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Created October 6, 2013 09:42
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  • Save EarlGray/6851784 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EarlGray/6851784 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A very primitive motion detection system using `fswebcam` utility for capturing images from webcam on Linux Dependencies: fswebcam, ImageMagic, GHC.
import Data.Binary.Get as BG
import Data.Binary.Put as BP
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import Data.Char
import Data.Bits (xor, shiftL)
import Data.Maybe
import System.IO
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import System.Environment (getArgs)
int :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
int = fromIntegral -- to keep code less cluttered
data BitmapFileHeader = BmpFileHeader {
bfhFileSize :: Word32,
bfhImageOffset :: Word32
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data BitmapInfoHeader = BmpInfoHeader {
bihSize :: Word32,
bihWidth, bihHeight :: Int32,
bihBitsPerPixel :: Word16,
bihCompression :: Word32,
bihImageSize :: Word32,
bihHorResolution, bihVertResolution :: Word32
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data BitmapData = BmpData {
bdBitsPerPixel :: Word16,
bdData :: B.ByteString
} deriving (Show)
- Reading simple BMP files
binGetBFH :: Get BitmapFileHeader
binGetBFH = do
magic <- getByteString 2
when (magic /= BI.packChars "BM") $ error "BMP magic is invalid"
bfhFileSize <- getWord32le
skip 4
bfhImageOffset <- getWord32le
return $ BmpFileHeader bfhFileSize bfhImageOffset
binPutBFH :: BitmapFileHeader -> BP.Put
binPutBFH bfh = do
putByteString $ BI.packChars "BM"
putWord32le $ bfhFileSize bfh
putWord32le 0
putWord32le $ bfhImageOffset bfh
binGetBIH :: Get BitmapInfoHeader
binGetBIH = do
bihWidth <- int <$> getWord32le
bihHeight <- int <$> getWord32le
nColorPlanes <- getWord16le
when (nColorPlanes /= 1) $ error "Number of color planes must be 1"
bitsPerPixel <- getWord16le
compression <- getWord32le
imageSize <- getWord32le
horizResolution <- getWord32le
vertResolution <- getWord32le
skip 8
return $ BmpInfoHeader 40 bihWidth bihHeight bitsPerPixel compression imageSize horizResolution vertResolution
binPutBIH bih = do
mapM_ putWord32le [ bihSize bih, int $ bihWidth bih, int $ bihHeight bih ]
mapM_ putWord16le [ 1, bihBitsPerPixel bih ]
mapM_ putWord32le [ 0, bihImageSize bih, bihHorResolution bih, bihVertResolution bih ]
putWord64le 0
bmpReadBMFileHeader :: Handle -> IO BitmapFileHeader
bmpReadBMFileHeader h = do
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek 0
bfhBytes <- BL.hGet h 14
return $ BG.runGet binGetBFH bfhBytes
bmpReadBMInfoHeader :: Handle -> IO BitmapInfoHeader
bmpReadBMInfoHeader h = do
bihSize <- (int . BG.runGet getWord32le) `fmap` BL.hGet h 4
--when (bihSize /= 40) $ do
-- error $ "Unknown format: not a BitmapInfoHeader, size of DIB is " ++ show bihSize
bihBytes <- BL.hGet h $ int (bihSize - 4)
let bih = runGet binGetBIH bihBytes
return bih { bihSize = bihSize }
bmpReadData :: BitmapFileHeader -> BitmapInfoHeader -> Handle -> IO B.ByteString
bmpReadData bfh bih h = do
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek $ int (bfhImageOffset bfh)
B.hGet h (int (bihImageSize bih))
bmpWriteBMFileHeader :: BitmapFileHeader -> Handle -> IO ()
bmpWriteBMFileHeader bfh h = do
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek 0
BL.hPut h $ BP.runPut (binPutBFH bfh)
bmpWriteBMInfoHeader :: BitmapInfoHeader -> Handle -> IO ()
bmpWriteBMInfoHeader bih h =
BL.hPut h $ BP.runPut (binPutBIH bih)
writeBmpFile :: FilePath -> BitmapFileHeader -> BitmapInfoHeader -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
writeBmpFile fname bfh bih bitmap = withFile fname WriteMode $ \h -> do
bmpWriteBMFileHeader bfh h
bmpWriteBMInfoHeader bih h
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (int $ bfhImageOffset bfh)
B.hPut h bitmap
- Image processing
type RGBPixel = (Word8, Word8, Word8)
bytesToRGBs :: ByteString -> [RGBPixel]
bytesToRGBs bytes
| B.length bytes < 3 = []
| otherwise = (r, g, b) : bytesToRGBs rest
where (pix, rest) = B.splitAt 3 bytes
[r, g, b] = B.unpack pix
rgbToBytes :: [RGBPixel] -> ByteString
rgbToBytes ps = B.pack $ rgbToBytes' ps
rgbToBytes' [] = []
rgbToBytes' ((r,g,b):pixels) = r : g : b : rgbToBytes' pixels
processData :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
processData data1 data2 = rgbToBytes $ zipWith pixelfunc pxs1 pxs2
pxs1 = bytesToRGBs data1
pxs2 = bytesToRGBs data2
neutral_pixel = (0x80, 0x80, 0x80)
vectDiff :: RGBPixel -> RGBPixel -> (Int, Int, Int)
vectDiff (r1, g1, b1) (r2, g2, b2) = (int r1 - int r2, int g1 - int g2, int b1 - int b2)
sqrmod :: (Int, Int, Int) -> Int
sqrmod (r, g, b) = r * r + g * g + b * b
pixelfunc :: RGBPixel -> RGBPixel -> RGBPixel
pixelfunc (r1,g1,b1) (r2,g2,b2) =
if sqrmod (vectDiff neutral_pixel pix) > 0
then pix
else neutral_pixel
where pix = (normDiff r1 r2, normDiff g1 g2, normDiff b1 b2)
{-| scale difference into [0..255] |-}
normDiff :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8
normDiff b1 b2 = b1 `div` 2 + 0x80 - b2 `div` 2
difffunc b1 b2 =
if xored < threshold then Nothing else Just xored
where xored = b1 `xor` b2
threshold = 0x40 --(max b1 b2 `shiftL` 2)
main = do
args <- getArgs
when (length args < 2) $ error "Usage: <program> <file>.bmp"
let fname1 = args !! 0
let fname2 = args !! 1
withFile fname1 ReadMode $ \h1 ->
withFile fname2 ReadMode $ \h2 -> do
bfh1 <- bmpReadBMFileHeader h1
bfh2 <- bmpReadBMFileHeader h2
when (bfh1 /= bfh2) $ error "Different file formats"
bih1 <- bmpReadBMInfoHeader h1
bih2 <- bmpReadBMInfoHeader h2
when (bih1 /= bih2) $ error "Different image formats"
data1 <- bmpReadData bfh1 bih1 h1
data2 <- bmpReadData bfh2 bih2 h2
let xored = processData data1 data2
writeBmpFile "diff.bmp" bfh1 bih1 xored
let diffcount = length $ catMaybes $ zipWith difffunc (BI.unpackBytes data1) (BI.unpackBytes data2)
putStrLn $ "Percent of pixels has changed: "
print $ diffcount * 100 `div` B.length data1
while true; do
fswebcam new.jpeg 2>/dev/null
convert new.jpeg new.bmp
CHANGED=`./bmpdiff old.bmp new.bmp | sed -n 2p`
TIMESTAMP=`date +%T`
if [ $CHANGED -ge 20 ] ; then
echo "[$TIMESTAMP]: interval $INTERVAL, changed ${CHANGED}%"
cp new.jpeg cam${TIMESTAMP}.jpeg
elif [ $CHANGED -ge 9 ] ; then
echo "[$TIMESTAMP]: interval $INTERVAL, changed ${CHANGED}%"
cp new.jpeg cam${TIMESTAMP}.jpeg
if [ $FROM_LAST_ALERT -ge 10 ] ; then
echo "[$TIMESTAMP]: interval $INTERVAL, last alert ${FROM_LAST_ALERT}"
cp new.jpeg cam${TIMESTAMP}.jpeg
rm new.jpeg
mv new.bmp old.bmp
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