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Last active October 13, 2015 21:39
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Simple Frame Postman
Simple Frame Postman
version 1.1.2
Author: Maciej "Nux" Jaros
License: CC-BY or MIT (at ones choosing)
Usage (simple setup):
// setup
var oPostman = new FramePostman({
strDestFrameId : 'iframe_id', // id of a frame (or iframe) element that will receive messages
strDestFrameDomain : "nux:8081", // domain of the frame e.g. '', ''...
strMsgSourceDomain : "localhost:8081" // domain of the sender (the window that is sending the message) formated as above
// sending data example
document.getElementById("send-button").onclick = function(e)
// receive data (in another frame)
document.getElementById("test").textContent = "parent said: " + strMsg;
More advanced setup (with RegExp match instead of strMsgSourceDomain):
var oPostman = new FramePostman({
strDestFrameId : 'iframe_id', // id of a frame (or iframe) element that will receive messages
strDestFrameDomain : "nux:8081", // domain of the frame e.g. '', ''...
// Domain of the sender regexp match (only for advanced users!).
// Note. Use "://" match at the begining of your regexp and $ at the end to avoid too broad matches.
reMsgSourceBaseUrls : /:\/\/(localhost(:[0-9]+)?|nux(:[0-9]+)?|nuxlap7(:[0-9]+)?)$/
function FramePostman(oParams)
this.strDestFrameId = oParams.strDestFrameId;
this.strDestFrameBaseUrl = "http://"+oParams.strDestFrameDomain;
if (typeof(oParams.strMsgSourceDomain)!='undefined')
this.strMsgSourceBaseUrl = "http://"+oParams.strMsgSourceDomain;
if (typeof(oParams.reMsgSourceBaseUrls)!='undefined')
this.reMsgSourceBaseUrls = oParams.reMsgSourceBaseUrls;
Send given message (strMsg) - should be run outside the frame
this.send = function(strMsg)
// debug
if (typeof(window.console)=="object" && typeof(window.console.log)=="function")
console.log ('send to:'+this.strDestFrameBaseUrl);
var winFrame = document.getElementById(this.strDestFrameId).contentWindow;
Inits reciever - should be run inside the frame
funMsgReceiver is a function that will be called upon receiving the message
this.initReceiver = function(funMsgReceiver)
var _this = this;
window.addEventListener("message", function(e)
// debug
if (typeof(window.console)=="object" && typeof(window.console.log)=="function")
console.log ('received from:'+e.origin);
if (typeof(_this.reMsgSourceBaseUrls)!='undefined')
if (<0)
else if (e.origin !== _this.strMsgSourceBaseUrl)
}, false);
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