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Last active June 1, 2020 11:25
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suffixed symbols
module Main where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import TryPureScript (h1, text, render)
import Data.Symbol (class IsSymbol, SProxy (..))
import Prim.Symbol (class Append)
import Prim.Row (class Cons, class Lacks)
import Prim.RowList (kind RowList, class RowToList, Nil, Cons) as RL
import Record (insert, get, delete)
__ :: forall sym. SProxy sym
__ = SProxy
data RLProxy (rowlist :: RL.RowList) = RLProxy
class Suffixable ns suf row alt | -> alt where
addSuffixes' :: RLProxy ns -> SProxy suf -> Record row -> Record alt
instance sufNil :: Suffixable RL.Nil suf row row where
addSuffixes' _ _ rec = rec
-- | rec :: { cur :: typ, next1 :: typ1, next2 :: typ2 ...}
-- | row :: ( cur :: typ, next1 :: typ1, next2 :: typ2 ...)
-- |
-- | nxt :: { next1 :: typ1, next2 :: typ2 ...}
-- | now :: ( next1 :: typ1, next2 :: typ2 ...)
-- | ns :: [ next1 :: typ1, next2 :: typ2 ...]
-- |
-- | itr :: { next1suf :: typ1, next2suf :: typ2 ...}
-- | iow :: ( next1suf :: typ1, next2suf :: typ2 ...)
-- |
-- | alt :: (cursuf :: typ, next1suf :: typ1, next2suf :: typ2 ...)
instance sufCons ::
( Append cur suf cursuf
, IsSymbol cur
, IsSymbol cursuf
, Cons cursuf typ iow alt
, Lacks cursuf iow
, Suffixable ns suf now iow
, Cons cur typ now row
, Lacks cur now
=> Suffixable (RL.Cons cur typ ns) suf row alt where
addSuffixes' _ psuf rec =
let nxt = delete (__ :: _ cur) rec :: Record now
itr = addSuffixes' (RLProxy :: RLProxy ns) psuf nxt :: Record iow
in insert (__ :: _ cursuf) (get (__ :: _ cur) rec) itr :: Record alt
:: forall xs suf row alt
. Suffixable xs suf row alt
=> RL.RowToList row xs
=> SProxy suf -> Record row -> Record alt
addSuffixes psuf rec =
addSuffixes' (RLProxy :: RLProxy xs) psuf rec
main :: Effect Unit
main =
let r0 = { a: "z", b: 4, ab : true }
in render $ fold
[ h1 (text $ show r0)
, h1 (text $ show $ addSuffixes (__ :: _ "c") r0)
, h1 (text $ show $ addSuffixes (__ :: _ "de") $ addSuffixes (__ :: _ "c") r0)
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