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World of Tanks unofficial API

World of Tanks, popular MMO game about tanks from time around WWII, has some nice mobile application called Wot Assistant (available also at AppStore and MS Marketplace). With simple packet sniffing you can guess how it retrieves players' statistics.

Surprisingly, mobile application uses quite simple API over HTTP which serves data in JSON, which is great help for people interested in creating own applications handling statistical data in game.

At this moment here is list of API features that has been discovered:

  • searching players by names
  • searching clans by names

World of Tanks unofficial API

World of Tanks, popular MMO game about tanks from time around WWII, has some nice mobile application called Wot Assistant (available also at AppStore and MS Marketplace). With simple packet sniffing you can guess how it retrieves players' statistics.

Surprisingly, mobile application uses quite simple API over HTTP which serves data in JSON, which is great help for people interested in creating own applications handling statistical data in game.

At this moment here is list of API features that has been discovered:

  • searching players by names
  • searching clans by names