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micho / nginx.conf
Last active September 29, 2023 16:38 — forked from unixcharles/nginx.conf
nginx config for http/https proxy to localhost:3000
First, install nginx for mac with "brew install nginx".
Then follow homebrew's instructions to know where the config file is.
1. To use https you will need a self-signed certificate:
2. Copy it somewhere (use full path in the example below for server.* files)
3. sudo nginx -s reload
4. Access https://localhost/
Edit /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:
scy /
Last active July 18, 2024 07:57
Opening and closing an SSH tunnel in a shell script the smart way

Opening and closing an SSH tunnel in a shell script the smart way

I recently had the following problem:

  • From an unattended shell script (called by Jenkins), run a command-line tool that accesses the MySQL database on another host.
  • That tool doesn't know that the database is on another host, plus the MySQL port on that host is firewalled and not accessible from other machines.

We didn't want to open the MySQL port to the network, but it's possible to SSH from the Jenkins machine to the MySQL machine. So, basically you would do something like

ssh -L 3306:localhost:3306 remotehost

jczaplew /
Last active March 23, 2023 19:08
A tool for extracting data from PostGIS into GeoJSON and TopoJSON. UPDATE: Added a dedicated repo for contributions -
A simple tool for exporting from a PostGIS table to GeoJSON and TopoJSON. Assumes Python 2.7+,
psycopg2, and TopoJSON are already installed and in your PATH.
Adapted from Bryan McBride's PHP implementation
by John Czaplewski | | @JJCzaplewski
- Add argument for SRS
CrookedNumber / gist:8964442
Created February 12, 2014 21:02
git: Removing the last commit

Removing the last commit

To remove the last commit from git, you can simply run git reset --hard HEAD^ If you are removing multiple commits from the top, you can run git reset --hard HEAD~2 to remove the last two commits. You can increase the number to remove even more commits.

If you want to "uncommit" the commits, but keep the changes around for reworking, remove the "--hard": git reset HEAD^ which will evict the commits from the branch and from the index, but leave the working tree around.

If you want to save the commits on a new branch name, then run git branch newbranchname before doing the git reset.

ronaldsuwandi /
Last active July 30, 2021 07:54
My personal fish shell config for OS X. Supports git branch (fast git checks), virtualenv (if installed) and Kubernetes current context
function ls --description 'List contents of directory'
command ls -lFG $argv
function subl --description 'Launches sublime text in a new window'
command subl -n $argv
function code --description 'Launches visual code studio in a new window'
command code -n $argv
justingarrick / postgres.txt
Created April 22, 2014 14:05
Use PostgreSQL on OS X VM Host via Parallels Windows VM
This assumes Postgres is installed via
1) Setup a PGDATA environment variable in ~/.zshrc, e.g.
### PostgreSQL data
export PGDATA="/Users/justingarrick/Library/Application Support/Postgres/var-9.3"
2) In $PGDATA/postgresql.conf, add
listen_addresses = '*'
3) In $PGDATA/pg_hba.conf, add
krisanalfa /
Last active January 11, 2024 22:00 — forked from gido/
Install OCI8 and / or PDO_OCI on OSX via Brew


This procedure is tested on Mac OS X 10.10.5 with Developpers tools installed (xCode).

PHP 5.6 installed with Homebrew.


Download the following files from Oracle website (yes, you need to create an account and accept terms):

jirutka /
Last active February 6, 2024 20:01
Some convenient scripts to manage ownerships and privileges in PostgreSQL.
# The MIT License
# Copyright 2014-2017 Jakub Jirutka <>.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
matthewbednarski / postal-codes.json
Last active May 3, 2024 14:52
Global postal codes regex formats
[{ "Note": "The first two digits (ranging from 10–43) correspond to the province, while the last two digits correspond either to the city/delivery zone (range 01–50) or to the district/delivery zone (range 51–99). Afghanistan Postal code lookup", "Country": "Afghanistan", "ISO": "AF", "Format": "NNNN", "Regex": "^\\d{4}$" }, { "Note": "With Finland, first two numbers are 22.", "Country": "Åland Islands", "ISO": "AX", "Format": "NNNNN", "Regex": "^\\d{5}$" }, { "Note": "Introduced in 2006, gradually implemented throughout 2007.", "Country": "Albania", "ISO": "AL", "Format": "NNNN", "Regex": "^\\d{4}$" }, { "Note": "First two as in ISO 3166-2:DZ", "Country": "Algeria", "ISO": "DZ", "Format": "NNNNN", "Regex": "^\\d{5}$" }, { "Note": "U.S. ZIP codes (range 96799)", "Country": "American Samoa", "ISO": "AS", "Format": "NNNNN (optionally NNNNN-NNNN or NNNNN-NNNNNN)", "Regex": "^\\d{5}(-{1}\\d{4,6})$" }, { "Note":
econandrew /
Last active July 12, 2024 15:45
Instructions for installing an OpenStreetMap Nominatim geocoder instance on Amazon Linux / EC2 (Dec 2014)

Installing Nominatim on Amazon Linux / EC2

  1. Introduction

The official instructions for installing Nominatim are complete, but brief in places, and several steps must be changed in the Amazon Linux environment (which is roughly CentOS / Redhat). The steps below are rough record of what I did to get it working, but I didn't keep perfect track so you shouldn't rely on them as a shell script. Just follow each step, make sure it worked, and hopefully you'll need to adapt very little (version numbers, for one thing). (I also skip in and out of root, but you can be more careful if you like.)

  1. Setting up the EC2 instance