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Last active August 4, 2020 05:01
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Map + Set lenses
module Main where
import Prelude
import Concur.Core (Widget)
import Concur.React (HTML)
import Concur.React.DOM (text, div', br', h3') as D
import Concur.React.Run (runWidgetInDom)
import Effect (Effect)
import Data.Lens (Lens', view, over, set)
import Data.Lens.At (at)
import Data.Map (Map, insert, empty)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, maybe)
import Data.Set (Set, insert, empty) as Set
tableMap :: Map Int String
tableMap =
insert 2 "prime"
$ insert 496 "perfect"
$ insert 1729 "cube" $ empty
_atPrime :: Lens' (Map Int String) (Maybe String)
_atPrime = at 2
tableSet :: Set.Set Int
tableSet = Set.insert 12 $ Set.insert 32 $ Set.insert 75 Set.empty
_atComposite :: Lens' (Set.Set Int) (Maybe Unit)
_atComposite = at 75
exerciseWidget :: forall a. Widget HTML a
exerciseWidget =
D.div' $ (pure <<< (_ <>')) =<<
[ D.text $ show tableMap
, D.text $ show tableSet
, D.h3' [D.text "map basics"]
, D.text $ fromMaybe "no prime" $ view _atPrime tableMap
, D.text $ show $ set _atPrime (Just "even") tableMap
, D.text $ show $ over _atPrime (\x -> (<>) <$> x <*> Just " and even") tableMap
, D.h3' [D.text "set basics"]
, D.text $ maybe "no 75" (const "75 present") $ view _atComposite tableSet
, D.text $ show $ set (at 100) (Just unit) tableSet
, D.text $ show $ over (at 100) (const $ Just unit) tableSet
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
runWidgetInDom "main" exerciseWidget
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