the corner, maintaining the corner tangent
- "cut" (TODO) to cut off corners with a chamfer that's `tube_sep` long
Only applies if `tube_sep` is non-zero.
`widths` should be either
- a single numerical value that applies to all cylinders
- N-1 numbers denoting the (constant) width of each elliptic cylinder
`heights` is like `widths`.
If left as `None`, uses the `widths` value (creating circular cylinders).
`inplace_path` is a flag specifying that `path` is already a valid numpy
array of 3D points with float values, and will not be changed externally
so can safely be used directly (instead of via a copy).
`*args` and `**kwargs` are passed directly to the `TubeMesh` constructor.
# Store initial points internally
self._path_points = path if inplace_path else self.make_valid_path(path)
N = len(self._path_points)
# Duplicate all internal corners (but not the ends)
path = self._path_points.repeat(2, axis=0)[1:-1]
# Handle tube separations (if relevant)
# TODO: allow `separation`="minimal", and calculate as appropriate for `transition_type`
if np.all(separation != 0):
offsets = super().calculate_corner_tangents(self._path_points)[1:-1]
offsets /= np.linalg.norm(offsets, axis=1, keepdims=True)
offsets *= np.reshape(tube_sep, (-1,1)) / 4
path[1:-1:2] -= offsets
path[2:-1:2] += offsets
# if transition_type == 'cut':
# ... # TODO: shift path points back along the pairwise average
this_class = self.__class__.__name__
widths = np.reshape(widths, (-1,1))
if (W := widths.size) != 1:
assert W == N-1, \
f'{this_class} requires 1 or {N-1=} widths, not {W}'
widths = widths.repeat(2, axis=0)
if heights is not None:
heights = np.reshape(heights, (-1,1))
if (H := heights.size) != 1:
assert H == N-1, \
f'{this_class} requires 1 or {N-1=} heights, not {H}'
heights = heights.repeat(2, axis=0)
super().__init__(path, widths, heights, inplace_path=True *args, **kwargs)
def calculate_corner_tangents(path_points):
# Calculate path segment direction vectors
corner_tangents = np.empty_like(path_points)
corner_tangents[:-1] = path_points[1:] - path_points[:-1]
# Set the cylinder ends to have the same direction as their starts
corner_tangents[1::2] = corner_tangents[::2]
return corner_tangents
def to_Mesh3d(
colors: np.ndarray | list[Real | str] | str | None = None,
corner_colors: np.ndarray | list[Real | str] | str = None,
) -> go.Mesh3d:
`colors` should be either
- None (to use plotly's default, or configure elsewhere)
- a single color for all the tubes,
- N colors denoting the color at each path point (with blends between),
-> ignores `corner_colors`
- N-1 colors denoting the (constant) color of each cylinder
-> Requires `corner_colors` to be specified
Each color can be either
- A hex string (e.g. '#ff0000')
- An rgb/rgba string (e.g. 'rgb(255,0,0)'/'rgba(0,255,255,0.3)')
- An hsl/hsla string (e.g. 'hsl(0,100%,50%)')
- An hsv/hsva string (e.g. 'hsv(0,100%,100%)')
- A named CSS color
- A number that will be interpreted as a color
according to mesh3d.colorscale
`corner_colors` should be either
- a single color for all the corners,
- N colors denoting the color of the endcaps and corners
- N-2 colors denoting the color of each corner
- `None` to get the corner colors from the provided 1 or N `colors`,
or if `colors` is also `None`
N = len(self._path_points)
if colors is not None:
n = 1 if isinstance(colors, str) else len(colors)
if n == N:
colors = np.repeat(colors, 2)[1:-1]
elif corner_colors is not None:
tube_colors = colors
colors = np.empty(self.num_cylinders+2, dtype=object)
if self.capped:
colors[::2] = corner_colors
colors[1:-1:2] = tube_colors
colors[::2] = tube_colors
colors[1:-1:2] = corner_colors
return super().to_Mesh3d(colors, **mesh_kwargs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from time import perf_counter
print('Generating path... ', end=' '*7)
t_start = perf_counter()
# long helix path
path = np.empty((len(t),3))
path[:,2] = t*100
theta = 2*np.pi*t*1000
path[:,0] = 7*np.cos(theta)
path[:,1] = 5*np.sin(theta)
path = np.array([
], dtype=float)
widths = [0.4, 0.8, 0.8, 0.6, 0.8]
heights = [0.3, 0.6, 0.6, 0.45, 0.6]#0.2#(np.random.rand(len(path))+0.5) / 3
t_path_gen = perf_counter()
print(f'DONE [{t_path_gen - t_start:.3f}s]\nGenerating mesh data... ', end=' '*2)
offsets = []
offset_proportion = 1 + 0.1 # 10%
max_dims = [max(dim) for dim in (widths, heights)]
for axis in range(1,1+2):
vals = path[:,axis]
half_dim = max_dims[axis-1] / 2
min_, max_ = vals.min()-half_dim, vals.max()+half_dim
ptp = max_ - min_
offset = np.zeros(3)
offset[axis] = offset_proportion * ptp
side, up = offsets
kwargs = dict(sides=6, inplace_path=True, capped=True)
meshes = (
TubeMesh(path+side, widths=widths, heights=heights, **kwargs),
TubeMesh(path+side+up, widths=widths, heights=heights, **kwargs),
FlowTubeMesh(path, widths=widths, heights=heights, **kwargs),
FlowTubeMesh(path+up, widths=widths, heights=heights, **kwargs),
CylindersMesh(path-side, widths=widths[:-1], heights=heights[:-1], **kwargs),
CylindersMesh(path-side+up, widths=widths[:-1], heights=heights[:-1], **kwargs),
t_mesh_data = perf_counter()
print(f'DONE [{t_mesh_data - t_path_gen:.3f}s]\nGenerating plotly meshes... ', end='')
colors = [
plotly_meshes = (
meshes[5].to_Mesh3d(colors=colors[:-1], corner_colors='yellow'),
t_plotly_mesh = perf_counter()
print(f'DONE [{t_plotly_mesh - t_mesh_data:.3f}s]\nCreating plot... ', end=' '*9)
fig.update_scenes(aspectmode='data') # set equal axis aspect ratios
t_fig = perf_counter()
print(f'DONE [{t_fig - t_plotly_mesh:.3f}s]\nDisplaying figure... ', end=' '*5)
print(f'DONE [{perf_counter() - t_fig:.3f}s]')
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ES-Alexander commented May 22, 2023


⚠️ This has now been merged into the fullcontrol project, which is where any further development will occur.

This gist and commentary will remain as development context for people who are interested.

Known issues/limitations:

TubeMesh uses ~half as many triangles as CylindersMesh, so loads faster and uses less memory. That said,

  • Sharp corners result in narrow tube ends at those corners
    • If maintaining a continuous tube, this is only avoidable by more path points to round out the sharp corners, as in FlowTubeMesh (which adds an extra path point per sharp corner) and CylindersMesh (which adds an extra path point for each corner/joint)
  • Successive 90 degree turns that happen to cause a twisted tube section are currently not untwisted
    • These are expected to be reasonably rare in practical use-cases, and only occur at the corners in FlowTubeMesh/CylindersMesh
    • Fixing this is likely to be a bit annoying code-wise

Revision History:

R10/11 (3/June)

  • ChamferedTubeMesh -> CylindersMesh to better describe its primary feature
  • Bugfix to CylindersMesh diameter usage
  • Updated the example to highlight the visual differences between the class options
    Screenshot 2023-06-03 at 11 13 59 pm

R9 (2/June)

  • Implemented FlowTubeMesh
    • hybrid with an extra point at each sharp corner (like ChamferedTubeMesh), but smooth corners are kept as a single point (like in TubeMesh)
    • smooth geometry looks better than ChamferedTubeMesh, and has fewer polygons to plot, so the only downside is not fully constant segment diameters (which, if necessary, can use ChamferedTubeMesh)

R8 (28/May)

  • Implemented ChamferedTubeMesh

Screenshot 2023-05-28 at 4 15 12 pm

R7 (28/May)

  • Allow heights/widths to not already be a column vector

R6 (27/May)

  • Refactored __init_mesh_points into some sub-functions (to improve readability, and make it easier to implement ChamferedTubeMesh later)
  • Fixed corner tangents being biased towards the longer segment
  • Added untwisting code (currently only works where successive corners are not ±90° apart)
  • Refactored diameters into separate controls for tube widths/heights
  • Refactored example to include timings* of different parts, and a many point helical spiral for performance testing
    • *NOTE: "Displaying figure" timing is how long it takes to send to the browser, after which there is additional time while the browser actually loads and displays it

Different widths/heights, better corners, mostly untwisted:

Screenshot 2023-05-28 at 12 41 07 am

Helical spiral, 100k path-points, 6-sided tube:

Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 1 14 50 am

My timings:

Generating path...        DONE [0.013s]
Generating mesh data...   DONE [0.107s]
Generating plotly mesh... DONE [0.039s]
Creating plot...          DONE [0.125s]
Displaying figure...      DONE [3.369s]

Helical spiral, 1M path-points, 2-sided "tube" (ribbon):

Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 1 23 38 am

My timings:

Generating path...        DONE [0.046s]
Generating mesh data...   DONE [0.596s]
Generating plotly mesh... DONE [0.114s]
Creating plot...          DONE [0.406s]
Displaying figure...      DONE [8.796s]

R4/5 (23/May)

  • Refactored chamfer options to a commented out subclass (marked as a future project)
  • Added some more explanatory comments
  • Added options to save to and load from a file

R3 (22/May)

  • Fixed a colour bug
  • Added demo of diameter variability

Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 4 37 14 am

R2 (22/May)

  • Refactored into a class with relevant methods
  • Added colour customisation functionality

Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 3 58 04 amScreenshot 2023-05-23 at 4 02 27 am

R1 (22/May)

  • Initial script works, but has ugly corners, is not in a nicely reusable form, and is missing several valuable features

Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 1 54 01 am

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