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Last active May 7, 2020 09:32
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Minimalistic Vue Inputs with Spectre.css classes
<div class="form-group mb-4">
<label class="text-bold">{{label}}</label>
<textarea @keyup="emitValue" v-model="text" class="form-input" :id="id" :placeholder="placeholder" :name="name" rows="2" />
<small style="float: right;" v-if="wordcount && textValue.words > 1">Count: {{textValue.words}} words</small>
* Input:
* => id: ID to be placed on the input element
* => placeholder: For the Text input element
* => label: Text that is used as a label for the Text input area
* => inputName: Text that's used for the input element's name
* => wordcount: Whether or whether not wordcount shall be shown below the text area
* Output:
* => textValue: Object with these props:
* | -> text: Text - content of the text area
* | -> len: Number of characters used in the text area
* | -> words: Number of words used in the text area
* Events:
* => @changeLongText: Fires when the Text - input changes
export default {
props: {
id: String,
placeholder: String,
label: String,
inputName: String,
wordcount: Boolean
data() {
return {
text: ""
computed: {
textValue() {
return {
text: this.text,
len: this.text.length,
words: this.text.split(" ").length
methods: {
emitValue() {
this.$emit("changeLongText", this.textValue);
<div class="form-group">
<label class="text-bold">{{label}}</label>
<div class="input-group">
<select v-model="select" @change="emitSelectionValue" class="form-sqelect">
<option disabled>Choose one ...</option>
<option v-for="item in items" :key="item" :value="item.value">{{item.text}}</option>
<select v-model="percent" @change="emitSelectionValue" class="form-sqelect">
<option disabled>I am this sure ...</option>
<option v-for="item in percentPool" :key="item" :value="item">{{item}}</option>
<span class="input-group-addon">% Percent</span>
* Input:
* => id: ID to be placed on the input element
* => placeholder: For the Text input element
* => label: Text that is used as a label for the Text input area
* => items: Array of objects with the following structure:
* | -> item.text: Text that is shown in the selection field
* | -> item.value: Value for the corresponding option
* Output:
* => selectionValue: Number that uses an expection - value calculated from the seleciton's value & the percentage
* Events:
* => @changeSelection: Fires when the Text - input or the percentage changes
export default {
props: {
id: String,
placeholder: String,
label: String,
items: Array,
data() {
return {
min: 25,
max: 100,
select: "",
percent: 25,
percentPool: [25, 50, 75, 100]
computed: {
selectionValue() {
return Math.ceil( * 100/this.percent);
methods: {
emitSelectionValue() {
this.$emit("changeSelection", this.selectionValue);
<!-- form radio control -->
<div class="form-group">
<label class="text-bold">{{label}}</label>
<div v-for="item in items" :key="item">
<label class="form-radio">
<input @change="emitRadioValue" v-model="radioValue" :name="inputName" type="radio" :value="item.value" />
<i class="form-icon"></i>
export default {
props: {
id: String,
label: String,
items: Array,
inputName: String
data() {
return {
radioValue: 1,
methods: {
emitRadioValue() {
this.$emit("changeRadio", this.radioValue);
<div class="form-group">
<label class="text-bold">{{label}}</label>
<select v-model="selectValue" @change="emitSelectionValue" class="form-select">
<option disabled>Choose one ...</option>
<option v-for="item in items" :key="item" :value="item.value">{{item.text}}</option>
export default {
props: {
id: String,
label: String,
items: Array
data() {
return {
selectValue: ""
methods: {
emitSelectionValue() {
this.$emit("changeSelection", this.selectValue);
<div class="form-group">
<label class="form-switch">
<input v-model="switcherValue" @change="emitValue()" type="checkbox" />
<i class="form-icon"></i>
{{label}} | {{switcherText}}
* Input:
* => label: Text is used as a label for the switcher
* Output:
* => switcherValue: Boolean
export default {
props: {
label: String
data() {
return {
switcherValue: false
methods: {
emitValue() {
this.$emit("changeSwitcher", this.switcherValue);
computed: {
switcherText() {
return this.switcherValue === true ? "Yes" : "No";
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