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Last active August 30, 2020 02:57
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module Main where
import Prelude
import Concur.Core (Widget)
import Concur.React (HTML)
import Concur.React.DOM as D
import Concur.React.Props as P
import Concur.React.Run (runWidgetInDom)
import Concur.React.SVG as S
import Data.Array ((..), uncons, (:), elem)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.String (length)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\), type (/\))
import Effect (Effect)
limit :: Int
limit = 30
dx = 50 :: Int
dy = 50 :: Int
text :: forall a. Int -> Int -> String -> Widget HTML a
text x y str =
let dx = case length str of
1 -> 5
3 -> -5
_ -> 0
in S.text [ P.unsafeMkProp "x" $ x + dx
, P.unsafeMkProp "y" y
, P.unsafeMkProp "fontSize" 30
, P.fill "#000000"
] [D.text str]
circle :: forall a. String -> Int /\ Int -> Widget HTML a
circle color (x/\y) = [ P.unsafeMkProp "cx" x
, P.unsafeMkProp "cy" y
, P.unsafeMkProp "r" 25
, P.stroke color
, P.strokeWidth 3
, P.fill "none"
] []
line :: forall a. Int /\ Int -> Widget HTML a
line (x/\y) =
S.line [ P.unsafeMkProp "x1" $ x - 10
, P.unsafeMkProp "y1" $ y - 10
, P.unsafeMkProp "x2" $ x + 10
, P.unsafeMkProp "y2" $ y + 10
, P.stroke "#FF0000"
, P.strokeWidth 3
] []
toGrid :: Int -> Int /\ Int
toGrid n =
let j = n `mod` 10
i = (n - j) / 10
in j/\i
grid :: forall a. Array (Widget HTML a)
grid =
(\n ->
let i/\j = toGrid n
in text (32 + i * dx) (60 + j * dy) (show $ 1 + 10 * j + i) )
<$> 0 .. (limit - 1)
type Model = { index :: Array Int
, parsed ::Array (Either Int Int)
head :: Array Int -> Int
head xs = case (uncons xs) of
Just { head, tail} -> head
_ -> 2
tail :: Array Int -> Array Int
tail xs = case (uncons xs) of
Just { head, tail} -> tail
_ -> []
value :: Either Int Int -> Int
value (Left x) = x
value (Right x) = x
nextIndex :: Model -> Int
nextIndex m =
let p = head m.index
vs = value <$> m.parsed
f n =
if n `elem` vs
then f (n+1)
else n
in f (p + 1)
modelInit :: Model
modelInit = { index: [2]
, parsed: [Right 2, Left 1]
display :: forall a. Model -> Array (Widget HTML a)
display model =
grid <>
(\e -> case e of
Left n ->
let x/\y = toGrid $ n - 1
in line ((50 + x * dx)/\ (50 + y * dy))
Right n ->
let x/\y = toGrid $ n - 1
in circle "#00FF00" ((48 + x * dx)/\(50 + y * dy))
) <$> model.parsed
) <>
let x/\y = toGrid $ head model.index - 1
in if nextIndex model <= limit
then [circle "#FF0000" ((48 + x * dx)/\(50 + y * dy))]
else []
modelWidget :: Model -> Widget HTML Model
modelWidget model = do
newModel <-
[ D.button
[ (\m ->
let p = head m.index
n = head $ value <$> m.parsed
i = nextIndex m
in case unit of
unit | n `mod` p == 0 && n + p <= limit ->
m { parsed = Left (n+p) : m.parsed}
| n `mod` p == 0 && i <= limit ->
m { index = i : m.index
, parsed = Right i : m.parsed}
| otherwise -> m
) model <$ P.onClick
, P.disabled $ nextIndex model > limit
[ D.text $ if nextIndex model <= limit
then "poursuivre"
else "terminé"]
, S.svg
[ P.width "600"
, P.height "500"
, P.viewBox "6 6 606 506"
] $ display model
modelWidget newModel
main :: Effect Unit
main = runWidgetInDom "main"
$ modelWidget modelInit
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