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Last active June 27, 2024 09:05
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prime factorization
module Main where
import Prelude
import Concur.Core (Widget)
import Concur.Core.FRP (debounce, display, dyn)
import Concur.React (HTML)
import Concur.React.DOM as D
import Concur.React.Props as P
import Concur.React.Run (runWidgetInDom)
import Concur.React.SVG as S
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Int (fromString)
import Data.List.Lazy (List, nil, iterate, filter, (:), concat, foldl)
import Data.List.Lazy (head, tail, toUnfoldable) as Lazy
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybe)
import Data.String (length)
import Data.Tuple (fst, snd)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\), type (/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Exception (throw)
import Web.DOM.Element (setId)
import Web.HTML (window)
import Web.HTML.HTMLDocument as HTMLDocument
import Web.HTML.HTMLElement as HTMLElement
import Web.HTML.Window (document)
widget :: String -> Widget HTML Unit
widget str = dyn $ do
display $ D.text "Décomposition en produit de facteurs premiers de "
inp <- debounce 50.0 str $ \s ->
D.input [ P.value s
, P.unsafeTargetValue <$> P.onChange
, P.size 8
display $ D.div'
[ P.width "600"
, P.height "500"
, P.viewBox "200 100 800 500"
] $ pretty $ factor (
let n = fromMaybe 1 $ fromString inp
in if n < 1 || n > 2147483646
then 1
else n)
divides :: Int -> Int -> Boolean
divides a b = b `mod` a == 0
intsFrom :: Int -> List Int
intsFrom i = iterate (_ + 1) i
primes :: List Int
primes =
let isPrime n =
let isPrimeWith i =
if (i*i) > n
then true
else (not $ divides i n) && (isPrimeWith $ i+1)
in isPrimeWith 2
in filter isPrime (intsFrom 2)
head :: List Int -> Int
head xs = fromMaybe (-1) (Lazy.head xs)
tail :: forall a. List a -> List a
tail xs = fromMaybe nil (Lazy.tail xs)
prime :: Int -> Boolean /\ Int
prime n =
let ldpf ps =
let p = head ps
in if divides p n
then p/\p
else if n<(p*p)
then n/\n
else ldpf (tail ps)
in if n==1 then false/\1
else let ldpn = ldpf primes
in ((fst ldpn)==n)/\(snd ldpn)
factor :: Int -> List (Int /\ Int)
factor m =
let factorImpl acc n current cpt =
if n==1
then acc
let bool = prime n
nogarbage =
if current == 0
then acc
else (current/\cpt):acc
m' = snd bool
in if fst bool
if m' == current
then (m' /\ (cpt+1)):acc
else (m' /\ 1):nogarbage
if m' == current
then factorImpl acc (n/m') current (cpt+1)
else factorImpl nogarbage (n/m') m' 1
in factorImpl nil m 0 0
text :: forall a. Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> Widget HTML a
text x y size str =
S.text [ P.unsafeMkProp "x" $ x
, P.unsafeMkProp "y" y
, P.unsafeMkProp "fontSize" size
, P.fill "#000000"
] [D.text str]
stdSize = 40 :: Int
stdWidth = 25 :: Int
exponentSize = 25 :: Int
exponentWidth = 14 :: Int
yStd = 100 :: Int
yExponent = 70 :: Int
pretty :: forall a. List (Int /\ Int) -> Array (Widget HTML a)
pretty xs =
let ys = Lazy.toUnfoldable $ tail $ concat $ (\x -> (0/\0):x:nil) <$> xs
toText (n/\p) =
case p of
0 -> [ { x: 2, y: yStd, size: stdSize, str: "✕", width: stdWidth} ]
1 -> [ { x: length (show n), y: yStd, size: stdSize, str: show n, width: stdWidth } ]
_ -> [ { x: length (show p), y: yExponent, size: exponentSize, str: show p, width: exponentWidth }
, { x: length (show n), y: yStd, size: stdSize, str: show n, width: stdWidth }
in fst $ foldl (\ (acc/\off){x,y,size,str,width} ->
(text (off-x*width) y size str Array.: acc)/\(off-x*width)
) ([]/\800) $ (Array.concat $ toText <$> ys)
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
doc <- document =<< window
body <- maybe (throw "body not found") pure =<< HTMLDocument.body doc
setId "main" $ HTMLElement.toElement body
runWidgetInDom "main" $ widget ""
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