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Created July 31, 2020 13:25
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Periodically v.0.1
module Main where
import Prelude
import Concur.Core.FRP (Signal, hold, dyn, display, loopS)
import Concur.Core.Types (Widget)
import Concur.React (HTML)
import Concur.React.DOM (div') as D
import Concur.React.Props as P
import Concur.React.Run (runWidgetInDom)
import Concur.React.SVG as S
import Data.Array (elem, filter, fromFoldable, length)
import Data.Int (round, toNumber)
import Data.Map (Map, empty, insert, values, lookup)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, maybe)
import Data.Time.Duration (Milliseconds(..))
import Data.Traversable (minimum)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\), type (/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, delay)
import Effect.Aff.Class (liftAff)
import Math (cos, sin)
import Prim.Row (class Cons, class Lacks)
import Prim.RowList (Cons, Nil)
import Record (delete, get)
import Record (insert) as Record
import Record.Extra (class Keys, class MapRecord, class SequenceRecord, class ZipRecord, keys, mapRecord, sequenceRecord, zipRecord)
import Type.Prelude (class IsSymbol, class RowToList, RLProxy(RLProxy), SProxy(SProxy), reflectSymbol)
-- | Geometric SVG Setup
type Color = String
type Coord = Int /\ Int
type Line = { ptA :: Coord
, ptB :: Coord
, color :: Color
black = "#000000" :: Color
blue = "#0000FF" :: Color
red = "#FF0000" :: Color
green = "#00FF00" :: Color
nextColor :: Color -> Color
nextColor "#000000" = blue
nextColor "#0000FF" = red
nextColor "#FF0000" = green
nextColor _ = black
line :: forall a. Line -> Widget HTML a
line {ptA: x1/\y1, ptB: x2/\y2, color} =
S.line [ P.unsafeMkProp "x1" x1
, P.unsafeMkProp "y1" y1
, P.unsafeMkProp "x2" x2
, P.unsafeMkProp "y2" y2
, P.stroke color
type Angle = Number
rot :: Coord -> Angle -> Coord -> Coord
rot (cx/\cy) a (x/\y) =
let ncx/\ncy = toNumber cx /\ toNumber cy
nx/\ny = toNumber x /\ toNumber y
in (round $ ncx + (nx-ncx) * cos a - (ny-ncy) * sin a)
/\ (round $ ncy + (nx-ncx) * sin a + (ny-ncy) * cos a)
lines :: forall a. Color -> Int -> Coord -> Angle -> Array (Widget HTML a)
lines color t0 pt1 a1 =
let pt2 = (50)/\(150)
pt3 = (100)/\(150)
pt4 = (50)/\(200)
r = rot pt1 a1
t (x/\y) = (x+t0)/\y
ptA = t $r pt2
ptB = t $r pt3
ptC = t $ r pt4
in [ line { ptA
, ptB
, color
, line { ptA
, ptB: ptC
, color
, line { ptA: ptC
, ptB
, color
-- | End of Geometric SVG Setup
-- | Library
class ToMap row list a | list → row
toMapImpl ∷ RLProxy list → Record row → Map String a
instance toMapNil ∷ ToMap () Nil a where
toMapImpl _ _ = empty
instance toMapCons ∷
( RowToList row list
, IsSymbol l
, Lacks l row'
, Cons l a row' row
, RowToList row' list'
, ToMap row' list' a
⇒ ToMap row (Cons l a list') a where
toMapImpl _ record =
insert key value (toMapImpl (RLProxy ∷ RLProxy list') record')
keyS = SProxy ∷ SProxy l
key = reflectSymbol keyS
value = get keyS record
record' :: Record row'
record' = delete keyS record
toMap ∷ ∀ row list a
. RowToList row list
⇒ ToMap row list a
⇒ Record row
→ Map String a
toMap = toMapImpl (RLProxy :: RLProxy list)
minPos :: forall p ps
. RowToList p ps
=> ToMap p ps Number
=> Record p -> Number
minPos onset =
fromMaybe 0.0 $ minimum $ filter (not <<< (_ == 0.0))
$ fromFoldable $ values $ toMap onset
modulo :: Number -> Number -> Number
modulo x m | x < 0.0 = modulo (x + m) m
| x >= m = modulo (x - m) m
| otherwise = x
allNaught :: forall rec rs seq ss ms
. RowToList ms ss
=> SequenceRecord ss ms () seq Maybe
=> RowToList rec rs
=> MapRecord rs rec Number (Maybe Boolean) () ms
=> Record rec -> Boolean
allNaught rec =
let m = sequenceRecord
$ mapRecord (\v ->
if v == 0.0
then Just true
else Nothing) rec
in maybe false (const true) m
filterNaught :: forall ms from
. RowToList from ms
=> Keys ms
=> ToMap from ms Number
=> Record from -> Array String /\ Int
filterNaught rec =
let m = toMap rec
ks = fromFoldable $ keys rec
fs = filter (\k -> maybe false (_ == 0.0) $ lookup k m) ks
in fs /\ length fs
trim :: forall ms ss seq rec zs z rs
. RowToList ms ss
=> SequenceRecord ss ms () seq Maybe
=> MapRecord rs rec Number (Maybe Boolean) () ms
=> ToMap rec rs Number
=> RowToList rec rs
=> RowToList z zs
=> MapRecord zs z (Number /\ Number) Number () rec
=> ZipRecord rs rec rs rec () z
=> Record rec -> Record rec -> Record rec /\ Number
trim period onset =
if allNaught onset
then trim period period
let mp = minPos period
mo = minPos onset
m = min mp mo
mapRecord (\(o/\p) -> modulo (o - m) p) (zipRecord onset period)
/\ m
class RecordApplyWithLabels fs rf xs rx ry | -> ry where
recordApplyImpl :: Number -> Array String -> RLProxy fs -> Record rf
-> RLProxy xs -> Record rx -> Record ry
instance applyNil
:: RecordApplyWithLabels Nil rf Nil ry ry where
recordApplyImpl _ _ _ _ _ rec = rec
instance applyCons ::
( IsSymbol k
, RecordApplyWithLabels fst rft xst rxt ryt
, Cons k xtyp rxt rx
, Lacks k rxt
, Cons k (xtyp -> Number -> Aff xtyp) rft rf
, Lacks k rft
, Cons k (Aff xtyp) ryt ry
, Lacks k ryt
) => RecordApplyWithLabels (Cons k (xtyp -> Number -> Aff xtyp) fst) rf
(Cons k xtyp xst) rx ry where
recordApplyImpl n keys fs recf xs recx =
let key = SProxy :: SProxy k
nextf = delete key recf :: Record rft
nextx = delete key recx :: Record rxt
itr = recordApplyImpl n keys (RLProxy :: RLProxy fst) nextf
(RLProxy :: RLProxy xst) nextx :: Record ryt
in Record.insert key
(if (reflectSymbol key) `elem` keys
get key recf
(get key recx)
else (pure :: xtyp -> Aff xtyp) $ get key recx
itr :: Record ry
:: forall fs rf xs rx ry
. RecordApplyWithLabels fs rf xs rx ry
=> RowToList rf fs
=> RowToList rx xs
=> Number -> Array String -> Record rf -> Record rx -> Record ry
recordApplyWithLabels n keys recf recx =
recordApplyImpl n
(RLProxy :: RLProxy fs) recf
(RLProxy :: RLProxy xs) recx
:: forall r z zs p seq mss ms ps affss affs s ss f fs
. RowToList ms mss
=> SequenceRecord mss ms () seq Maybe
=> MapRecord ps p Number (Maybe Boolean) () ms
=> RowToList z zs
=> MapRecord zs z (Number /\ Number) Number () p
=> ZipRecord ps p ps p () z
=> RowToList p ps
=> Keys ps
=> ToMap p ps Number
=> RowToList affs affss
=> SequenceRecord affss affs () s Aff
=> RecordApplyWithLabels fs f ss s affs
=> RowToList f fs
=> RowToList s ss
=> Record f -> Record p -> { sample :: Record s, period :: Record p | r}
-> Signal HTML { sample :: Record s, period :: Record p | r}
periodically fs period model = do
let t /\ sn = trim period model.period
let zeroTags /\ n = filterNaught t
if n > 0
updated <- hold model.sample
$ liftAff
$ sequenceRecord $
(sn / toNumber n)
pure model { sample = updated
, period = t
else pure model { period = t }
-- | End of Library
-- | New solution
type PAff a = a -> Number -> Aff a
type Update = { t :: PAff Int, r :: PAff Angle, c :: PAff Color }
type Movement = { t :: Int , r :: Angle , c :: Color }
type Onset = { t :: Number , r :: Number, c :: Number }
type Model
= { sample :: Movement
, period :: Onset
tickerAff0 :: PAff Int
tickerAff0 t del = do
delay $ Milliseconds del
pure $
if t < 400
then t + 2
else 150
tickerAff1 :: PAff Angle
tickerAff1 r del = do
delay $ Milliseconds del
pure $ r - 0.1
tickerAff2 :: PAff Color
tickerAff2 c del = do
delay $ Milliseconds del
pure $ nextColor c
widget3 :: forall a. Widget HTML a
widget3 = dyn $ do
let init = { sample: { t: 0
, r: 0.0
, c: black
, period: { t: 10.0
, r: 20.0
, c: 30.0
loopS init \model -> do
m <- periodically { t: tickerAff0
, r: tickerAff1
, c: tickerAff2
{ t: 50.0
, r: 20.0
, c: 1000.0
} model
display $ D.div'
[S.svg [ P.width "500"
, P.height "500"
$ lines m.sample.c m.sample.t (100/\200) m.sample.r
pure m
main :: Effect Unit
main = runWidgetInDom "main" $
[ widget3
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