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Created November 5, 2023 00:56
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  • Save EarlGray/06452c50088938575edc52941dbe69ef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EarlGray/06452c50088938575edc52941dbe69ef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- This module serves as the root of the `Json` library.
-- Import modules here that should be built as part of the library.
import Std
inductive Json where
| null : Json
| bool (b: Bool)
| number (n: Int)
| array (a: List Json)
def Json.numNodes : Json -> Nat
| Json.null | Json.bool _ | Json.number _ => 1
| Json.array as =>
-- some really cursed `attach` magic to make the termination checker see
-- that the list nodes are subnodes of Json itself:
as.attach.foldr (fun ⟨a, _h⟩ n => n + Json.numNodes a) 1
def Json.toString : Json → String
| Json.null => "null"
| Json.bool b => if b then "true" else "false"
| Json.number n => n.repr
| Json.array as =>
"["++ ", ".intercalate ( fun ⟨ a, _h ⟩ => a.toString ) ++"]"
instance : ToString Json where
toString := Json.toString
#eval (Json.array [Json.bool true, Json.number 42]).numNodes
def Error := String
def Substring.span (s: Substring) (pred: Char -> Bool) : (Substring × Substring) :=
(s.takeWhile pred, s.dropWhile pred)
def Json.parse (s: Substring) : Except Error (Substring × Json) :=
let (c, s') := (s.take 1, s.drop 1)
if c.isEmpty then
Except.error s!"Unexpected end at {s.startPos}"
else if c.all Char.isWhitespace then
let s'' := s'.dropWhile Char.isWhitespace
have : s''.bsize < s.bsize := sorry
Json.parse s''
else if c.isNat then
let (digits, s') := s.span Char.isDigit
let n := digits.toString.toInt!
Except.ok (s', Json.number n)
else if c.all Char.isAlpha then
let (letters, s') := s.span Char.isAlpha
match letters.toString with
| "null" => Except.ok (s', Json.null)
| "false" => Except.ok (s', Json.bool false)
| "true" => Except.ok (s', Json.bool true)
| _ => Except.error s!"Unknown word at {s.startPos}: {letters}"
else if c.toString.get? 0 == some '[' then
let rec loop (s : Substring) (as : List Json) : Except Error (Substring × List Json) :=
let s1 := s.dropWhile Char.isWhitespace
let (c, s') := (s1.take 1, s1.drop 1)
match c.toString with
| "," =>
have : s'.bsize < s.bsize := sorry
match Json.parse s' with
| .error e => Except.error e
| .ok res =>
let (s'', a) := res
have : s''.bsize < s.bsize := sorry
loop s'' (a :: as)
| "]" => Except.ok (s', as)
| _ => Except.error s!"Expected ',' or ']', found: {c}"
-- consume '['
have : s'.bsize < s.bsize := sorry
let s'' := s'.dropWhile Char.isWhitespace
let (c, s'') := (s''.take 1, s''.drop 1)
if c.toString == "]"
then Except.ok (s'', Json.array [])
else match Json.parse s' with
| .error e => Except.error e
| .ok (s'', a) =>
have : s''.bsize < s.bsize := sorry
match loop s'' [a] with
| .error e => Except.error e
| .ok (s', as) => Except.ok (s', Json.array as.reverse)
Except.error s!"Unknown char at {s.startPos}: {c}"
termination_by _ => s.bsize
#eval Json.parse "null"
#eval Json.parse "[ false ]"
#eval Json.parse "[false , 1,2, [3]]"
#eval ("привіт".toSubstring)
#eval "12".drop 1
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