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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Dagger & Mortar Notes
Mortar & Flow
Dagger helps you modularize your app into a graph of decoupled components. It takes care of all the wiring and therefore makes it easy to extract dependencies and write single concern objects.
- (Coffee Code Example) //Finish going over this
-Builds upon javax.inject annotations(Dependency Injection)
-Dagger Does not support method injection
-Lazy Injection - Lazy<T> deferes instantiation until the first call to Lazy<T>'s get() mehtod. Eachinjection gets its own Lazy<T> unless it is a singleton. Use Lazy Injection for emergencies.
-Static Injection - USE SPARINGLY
-For these cases where @Inject is insufficient or awkward, use an @Provides-annotated method to satisfy a dependency. The method's return type defines which dependency it satisfies.
Mortar provides simple lifecycle callbacks to injected components. Allows for singleton presenters to be saved into a bundle to prevent process death..
Mortar Manages Dagger subgraphs and helps tie them to the activity lifecycle. Effectlively allows us to use the notion of scopes. After a view is finished, garbage collector will do its buisness.
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