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Last active June 12, 2018 16:12
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  • Save Earlz/87dd041d44f5f160ebedaa1427f9f2fa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Earlz/87dd041d44f5f160ebedaa1427f9f2fa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Using a Qtum prototype implementation including an x86 VM, I built this contract. It's messy cause there is not yet a standard library due to it requiring freestanding code. Compare to the Solidity implementation at
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned int size_t;
//#include <stdint.h>
// copy-paste some library functions until we get a basic libc working
void* memcpy(void* restrict dstptr, const void* restrict srcptr, size_t size) {
unsigned char* dst = (unsigned char*) dstptr;
const unsigned char* src = (const unsigned char*) srcptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
dst[i] = src[i];
return dstptr;
int memcmp(const void* aptr, const void* bptr, size_t size) {
const unsigned char* a = (const unsigned char*) aptr;
const unsigned char* b = (const unsigned char*) bptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (a[i] < b[i])
return -1;
else if (b[i] < a[i])
return 1;
return 0;
static void outd(uint16_t port, uint32_t val)
asm volatile ( "out %0, %1" : : "a"(val), "Nd"(port) );
/* There's an outb %al, $imm8 encoding, for compile-time constant port numbers that fit in 8b. (N constraint).
* Wider immediate constants would be truncated at assemble-time (e.g. "i" constraint).
* The outb %al, %dx encoding is the only option for all other cases.
* %1 expands to %dx because port is a uint16_t. %w1 could be used if we had the port number a wider C type */
static uint32_t ind(uint16_t port)
uint32_t ret;
asm volatile ( "in %1, %0"
: "=a"(ret)
: "Nd"(port) );
return ret;
struct ABI_MakeLog{
uint16_t dataSize;
uint32_t dataAddress;
uint16_t topicCount;
uint32_t topicsAddress;
struct ABI_Exit{
uint32_t resultAddress;
uint16_t resultSize;
struct ABI_TransferValueSilent{
uint64_t value;
uint8_t address[32]; //normal addresses are only 20 bytes, but we use 32 bytes for future use
struct ABI_TransferValue{
uint64_t value;
uint8_t address[32];
uint16_t dataSize;
uint32_t dataAddress;
struct ABI_GetGasInfo{
uint32_t gasLimit;
uint32_t blockGasLimit;
uint64_t gasPrice;
struct ABI_AllocateMemory{
uint32_t desiredAddress; //can not be less than 0x100000
uint32_t size;
struct ABI_PersistMemory{
uint32_t address; //this will become storageAddress for restoring
uint32_t size;
uint32_t storageAddress;
struct ABI_RestoreMemory{
uint32_t desiredAddress;
uint32_t size; //should be a multiple of 32
uint32_t storageAddress;
struct ABI_GetMsgInfo{
uint8_t sender[32];
struct ABI_Selfdestruct{
uint8_t transferTo[32];
//out ports
#define ABI_EXIT 255
#define ABI_MAKE_LOG 1
//in ports
#define ABI_IN_ISCREATE 0xF0
//size of initial executable area
#define INITIAL_AREA 0x100000
//first is a 16bit size, then data follows
volatile uint8_t* abi_area = (void*)0xF0000;
uint8_t owner[32];
void exitResult(volatile void* result, size_t size){
volatile struct ABI_Exit abi;
abi.resultAddress = (uint32_t)result;
abi.resultSize = size;
outd(ABI_EXIT, (uint32_t) &abi);
//never returns
void exit(){
outd(ABI_EXIT, 0);
//never returns
extern char __binary_end;
void persistInitialArea(){
//this works by magical linking script, __binary_end will be the end of .text, .data, and .bss sections
outd(ABI_PERSIST_INITIAL_MEMORY, (uint32_t)&__binary_end);
int isCreation(){
return ind(ABI_IN_ISCREATE);
void getSender(uint8_t* output){
// struct ABI_GetMsgInfo abi; //right now there is only sender, so send it straight to output
outd(ABI_GETMSGINFO, (uint32_t)&output);
void allocateMemory(volatile void* where, int size){
volatile struct ABI_AllocateMemory abi;
abi.desiredAddress=(uint32_t) where;
outd(ABI_ALLOCATE_MEMORY, (uint32_t) &abi);
void persistRestoreMemory(volatile void* where, int size, volatile void* storageAddress, int restore){
volatile struct ABI_PersistMemory abi;
abi.address=(uint32_t) where;
size+= 32 - (size % 32); //round up to next 32nd byte
uint16_t port = restore ? ABI_RESTORE_MEMORY : ABI_PERSIST_MEMORY;
outd(port, (uint32_t)&abi);
//we store greeting as first uint16_t is size, follows is string data
volatile uint16_t* greetingSize = (void*) (INITIAL_AREA + 0x1000);
volatile char* greeting = (void*) (INITIAL_AREA + 0x1002);
void kill(){
uint8_t buffer[32];
if(!memcmp(buffer, owner, 32)){
//keys are equal
struct ABI_Selfdestruct abi;
memcpy(abi.transferTo, owner, 32);
outd(ABI_SELFDESTRUCT, (uint32_t) &abi);
void greet(){
//we must explicitly restore memory that we need
allocateMemory(greetingSize, 0x10000);
persistRestoreMemory(greetingSize, 32, greetingSize, 1);
if(*greetingSize > 30){
persistRestoreMemory(greetingSize+32, *greetingSize-30, greetingSize+32, 1);
exitResult(greeting, *greetingSize);
void setGreeting(volatile void* begin){
//greeting should already be in size+data format, so just store directly
uint32_t size = *(uint16_t*)begin;
//no need to copy, just tell storage layer what address to store the data under
persistRestoreMemory(begin, size+2, greetingSize, 0);
//handles external calls
void handleAbi(){
uint8_t abi = abi_area[2];
case 0:
//get greeting
case 1:
//set greeting
outd(0xEE, *(uint32_t*)&abi_area[3]);
case 255:
void start() __attribute__((section(".text.start")));
void start(){
persistInitialArea(); //save owner into contract code
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