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Last active April 13, 2020 20:01
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Simple collection of classes to create DOM elements with javascript
class D {
// Initialize the constructor. An object is passed that specifies the DOM element to be created
props = {
el: "" /* Type of the DOM element */,
cl: [] /* Class list */,
id: "",
src: "" /* This is also considered as the href for css elements */,
href: "", /* Adds a ref for anchor elements or buttons [not to be confused with src] */
name: "" /* Adds a name to the element */,
style: "" /* Add single styles instead of classes */,
event: [] /* 2 digit attay. First is the event, second is the function */,
html: "",
data: "",
value: "",
min: "",
max: ""
) {
this.props = props;
this.el = el;
// Define the DOM Methods.
/* Creation methods
* Below, methods to create generic and specific DOM elements are defined.
* Each of these can be chained with add methods to place the elements at a specific position in the DOM.
* 01) build() creates a fully custom element with the specified config
* 02) buildCss() creates a style tag with the specified source. Optional parameters declare checksum and possible crossorigin settings
* 03) buildJs() creates a script tag with the specified source. Optional parameters declare checksum and possible crossorigin settings
* 04) buildImg() creates an image tag. Optional parameters delcares a basic responsiveness.
// build() creates an element and sets the el to the returned value
build() {
let element = document.createElement(this.props.el);
// Set the element's props to the ones that have been passed into the constructor
if ( {
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
if ( { =;
if (this.props.src) {
element.src = this.props.src;
if (this.props.href) {
element.href = this.props.href;
if ( { =;
if ( { =;
if (
typeof this.props.event === "array" &&
typeof this.props.event[1] === "function" &&
this.props.event.length === 2
) {
element.addEventListener(this.props.event[0], this.props.event[1]);
if (this.props.html) {
element.innerHTML = this.props.html;
if ( { =;
if (this.props.value) {
element.value = this.props.value;
if (this.props.min) {
element.min = this.props.min;
if (this.props.max) {
element.max = this.props.max;
// Set the class's element to the newly created one.
this.el = element;
return this;
/* Add methods
* Below, methods to add built elements to the DOM are declared.
* 01) addToNode() places the element below the DOM - element, e.g. div, section, ...
* 02) addToId() places the element below the DOM - element with the specified id
* 03) addToClass() places the element below the DOM - element/s with the specified class
* 04) addToHead() places the element in the end of the head - section
* 05) addToBody() places the element in the end of the body - section
// Place the created element below each of the specified node
addToNode(domNode) {
return this;
// Place the created element below the element with the specified
addToId(domId) {
return this;
// Place the created element below each element that has the defined class
addToClass(domClass) {
return this;
// Place the created element in the head - section
addToHead() {
return this;
// Place the created element in the body - sectiion
addToBody() {
return this;
// Class to add external files, like Javascript and CSS files
class DFile extends D {
// buildCss creates a css element and sets the el to the returned value
buildCss(checksum) {
let element = document.createElement("link");
element.rel = "stylesheet";
element.type = "text/css";
element.href = this.props.src;
if (checksum) {
element.integrity = checksum;
element.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
this.el = element;
return this;
// buildJs creates a javascript element and sets the el to the returned value
buildJs(checksum) {
let element = document.createElement("script");
element.type = "text/javascript";
element.src = this.props.src;
if (checksum) {
element.integrity = checksum;
element.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
this.el = element;
return this;
// Class to add frames, like iframe and images.
class DFrame extends D {
// buildImg creates a img - element and sets the source to the one specified in the config object
buildImg(responsive) {
let element = document.createElement("img");
element.src = this.props.src;
if (responsive) { = "width: 100%; height: auto;";
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