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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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OSSIM Netflow report for OTX matched host communication.

This is the Python script for reporting NfOTX Match events wich collected in OSSIM database by my modification of NfOTX plugin (initialy created by @PacketInspector). The script generate csv file with list of events and list of corresponded Netwlow data, so you can see what happend.

#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: cp1251 -*-
# author Eugene Sokolov
# version 1.0.0 created at 16:58 08.08.2015
# usage: number
# where number - integer number of days from today
# This is the Python script for reporting NfOTX Match events wich collected in OSSIM database
# by my modification of NfOTX plugin (initialy created by @PacketInspector).
# The script generate csv file with list of events and list of corresponded Netwlow data,
# so you can see what happend.
# You can obtain modified NfOTX from my gists collection
# cp1251 encoding used for Russian windows and Excel
import os
import sys
import MySQLdb
import codecs
import subprocess
from datetime import date, timedelta
# Datababe connection config. Use your own data
# --- End of Database config
# ---- Init
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
# set time interval for mySQL Select
endtime=enddate + ' 06:00:00' # UTC time
startdate=(today - timedelta(days=period)).strftime('%Y:%m:%d')
starttime=startdate + ' 06:00:00'
#set time interval for nfdump search
nfdump_end = today.strftime('%Y/%m/%d') + '.09:00:00'
nfdump_start = (today - timedelta(days=period)).strftime('%Y/%m/%d') + '.09:00:00'
#set path to flow cache
nfdir = '/var/cache/nfdump/flows/live'
# ----- end of nfdump setting
outfilename='OTX-' + today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '.csv'
outfullpath='/usr/local/ossim_reports/' + outfilename
colheader='Время;Источник;Внешний IP;Репутация хоста\n'
my_rep_data = {}
if os.path.isfile('/etc/my_ossim/'):
with'/etc/my_ossim/', 'r', encoding=mycharset) as f:
for line in f:
if '#' in line:
(ip,rep) = line.strip().split('#')
my_rep_data[ip] = rep.strip()
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=dbhost, user=dbuser, passwd=dbpass, db=dbshema, charset='utf8')
cursor = conn.cursor()
# ---- End of Init
when = "timestamp between '" + starttime + "' and '" + endtime + "'"
# start
tabheader='\n\n\nКоммуникации с известными вредоносными хостами за период ' + startdate + ' - ' + enddate + '\n\n'
what="convert_tz(timestamp,'+00:00'," + mytz +") as time, src_hostname, substring_index(substring_index(data_payload,'-> ',-1),':',1) as dst_ip, rep_act_dst from acid_event join extra_data on left join reputation_data on id=reputation_data.event_id"
where="acid_event.plugin_id=90011 and acid_event.plugin_sid=1"
select="select " + what + " where " + where + " and " + when + " order by time"
list=[] # create list of returned data for later use
with, 'a', encoding=mycharset) as out:
out.write(codecs.decode(tabheader + colheader, mycharset))
row = cursor.fetchone()
while row:
dst = row[2].strip()
if row[3] is None:
if dst in my_rep_data:
rep = my_rep_data[dst]
rep = 'None'
rep = str(row[3])
if rep.lower() != 'false':
outstr = str(row[0]).replace(';',',').strip()
outstr = outstr + ';' + str(row[1]).replace(';',',').strip()
outstr = outstr + ';' + dst
outstr = outstr + ';' + rep
out.write(codecs.decode(outstr + '\n','utf8'))
row = cursor.fetchone()
# and now add to the file netflow data for each event
for item in list:
# prepare nfdump command
nf_dump_cmd = "/usr/bin/nfdump -R " + nfdir + " -q -m -t "+ nfdump_start + "-" + nfdump_end + " -o line " + "'ip " + dst + "'"
p = subprocess.Popen (nf_dump_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
(output,err) = p.communicate()
p_stutus = p.wait()
tabheader = '\n\n\nИнформация Netflow для ' + dst + ' : ' + rep + '\n'
colheader = 'Время;Период;Протокол;Источник;Получатель;Пакетов;Байт;Потоков\n'
out.write(codecs.decode(tabheader + colheader, mycharset))
for line in output.splitlines():
fields = line.rstrip().split()
stime = fields[0] + ' ' + fields[1]
sduration = fields[2]
sproto = fields[3]
sdst = fields[6]
spackets = fields[7]
sbytes = fields[8]
sflows = fields[9]
outstr=stime + ';' + sduration + ';' + sproto + ';' + ssrc + ';' + sdst + ';' + spackets + ';' + sbytes + ';' + sflows
out.write(codecs.decode(outstr + '\n','utf8'))
# --- End of All
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