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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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puts <<END
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puts "welcome to Arkham asylum Santa!!"
puts "what's your real name"
name = gets.chomp
puts "what weapon will you use?"
weapon = gets.chomp
puts "Ok #{name} what do you want to do Options: explore, fight , leave , surprise"
choice = gets.chomp
case choice
when "explore"
puts " good job #{name} you found new evidence of a plan to brake out "
puts " do you want to investegate the plan more "
puts "options: yes , no "
plan = gets.chomp
case plan
when "yes"
puts "But now heas vowed to get his revenge and has put a bounty on your head"
puts "do you want to confront the warden? yes or no"
bounty = gets.chomp
case bounty
when "no"
puts "unfortunatly you have been killed weeks later by Holiday's hitman...GAME OVER"
when "yes"
puts "Good job the warden found evidence in Holiday's cell and Holiday has now been put in solitaire..Level 1 complet"
puts " Level 2"
puts "The power has been shut down and now you are trapped in Arkham"
puts "what will you do next #{name} try to escape or hide"
black_out = gets.chomp
case black_out
when "escape"
puts "you look around and you notice the bars on the window are rusted and the door next to you can also be a possible way out"
puts "which way should you go. window or door"
escape = gets.chomp
case escape
when "window"
puts "you pry the rusted bars with your #{weapon} and crawl through the window"
puts "on the way out you get cut but as you crawl out onto the roof"
puts "you notice there is no way off till you remember that you have to emergency signal"
puts "do you want to use it?"
signal = gets.chomp
case signal
when "yes"
puts "great job #{name} your rescue slay is on its way you will live to see another day"
when "no"
puts "while trying to get off the roof your fat ass fell off and died GAME OVER"
when "door"
puts " you slowly push your way through the door"
puts " you are greeted by a deep sinister voice "
puts " Voice: Hello #{name} long time no see"
puts " the room fills with a red glow its your arch rivial Rudolph"
puts " Wesll #{name} never thought i would have a chance to get you back for what you did to me"
puts " he lunges at you with a knife what do you do, block or attack"
rednose = gets.chomp
case rednose
when "block"
puts "you take the knife to the arm but this gives you a chance to strike back, your #{weapon} lands in the center of his skull"
puts " he quickly falls to the groung due to his injures and as you walk away you notice there is an emergency exit off to the side"
puts " which has been left open you rush outside as you look around your slay rips around the corner and you hop in and take off "
puts " for the north pole where you will be treated for you wounds good job #{name} you live to fight another day"
when "attack"
puts "the knife catches you by surprise in the throat you bleed to death game over"
when "hide"
puts "A group of inmates finds you hidding in the bathroom and kill you. game over"
when "no"
puts"sucks for you #{name} you have been arested for with holding evadence and helping a him escape...GAME OVER"
when "fight"
puts "Bane is more than happy to accept the challenge"
puts "what is your move"
puts "options: attack , defend "
bain = gets.chomp
case bain
when "attack"
puts "you caught him by surprise and you beat him with your #{weapon} he hit the floor head first and dies of an aneurysm "
puts "you have now been arrested for use of excesive force...GAME OVER"
when "defend"
puts "you deflect his blow with your #{weapon} and this gives you time to get out before things get crazy"
puts "on the way out you run in to Scarecrow"
puts "he throws a canister at you and it begins to spew gas"
puts "what will you do? fight or escape"
crow = gets.chomp
case crow
when "fight"
puts "you were able to make contact with his face before the gases side affects could kick in "
puts "you stumble out a small opening you made you signal for the Santamobile"
puts " and although the gas may have left you with permanent damage you will live to fight another day..Level 1 complet"
when "escape"
puts "the gas has taken its toll on you, while stumbling you fell into an ambush"
puts "in the Haze what will you do? fight , negotiate"
ambush = gets.chomp
case ambush
when "fight"
puts "you fought hard but there is only so much you could do. You went down swinging"
when "negotiate"
puts "you killed while trying to talk your way out of it"
when "leave"
puts "really?!? don't be such a pussy"
puts "Are you sure?"
puts "options: yes , no"
dip = gets.chomp
case dip
when "yes"
puts "on the way out you were killed by an inmate"
when "no"
puts "sucks you still got killed for even thinking about quiting..END GAME"
when "surprise"
puts "Batman came out of nowhere and beat the literal shit out of you...GAME OVER"
puts "want to play animal crossing? yes or no "
animal = gets.chomp
case animal
when "no"
puts "its ok i didn't want to play with you anyway jackass"
when "yes"
puts "too bad animal crossing is for real men"
puts "stop trying to brake the game asshole"
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