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Created August 8, 2022 14:44
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gRPC Effect Builder
import arrow.core.continuations.Effect
import arrow.core.continuations.EffectScope
import arrow.core.continuations.effect
import arrow.core.nonFatalOrThrow
interface GrpcEffectContext<E> {
fun handleThrowable(t: Throwable): E
object DefaultGrpcEffectContext : GrpcEffectContext<String> {
override fun handleThrowable(t: Throwable): String = t.message ?: "Some error"
class GrpcEffectScope<R>(
private val context: GrpcEffectContext<R>,
private val continuation: EffectScope<R>
) : EffectScope<R> {
fun <A> call(f: suspend EffectScope<R>.() -> A): Effect<R, A> {
return effect {
try {
} catch (t: Throwable) {
override suspend fun <B> shift(r: R): B = continuation.shift(r)
suspend fun <R, A> grpc(
context: GrpcEffectContext<R>,
f: suspend GrpcEffectScope<R>.() -> A
): Effect<R, A> = effect {
f(GrpcEffectScope(context, this))
import arrow.core.continuations.Effect
import arrow.core.continuations.effect
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class GrpcEffectTest {
class GrpcService1 {
suspend fun fun1(): String = "value_1"
suspend fun fun1ThatFails(): String = throw RuntimeException("kaboom_1")
class GrpcService2 {
suspend fun fun2(): String = "value_2"
suspend fun fun2ThatFails(): String = throw RuntimeException("kaboom_2")
class OtherService3 {
suspend fun fun3(): String = "value_3"
fun `should fold successfully when both calls succeed`() {
val service1 = GrpcService1()
val service2 = GrpcService2()
runBlocking {
val outerEffect: Effect<String, String> = grpc(DefaultGrpcEffectContext) {
val innerEffect1: Effect<String, String> = call {
val innerEffect2: Effect<String, String> = call {
val value1 = innerEffect1.bind()
val value2 = innerEffect2.bind()
"$value1 $value2"
{ fail("Should not have failed but failed with $it") },
{ assertEquals("value_1 value_2", it) }
fun `should should shift correctly when first call fails`() {
val service1 = GrpcService1()
val service2 = GrpcService2()
runBlocking {
val outerEffect: Effect<String, String> = grpc(DefaultGrpcEffectContext) {
val innerEffect1: Effect<String, String> = call {
val innerEffect2: Effect<String, String> = call {
val value1 = innerEffect1.bind()
val value2 = innerEffect2.bind()
"$value1 $value2"
{ assertEquals("kaboom_1", it) },
{ fail("Should not have succeeded but succeeded with $it") }
fun `should should shift correctly when second call fails`() {
val service1 = GrpcService1()
val service2 = GrpcService2()
runBlocking {
val outerEffect: Effect<String, String> = grpc(DefaultGrpcEffectContext) {
val innerEffect1: Effect<String, String> = call {
val innerEffect2: Effect<String, String> = call {
val value1 = innerEffect1.bind()
val value2 = innerEffect2.bind()
"$value1 $value2"
{ assertEquals("kaboom_2", it) },
{ fail("Should not have succeeded but succeeded with $it") }
fun `should be able to nest effect block`() {
val service1 = GrpcService1()
val service2 = GrpcService2()
val service3 = OtherService3()
runBlocking {
val outerEffect: Effect<String, String> = grpc(DefaultGrpcEffectContext) {
val innerEffect1: Effect<String, String> = call {
val innerEffect2: Effect<String, String> = call {
val innerEffect3: Effect<String, String> = effect {
val value1 = innerEffect1.bind()
val value2 = innerEffect2.bind()
val value3 = innerEffect3.bind()
"$value1 $value2 $value3"
{ fail("Should not have failed but failed with $it") },
{ assertEquals("value_1 value_2 value_3", it) }
fun `should should be able to nest gRPC calls inside effect block`() {
val service1 = GrpcService1()
runBlocking {
val outerEffect: Effect<String, String> = effect {
val innerEffect: Effect<String, String> = grpc(DefaultGrpcEffectContext) {
call { service1.fun1() }.bind()
{ fail("Should not have failed but failed with $it") },
{ assertEquals("value_1", it) }
fun `should should be able to provide custom throwable handling function`() {
val service1 = GrpcService1()
val customGrpcEffectContext = object : GrpcEffectContext<Int> {
override fun handleThrowable(t: Throwable): Int = 0
runBlocking {
val outerEffect: Effect<Int, String> = grpc(customGrpcEffectContext) {
val innerEffect: Effect<Int, String> = call {
{ assertEquals(0, it) },
{ fail("Should not have succeeded but succeeded with $it") }
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