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Created March 14, 2024 06:40
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Java Cheatsheet based on the Mosh cheatsheet, with personal additions.

Java Cheatsheet


We use variables to temporarily store data in computer’s memory. In Java, the type of a variable should be specified at the time of declaration.


In Java, we have two categories of types:

  • Primitives: for storing simple values like numbers, strings and booleans.
  • Reference Types: for storing complex objects like email messages.

Primitive Types

Type Bytes Range
byte 1 [-128, 127]
short 2 [-32k, 32k]
int 4 [-2B, 2B]
long 8
float 4
double 8
char 2 A, B, C
boolean 1 true/false

Declaring Variables

byte age = 30;

long viewsCount = 3_123_456L;
float price = 10.99F;

char letter = ‘A’;

boolean isEligible = true;
  • In Java, we terminate statements with a semicolon.
  • We enclose characters with single quotes and strings (series of characters) with double quotes.
  • The default integer type in Java is int. To represent a long value, we should add 'L' to it as a postfix.
  • The default floating-point type in Java is double. To represent a float, we should append F to it as a postfix.


We use comments to add notes to our code.

// This is a comment and it won’t get executed.

Reference Types

In Java we have 8 primitive types. All the other types are reference types. These types don’t store the actual objects in memory. They store the reference (or the address of) an object in memory.

To use reference types, we need to allocate memory using the new operator. The memory gets automatically released when no longer used.

Date now = new Date();


Strings are reference types but we don’t need to use the new operator to allocate memory to them. We can declare string variables like the primitives since we use them a lot.

String name = “Eric”;

Useful String Methods:

The String class in Java provides a number of useful methods:

  • startsWith(“a”)
  • endsWith(“a”)
  • length()
  • indexOf(“a”)
  • replace(“a”,“b”) • toUpperCase()
  • toLowerCase()

Strings are immutable, which means once we initialize them, their value cannot be changed. All methods that modify a string (like toUpperCase) return a new string object. The original string remains unaffected.

Escape Sequences:

If you need to use a backslash or a double quotation mark in a string, you need to prefix it with a backslash. This is called escaping. Common escape sequences:

  • \\
  • \”
  • \n(newline)
  • \t(tab)


We use arrays to store a list of objects. We can store any type of object in an array (primitive or reference type). All items (also called elements) in an array have the same type. 

// Creating and and initializing an array of 5 elements 

int[] numbers = new int[3];
numbers[0] = 10;

numbers[1] = 20;

numbers[2] = 30;

// Shortcut 

int[] numbers = { 10, 20, 30 };

Java arrays have a fixed length (size). You cannot add or remove new items once you instantiate an array. If you need to add new items or remove existing items, you need to use one of the collection classes.

The Array Class:

The Array class provides a few useful methods for working with arrays.

int[] numbers = { 4, 2, 7 };

String result = Arrays.toString(numbers);

Multi-dimensional Arrays:

// Creating a 2x3 array (two rows, three columns)

int[2][3] matrix = new int[2][3];
matrix[0][0] = 10;

// Shortcut 

int[2][3] matrix = { 

{ 1, 2, 3 },

{ 4, 5, 6 }


Constants (also called final variables) have a fixed value. Once we set them, we cannot change them.

final float INTEREST_RATE = 0.04;

By convention, we use CAPITAL LETTERS to name constants. Multiple words can be separated using an underscore.

Arithmetic Expressions

int x = 10 + 3;

int x = 10 - 3;

int x = 10 * 3;

int x = 10 / 3; // returns an int
float x = (float)10 / (float)3; // returns a float
int x = 10 % 3; // modulus (remainder of division)

Increment and Decrement Operators

int x = 1; 

x++; // Equivalent to x = x + 1
x--; // Equivalent to x = x - 1

Augmented Assignment Operator

int x = 1; 

x += 5; //Equivalent to x = x + 5

Order of Operations

Multiplication and division operators have a higher order than addition and subtraction. They get applied first. We can always change the order using parentheses.

int x = 10 + 3 * 2; // 16
 int x = (10 + 3) * 2; // 26


In Java, we have two types of casting: • Implicit: happensautomaticallywhenwestoreavalueinalargerormore precise data type. • Explicit: we do it manually.

// Implicit casting happens because we try to store a short 
// value (2 bytes) in an int (4 bytes). 

short x = 1;

int y = x;

// Explicit casting

int x = 1;

short y = (short) x;

To convert a string to a number, we use one of the following methods:

  • Byte.parseByte(“1”)
  • Short.parseShort(“1”)
  • Integer.parseInt(“1”)
  • Long.parseLong(“1”)
  • Float.parseFloat(“1.1”)
  • Double.parseDouble(“1.1”)

Formatting Numbers

NumberFormat currency = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
String result = currency.format(“123456”); // $123,456
NumberFormat percent = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
String result = percent(“0.04”); // 4%

Reading Input

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
 double number = scanner.nextDouble();
 byte number = scanner.nextByte();

String name =;

String line = scanner.nextLine();

Control Flow

Comparison Operators

We use comparison operators to compare values.

x == y // equality operator
x != y // in-equality operator
x > y
x >= y 
x < y
x <= y

Logical Operators

We use logical operators to combine multiple boolean values/expressions.

  • x && y (AND):if both x and y are true, the result will bet rue.
  • x || y (OR): if either x or y or both are true, the result will be true.
  • !x (NOT): reverses a boolean value. True becomes false.
bool hasHighIncome = true;
bool hasGoodCredit = false;
bool hasCriminalRecord = false;
bool isEligible = (hasHighIncome || hasGoodCredit) && !isEligible;

If Statements

Here is the basic structure of an if statement. If you want to execute multiple statements, you need to wrap them in curly braces.

if (condition1)
else if (condition2)
else if (condition3)

The Ternary Operator

String className = (income > 100_000) ? “First” : “Economy”;

This is a shorthand to write the following code:

String className;

if (income > 100_000)
  className = “First”;
  className = “Economy”;

Switch Statements

We use switch statements to execute different parts of the code depending on the value of a variable.

switch (x) { 
  case 1:
  case 2: 

After each case clause, we use the break statements to jump out of the switch block.

For Loops

For loops are useful when we know ahead of time how many times we want to repeat something. We declare a loop variable (or loop counter) and in each iteration we increment it until we reach the number of times we want to execute some code.

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) 

While Loops

While loops are useful when we don’t know ahead of time how many times we want to repeat something. This may be dependent on the values at run-time (eg what the user enters).

while (someCondition) {
  if (someCondition)

We use the break statement to jump out of a loop.

Do..While Loops

Do..While loops are very similar to while loops but they executed at least once. In contrast, a while loop may never get executed if the condition is initially false. 

do { 
} while (someCondition);

For-each Loops

For-each loops are useful for iterating over an array or a collection.

int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4}; 
for (int number : numbers)
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